This was a spamming attack.

The user was blocked and the corresponding tickets were deleted. (Cf.

The "problem" is, that anybody can create an Jira account and create
tickets. It's in the spirit of open source and the ASF to not lock down
Jira, to make it easy for people to report issues.

The drawback is, that stuff like this can happen. It's easy to write a
bot to spam the Jira board...

Because Jira is managed by the ASF infra-team, Kafka committers/PMC
cannot block users and thus it takes a little longer to react to an
issue like this, as we need to wait for the infra team to help out.


On 1/6/21 1:14 AM, M. Manna wrote:
> I had to register this as spam and block them. I couldn’t disable it from
>  I’m also curious to know how/why such surge occurred.
> Regards,
> On Wed, 6 Jan 2021 at 03:45, Luke Chen <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I received a lot of JIRA notification emails today, and they are all
>> titled: "Load Bug xxx" by Tim.
>> The bug content doesn't look like a real bug, they are like generated by
>> automation.
>> I'm wondering why that could happen?
>> Do we have any way to delete them all?
>> Thanks.
>> Luke

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