We use Kafka as Transport Layer to transport application logs.  How do we
monitor Producers at large scales about 6000 boxes x 4 topic per box so
roughly 24000 producers (spread across multiple data center.. we have
brokers per DC).  We do the monitoring based on logs.  I have tried
intercepting logs via Log4J custom implementation which only intercept WARN
and ERROR and FATAL events  org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton append method
which send its logs to brokers (This is working but after load testing it
is causing deadlock some times between ProducerSendThread and Producer).

I know there are JMX monitoring MBeans available which we can pull the
data, but I would like to monitor Exceptions eg Leader Not Found, Queue is
full, resend fail etc in Kafka Library.

How does LinkedIn monitor the Producers ?



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