Thanks for continuing to work on this KIP, Chris.

On Fri, May 7, 2021 at 12:58 PM Chris Egerton <>

> b) An annotation is a really cool way to allow connector developers to
> signal eligibility for exactly-once to Connect (and possibly, through
> Connect, to users). Like you mention, connectors both with and without the
> annotation could still run on both pre- and post-upgrade workers with no
> worries about missing class errors. And it only requires a single-line
> change to each connector. My only concern is that with some connectors,
> exactly-once support might not be all-or-nothing and might be dependent on
> how the connector is configured. For a practical example, Confluent's JDBC
> source connector would likely be eligible for exactly-once when run in
> incrementing mode (where it tracks offsets based on the value of a
> monotonically-increasing table column), but not in bulk mode (where it
> doesn't provide offsets for its records at all). With that in mind, what do
> you think about a new "exactlyOnce()" method to the SourceConnector class
> that can return a new ExactlyOnce enum with options of "SUPPORTED",
> "UNSUPPORTED", and "UNKNOWN", with a default implementation that returns
> "UNKNOWN"? This can be invoked by Connect after start() has been called to
> give the connector a chance to choose its response based on its
> configuration.
> As far as what to do with this information goes--I think it'd go pretty
> nicely in the response from the GET /connectors/{connector} endpoint, which
> currently includes information about the connector's name, configuration,
> and task IDs. We could store the info in the config topic in the same
> record that contains the connector's configuration whenever a connector is
> (re)configured, which would guarantee that the information provided about
> eligibility for exactly-once matches the configuration it was derived from,
> and would present no compatibility issues (older workers would be able to
> read records written by new workers and vice-versa). Thoughts?

The worker has to do (or plan to do) something with the information about a
connector's support for EOS, whether that's via an annotation or a method.
Otherwise, what's the point of requiring the connector to expose this
information. But the problem I see with this whole concept is that there
will still be ambiguity. For example, if the method returns `UNKNWON` by
default, the connector could still be written in a way where EOS does work
with the connector. Yet what are users supposed to do when they see

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