   On item 1) you didn't say why you want to be able to change the queue

On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Bhavesh Mistry <>

> Hi Kafka Dev Teeam,
> I would like to request following features in Kafka Async Producers:
> 1) Ability to Inject the implementation of the Blocking  Queue  similar to
> serialize and partition class etc…
> I would like to inject following LIB for queue implementation.  Of course
> wrapper upon Queue interface..
> eg
> 2) Can we have configuration to send the data in Parallel to Brokers using
> Pool Executor Service …etc or ability to inject Default Handlers in here
> which will run on back ground threads
> eg:  Our event contains a timestamp so it is ok to have data out of order
> into partition due to parallel write to Brokers per partition...
> We are looking to dump the messages parallel not build up queue while it
> data is being send to brokers and the send thread will take time to
> complete entire batch if we have round robin on Partitions ( eg message
> count % number Of partitions).
> Please let me know if there is any alternative..
> Thanks,
> Bhavesh

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