Hi Patrick, thanks for the KIP!

I hope you, Guozhang, and Luke don't mind if I share some

1. I think you just meant to remove that private constructor
from the KIP, right?

2. I think WindowRangeQuery#withWindowRage(windowLower,
windowUpper) is the version that yields an iterator over
both keys and windows, so it's not totally redundant.

However, it does seem like WindowRangeQuery#withKey is
equivalent to WindowKeyQuery#withKey . I overlooked it
before, but we probably don't need both.

Stepping back, it seems like we could either just de-
duplicate that specific withKey query or we could even just
merge both use cases into the WindowRangeQuery. I've
personally never been convinced that the extra complexity of
having the WindowStoreIterator is worth the savings of not
duplicating the key on each record. Maybe it would be if we
separately deserialized the same key over and over again,
but that seems optimizable.

On the other hand, that's more work, and the focus for IQv2
right now is to just get some MVP of queries implemented to
cover basic use cases, so it might be worthwhile to keep it
simple (by just dropping `WindowRangeQuery#withKey`). I'm
happy with whatever call Patrick wants to make here, since
it's his work to do.

3. I got the impression that WindowRangeQuery was intended
for use with both Window and Session stores, but that might
be my assumption.

4. That's good feedback. I think those names were inspired
by the WindowStore methods that just say stuff like
`timeFrom` and `timeTo`. The SessionStore does a better job
of being unambiguous, since it says stuff like
`earliestSessionEndTime` and `latestSessionStartTime`.

And, actually, that brings up a point that I think we
overlooked before. While the method signatures of the
WindowStore and SessionStore methods look the same, the
meanings of their arguments are not the same. In particular,
the WindowStore ranges are always in reference to the window
start time, while the SessionStore ranges may be in
reference to the window start time or end time (or different
combinations of both).

I suspect that your instinct to cover both stores with the
same Query is correct, and we just need to be specific about
the kinds of ranges we're talking about. For example,
instead of withWindowRange, maybe we would have:

  Instant earliestWindowStartTime,
  Instant latestWindowStartTime

Then in the future, we could add stuff like:

  Instant earliestWindowStartTime,
  Instant latestWindowEndTime


5. I think Luke's question reveals how weirdly similar but
not the same these two queries are. It's not your fault,
this is inherited from the existing set of weirdly-similar-
but-not-the-same store methods. The thing that distinguishes
the WindowKeyQuery from the WindowRangeQuery is:
* WindowKeyQuery: all results share the same K key (cf point
2: I don't think we need `WindowRangeQuery#withKey(k)`).
Therefore, the iterator is just (windowStartTime, value)
* WindowRangeQuery: the results may have different keys, so
the iterator is (Windowed<K>, value) pairs, where
Windowed<K> is basically a (windowStartTime, K key) pair.

Therefore, we could support a WindowRangeQuery with a fixed
key, but it would just be another way to express the same
thing as the WindowKeyQuery with the same parameters.

As in point 2, I do think it might be worth converging all
use cases into the WindowRangeQuery, but we can also just
shoot for parity now and defer elegance for the future.

6. I'll just add one question of my own here: If we do keep
both query classes, then I think we would drop `withKey` and
`getKey` from the WindowRangeQuery. But if we do wind up
keeping the WindowRangeQuery class, I think we should
reconsider the name of the getter, since there are other
range queries that support a range of keys. Is there a
getter name we can use that would still work if we come back
later and add lower and upper key bounds?

Thanks again for the KIP!

On Mon, 2021-12-13 at 16:35 +0800, Luke Chen wrote:
> Hi Patrick,
> Thanks for the KIP!
> I have some comments, in addition to Guozhang's comments:
> 4. The parameter names `windowLower` and `windowUpper` are kind of
> ambiguous to me. Could we come up a better name for it, like
> `windowStartTime`, `windowEndTime`, or even we don't need the "window"
> name, just `startTime` and `endTime`?
> 5. Why can't we support window range query with a key within a time range?
> You might need to explain in the KIP.
> Thank you.
> Luke
> On Sat, Dec 11, 2021 at 7:54 AM Guozhang Wang <wangg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Patrick,
> > 
> > I made a pass on the KIP and have a few comments below:
> > 
> > 1. The `WindowRangeQuery` has a private constructor while the
> > `WindowKeyQuery` has not, is that intentional?
> > 
> > 2. The `WindowRangeQuery` seems not allowing to range over both window and
> > key, but only window with a fixed key, in that case it seems pretty much
> > the same as the other (ignoring the constructor), since we know we would
> > only have a single `key` value in the returned iterator, and hence it seems
> > returning in the form of `WindowStoreIterator<V>` is also fine as the key
> > is fixed and hence no need to maintain it in the returned iterator. I'm
> > wondering should we actually support ranging over keys as well in
> > `WindowRangeQuery`?
> > 
> > 3. The KIP title mentioned both session and window, but the APIs only
> > involves window stores; However the return type `WindowStoreIterator` is
> > only for window stores not session stores, so I feel we would still have
> > some differences for session window query interface?
> > 
> > 
> > Guozhang
> > 
> > On Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 1:32 PM Patrick Stuedi
> > <pstu...@confluent.io.invalid>
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi everyone,
> > > 
> > > I would like to start the vote for KIP-806 that adds window and session
> > > query support to query KV-stores using IQv2.
> > > 
> > > The KIP can be found here:
> > > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/LJaqCw
> > > 
> > > Skipping the discussion phase as this KIP is following the same pattern
> > as
> > > the previously submitted KIP-805 (KIP:
> > > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/85OqCw, Discussion:
> > > https://tinyurl.com/msp5mcb2). Of course concerns/comments can still be
> > > brought up in this thread.
> > > 
> > > -Patrick
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > -- Guozhang
> > 

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