Hello everyone,

We have an interesting feature request from a client regarding having the
property of automatic topic creation to be reflected in a MM2. Specifically
the current behaviour where if you have automatic topic creation set to
false for the original Kafla cluster, MM2 configuration ignores this which
means that if Kafka clients send messages to the MM2 then topics will still
be automatically created on target cluster. The core problem here for the
client is that our client wants to have complete control over how topics
get created (i.e. with terraform setup scripts) and with the current
behaviour this is not possible.

Of course this poses other problems if we did want to change the behaviour
as stated earlier, i.e. if you update the configuration for the original
Kafka cluster then you get into open questions about how to reflect this
configuration onto the mirror maket (this is why its called "mirror"). Is
making MM2 reflect that flag a feature that makes general or alternately is
there another variation that makes more sense (i.e. having a separate
specific property rather than reusing the current automatic topic creation

There is a currently existing issue on this at

@Ryanne @Mickael Since you guys are the main developers on MM/MM2 what are
your thoughts on this?


Matthew de Detrich

*Aiven Deutschland GmbH*

Immanuelkirchstraße 26, 10405 Berlin

Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 209739 B

Geschäftsführer: Oskari Saarenmaa & Hannu Valtonen

*m:* +491603708037

*w:* aiven.io *e:* matthew.dedetr...@aiven.io

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