
To ask slightly differently: would there be interest in a pull request for
implementing retries, in case RetriableException is thrown from the
Task::start() method?



Am Do., 5. Aug. 2021 um 22:27 Uhr schrieb Sergei Morozov <moro...@tut.by>:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to address an issue in Debezium (DBZ-3823
> <https://issues.redhat.com/browse/DBZ-3823>) where a source connector task
> cannot recover from a retriable exception.
> The root cause is that the task interacts with the source database during
> SourceTask#start but Kafka Connect doesn't handle retriable exceptions
> thrown at this stage as retriable. KIP-298
> <
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-298%3A+Error+Handling+in+Connect
> >
> that
> originally introduced handling of retriable exception doesn't describe
> handling task start exceptions, so it's unclear to me whether those aren't
> allowed by design or it was just out of the scope of the KIP.
> My current working solution
> <https://github.com/debezium/debezium/pull/2572> relies
> on the internal Debezium implementation of the task restart which
> introduces certain risks (the details are in the PR description).
> The question is: are retriable exceptions during start disallowed by
> design, and the task must not throw retriable exceptions during start, or
> it's just currently not supported by the Connect framework and I just need
> to implement proper error handling in the connector?
> Thanks!
> --
> Sergei Morozov

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