If the next release is going to be Kafka 3.0, as seems to be the case, it
would be a great time to decide whether and what we're doing with this API.
So I'd be grateful for any feedback people might have.

Many thanks,


On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 10:40 AM Tom Bentley <tbent...@redhat.com> wrote:

> I've previously discounted the possibility of an "Admin2" client, but
> seeing the recent discussions on the thread for KIP-706, I wonder whether
> this current proposal in KIP-707 would benefit from a bit more
> discussion... I think there are broadly two approaches to evolving the
> Admin client API to use CompletionStage directly (rather than what's
> currently proposed in KIP-707):
> The simpler option, from a development point of view, would be to
> introduce an alternative/parallel set of classes for each of the existing
> result classes. E.g. ListTopicsOutcome which was the same as
> ListTopicsResult, but using CompletionStage rather than KafkaFuture. Adding
> methods to the existing Admin interface would require coming up with
> synonym method names for every API call, and probably half of the API being
> deprecated (if not immediately then in the long run). It would be cleaner
> to have a whole new interface, let's call it Manager, using the same method
> names. The existing Admin client implementation would then wrap a Manager
> instance, and the existing Result classes could have a constructor
> parameter of their corresponding Outcome instance which wrapped the
> CompletionStages with KafkaFutures. The Options classes would be unchanged.
> From a users point of view migrating to the new Manager client would mostly
> be a matter of changing class names and adding a `.toCompletionStage()` to
> those places where they were calling KafkaFuture.get()/getNow() (and even
> this could be avoided if we used CompletableFuture rather than
> CompletionStage in the Outcome class APIs). In the long run Admin would be
> removed and we'd be left with the minor annoyance of having a client called
> Manager in a package called admin.
> The more involved version would do a similar refactoring, but within a
> different package. If we stuck with the Admin and Result class names the
> users experience of migrating their codebase would be limited to changing
> import statements and the same additions of `.toCompletionStage()`. On the
> implementation side it would force us to duplicate all the Options classes
> and also have a way of converting old Options instances to their new
> equivalents so that the old Admin implementation could delegate to the new
> one. The main benefit of this approach seems to be the slightly easier
> experience for people porting their code to the new client.
> In doing either of these much more significant refactorings there would
> also be the opportunity to omit the current Admin API's deprecated methods
> and classes from the new API.
> Do we think this is worth biting off in order to have more long term
> consistency between the Admin, Producer and consumer APIs?
> Kind regards,
> Tom
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 3:02 PM Tom Bentley <tbent...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Following a recent discussion on a PR[1], I've written KIP-707 to
>> establish what should be done to improve the API of KafkaFuture.
>> If you have the time, your comments would be most welcome, as some of the
>> rejected alternatives are not unreasonable.
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-707%3A+The+future+of+KafkaFuture
>> Many thanks,
>> Tom
>> [1]: https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/9878

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