Hello everyone.

As you may have noticed freenode has undergone a hostile takeover (see
and https://twitter.com/freenodestaff for context). Ontop of this the
apache kafka freenode IRC chatroom #apache-kafka hasn't really been
maintained (i.e. the topic has invalid links). Due to these factors I would
propose a suggestion for an alternative chat/chatroom style application
which should hopefully foster a larger community within Kafka, I would
suggest using Gitter/Matrix since this is one of the most popular used
chatrooms for newer open source projects (there are also alternatives such
as discord). My preference is for gitter since it has seamless integration
with github which means it has the lowest friction for usage, also iirc
admin/collaboration roles within github are also automatically translated
to gitter. Furthermore Gitter also has other advantages, such as automatic
archival of messages (you do not need to be online or use a cloud/server to
maintain messages if you are offline).

Let me know what are your thoughts.


Matthew de Detrich

*Aiven Deutschland GmbH*

Immanuelkirchstraße 26, 10405 Berlin

Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 209739 B

*m:* +491603708037

*w:* aiven.io *e:* matthew.dedetr...@aiven.io

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