Bumping it in hope for any feedback.

On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 3:49 PM Viktor Somogyi-Vass <viktorsomo...@gmail.com>

> Hi Everyone,
> It seems people don't have anything to add on the discussion, so I'd like
> to propose a vote now. In any case if you still have something to add,
> please feel free to write either on this thread or on the discussion.
> A summary of the KIP:
> I plan to add a simple interface called Auditor which has a method with
> two parameters. The first one is a request specific parameter and the
> second one is the request context. This can be used to implement any
> auditing logic that can connect to external systems. The interface is wired
> into KafkaApis and called right before sending the response back. I
> implemented for some of the most used APIs that have user side relevance
> (like acls, admin apis). A more complete list can be found in the KIP.
> Link to the KIP:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-567%3A+Kafka+Cluster+Audit
> The interface I plan to add:
> public interface Auditor extends Configurable, AutoCloseable {
>     void audit(AuditEvent event, AuthorizableRequestContext
> requestContext);
> }
> I'm happy to receive any feedback on this (preferably +1 votes :) ).
> Thanks,
> Viktor

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