Hello Daan,

Thanks for writing the KIP. I just read through it and just my 2c here: to
me it seems that one of the goal would be to "externalize" the internal
changelog topic of an application (say A) so that other consumers can
directly read them --- though technically without any auth, anyone knowing
the topic name would be able to write to it too, conceptually we would just
assume that app A is the only writer of that topic --- The question I had
is how much we want to externalize the topic. For example we can,
orthogonally to this KIP, just allow users to pass in a customized topic
name when constructing a state store, indicating the application A to use
that as the changelog, and since that topic is created outside of A and is
publicly visible to anyone else on that cluster, anyone --- including any
consumers, or streams apps. This is probably most flexible as for sharing,
but we are even less assured that if application A is the only writer to
that external topic unless we have explicit auth for A on that topic.

Aside of that, here are a few more detailed comments about the
implementation design itself following your current proposal:

1) How do we handle if the num.partitions of app A's store changelog is
different from the num.tasks of app B's sub-topology with that read-only
store? Or are we going to let each task of B keep a whole copy of the store
of A by reading all of its changelog partitions, like global stores?
2) Are we trying to synchronize the store updates from the changelog to app
B's processing timelines, or just like what we do for global stores that we
just update the read-only stores async?
3) If the answer to both of the above questions are the latter, then what's
the main difference of adding a read-only store v.s. adding a global store?


On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 6:27 AM Daan Gertis <dger...@korfinancial.com>

> Hey Matthias,
> Thank you for that feedback, certainly some things to think about. Let me
> add my thoughts:
> +1 on simplifying the motivation. Was aiming to add more context but I
> think you're right, bringing it back to the essence makes more sense.
> I also follow the reasoning of not having leader and follower. Makes sense
> to view it from a single app point of view.
> As for the API method and its parameters, I wanted to stay close to the
> API for adding a regular statestore, but I can perfectly find myself in
> defining an addReadOnlyStateStore() method instead.
> I agree the processor approach would be the most flexible one, and surely
> it allows you to use a processor to base the statestore off an existing
> topic. From what I understood from the codebase, there might be a problem
> when using that statestore. Any processor that would use that materialized,
> read-only statestore would need to wait for the store to be restored. I
> can't find a way to make that possible since processors can't wait for the
> statestore to be restored. Also, since the statestore would have logging
> disabled, it means there is no initial restoration going on. As you wrote,
> the DSL is already doing this, so I'm pretty sure I'm missing something,
> just unable to find what exactly.
> I will rewrite the parts in the KIP to make processor-based the preferred
> choice, along with the changes to the motivation etc. Only thing to figure
> out is that restoring behavior to be sure processors of the readonly
> statestore aren't working with stale data.
> D.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthias J. Sax <mj...@apache.org>
> Sent: 19 January 2022 21:31
> To: dev@kafka.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-813 Shared State Stores
> Daan,
> thanks for the KIP. I personally find the motivation section a little bit
> confusing. If I understand the KIP correctly, you want to read a topic into
> a state store (ie, materialize it). This is already possible today.
> Of course, today a "second" changelog topic would be created. It seems the
> KIP aims to avoid the additional changelog topic, and to allow to re-use
> the original input topic (this optimization is already available for the
> DSL, but not for the PAPI).
> If my observation is correct, we can simplify the motivation accordingly
> (the fact that you want to use this feature to share state across different
> applications more efficiently seems to be secondary and we could omit it
> IMHO to keep the motivation focused).
> As a result, we also don't need to concept of "leader" and "follower".
> In the end, Kafka Streams cannot reason/enforce any usage patterns across
> different apps, but we can only guarantee stuff within a single application
> (ie, don't create a changelog but reuse an input topic as changelog). It
> would simplify the KIP if we remove these parts.
> For the API, I am wondering why you propose to pass in `processorNames`?
> To me, it seems more reasonable to pass a `ProcessorSupplier` instead
> (similar to what we do for `addGlobalStore`)? The provided `Processor` must
> implement a certain pattern, ie, take each input record an apply it
> unmodified to the state store (ie, the Processor will be solely responsible
> to maintain the state store). We might also need to pass in other argument
> similar to `addGlobalStore` into this method). (More below.)
> If other processors need to read the state store, they can be connected to
> it explicitly via `connectProcessorAndStateStores()`? I guess a hybrid
> approach to keep `processorName` would also be possible, but IMHO all those
> should only _read_ the state store (but not modify it), to keep a clear
> conceptual separation.
> About the method name: wondering if we should use a different name to be
> more explicit what the method does? Maybe `addReadOnlyStateStore`?
> Btw: please omit any code snippets and only put the newly added method
> signature in the KIP.
> What I don't yet understand is the section "Allow state stores to
> continue listening for changes from their changelog". Can you elaborate?
> About:
> > Since a changelog topic is created with the application id in it’s name,
> it would allow us to check in the follower if the changelog topic starts
> with our application id. If it doesn’t, we are not allowed to send a log.
> The DSL implements this differently, and just disabled the changelog for
> the state store (ie, for the "follower"). We could do the same thing
> (either enforcing that the provided `StoreBuilder` has changelogging
> disabled, or by just ignoring it and disabled it hard coded).
> Ie, overall I would prefer the "source-procssor appraoch" that you put
> into rejected alternatives. Note that the problem you call out, namely
> > Problem with this approach is the lack of having restoring support
> within the state store
> does not apply. A restore it absolutely possible and the DSL already
> supports it.
> Or is your concern with regard to performance? The "source-processor
> approach" would have the disadvantage that input data is first
> deserialized, fed into the Processor, and than serialized again when put
> into the state store. Re-using the state restore code is a good idea
> from a performance point of view, but it might require quite some
> internal changes (your proposal to "not stop restoring" might not work
> as it could trigger quite some undesired side-effects given the current
> architecture of Kafka Streams).
> -Matthias
> On 1/16/22 11:52 PM, Daan Gertis wrote:
> > Hey everyone,
> >
> > Just created a KIP on sharing statestore state across multiple
> applications without duplicating the data on multiple changelog topics.
> Have a look and tell me what you think or what to improve. This is my first
> one, so please be gentle 😉
> >
> > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/q53kCw
> >
> > Cheers!
> > D.

-- Guozhang

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