Hi folks,

I agree with John that this KIP by itself could be a good improvement, and
I feel it aligns well with the eventual DSL 2.0 proposal so we do not need
to hold it until later.

Regarding the last point (i.e. whether we should do enforcement with a new
interface), here's my 2c: in the past we introduced public
`ValueTransfomer/etc` for two purposes, 1) to enforce the key is not
modifiable, 2) to indicate inside the library's topology builder itself
that since the key is not modified, the direct downstream does not need to
inject a repartition stage. I think we are more or less on the same page
that for purpose 1), doing runtime check could be sufficient; as for the
purpose of 2), as for this KIP itself I think it is similar to what we have
(i.e. just base on the function name "processValue" itself) and hence are
not sacrificed either. I do not know if
`KStream#processValue(ProcessorSupplier<K, V, Void, VOut>
processorSupplier)` will work, or work better, maybe Jorge could do some
digging and get back to us.

On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 8:24 AM John Roesler <vvcep...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hello all,
> While I sympathize with Matthias’s desire to wipe the slate clean and
> redesign the dsl with full knowledge of everything we’ve learned in the
> past few years, that would also be a pretty intense project on its own. It
> seems better to leave that project for someone who is motivated to take it
> on.
> Reading between the lines, it seems like Jorge’s motivation is more along
> the lines of removing a few specific pain points. I appreciate Matthias
> extending the offer, but if Jorge doesn’t want to redesign the dsl right
> now, we’re better off just accepting the work he’s willing to do.
> Specifically, this KIP is quite a nice improvement. Looking at the KStream
> interface, roughly half of it is devoted to various flavors of “transform”,
> which makes it really hard on users to figure out which they are supposed
> to use for what purpose. This kip let us drop all that complexity in favor
> of just two methods, thanks to the fact that we now have the ability for
> processors to specify their forwarding type.
> By the way, I really like Matthias’s suggestion to set the KOut generic
> bound to Void for processValues. Then, instead of doing an equality check
> on the key during forward, you’d just set the key back to the one saved
> before processing (with setRecordKey). This is both more efficient (because
> we don’t have the equality check) and more foolproof for users (because
> it’s enforced by the compiler instead of the runtime).
> Thanks, all!
> -John
> On Fri, Feb 18, 2022, at 00:43, Jorge Esteban Quilcate Otoya wrote:
> > On Fri, 18 Feb 2022 at 02:16, Matthias J. Sax <mj...@apache.org> wrote:
> >
> >> > It probably deserves its own thread to start discussing ideas.
> >>
> >> Yes. My question was: if we think it's time to do a DSL 2.0, should we
> >> drop this KIP and just fix via DSL 2.0 instead?
> >>
> >>
> > Good question. Would love to hear what others think about this.
> >
> > I've stated my position about this here:
> >
> >> For this KIP specifically, I think about it as a continuation from
> > KIP-478. Therefore, it could make sense to have it as part of the current
> > version of the DSL.
> >
> > I'd even add that if this KIP is adopted, I would not be that
> disappointed
> > if KIP-634 is dropped in favor of a DSL v2.0 as the access to headers
> > provided by KIP-478's via Record API is much better than previous
> > `.context().headers()`.
> >
> > But happy to reconsider if there is an agreement to focus efforts
> towards a
> > DSL 2.0.
> >
> >
> >> > You're right. I'm not proposing the method signature.
> >>
> >> What signature do you propose? I don't see an update on the KIP.
> >>
> >> My bad. I have clarified this in the KIP's public interfaces now:
> >
> > ```
> >
> > New methods:
> >
> >    - KStream<K,VOut> KStream#processValues(ProcessorSupplier<K, V, K,
> VOut>
> >    processorSupplier, String... stateStoreNames)
> >    - KStream<K,VOut> KStream#processValues(ProcessorSupplier<K, V, K,
> VOut>
> >    processorSupplier, Named named, String... stateStoreNames)
> >
> > Modified methods:
> >
> >    - KStream<KOut,VOut> KStream#process(ProcessorSupplier<K, V, KOut,
> VOut>
> >    processorSupplier, String... stateStoreNames)
> >    - KStream<KOut,VOut> KStream#process(ProcessorSupplier<K, V, KOut,
> VOut>
> >    processorSupplier, Named named, String... stateStoreNames)
> >
> > ```
> >
> >
> >>
> >> > Not sure if I understand how this would look like. Do you mean
> checking
> >> it
> >> > on the Record itself or somewhere else?
> >>
> >> @Guozhang: I am not worried about the runtime overhead. I am worries
> >> about user experience. It's not clear from the method signature, that
> >> you are not allowed to change the key, what seems to be bad API desig.
> >> Even if I understand the desire to keep the API surface ares small -- I
> >> would rather have a compile time enforcement than a runtime check.
> >>
> >> For example, we have `map()` and `mapValues()` and `mapValues()` returns
> >> a `Value V` (enforces that that key is not changes) instead of a
> >> `KeyValue<KIn,VOut>` and we use a runtime check to check that the key is
> >> not changed.
> >>
> >> Naively, could we enforce something similar by setting the output key
> >> type as `Void`.
> >>
> >>    KStream#processValue(ProcessorSupplier<K, V, Void, VOut>
> >> processorSupplier)
> >>
> >> Not sure if this would work or not?
> >>
> >> Or it might be worth to add a new interface, `ValueProcessorSupplier`
> >> that ensures that the key is not modified?
> >>
> >>
> > This is an important discussion, even more so with a DSL v2.0.
> >
> > At the moment, the DSL just flags whether partitioning is required based
> on
> > the DSL operation. As mentioned, `mapValues()` enforces only the value
> has
> > changed through the DSL, though the only _guarantee_ we have is that
> Kafka
> > Streams "owns" the implementation, and we can flag this properly.
> >
> > With a hypothetical v2.0 based on Record API, this will be harder to
> > enforce with the current APIs. e.g. with `mapValues(Record<K, V>
> record)`,
> > nothing would stop users from using
> `record.withKey("needs_partitioning")`.
> >
> > The approach defined on this KIP is similar to what we have at the moment
> > on `ValueTransformer*` where it validates at runtime that the users are
> not
> > calling `forward` with `ForwardingDisabledProcessorContext`.
> > `ValueProcessorSupplier` is not meant to be a public API. Only to be used
> > internally on `processValues` implementation.
> >
> > At first, `KStream#processValue(ProcessorSupplier<K, V, Void, VOut>
> > processorSupplier)` won't work as it will require the `Processor`
> > implementation to actually change the key. Will take a deeper look to
> > validate if this could solve this issue.
> >
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> -Matthias
> >>
> >>
> >> On 2/17/22 10:56 AM, Guozhang Wang wrote:
> >> > Regarding the last question Matthias had, I wonder if it's similar to
> my
> >> > first email's point 2) above? I think the rationale is that, since
> >> > reference checks are relatively very cheap, it is worthwhile to pay
> this
> >> > extra runtime checks and in return to have a single consolidated
> >> > ProcessorSupplier programming interface (i.e. we would eventually
> >> > deprecate ValueTransformerWithKeySupplier).
> >> >
> >> > On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 10:57 AM Jorge Esteban Quilcate Otoya <
> >> > quilcate.jo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> Thank you Matthias, this is great feedback.
> >> >>
> >> >> Adding my comments below.
> >> >>
> >> >> On Wed, 16 Feb 2022 at 00:42, Matthias J. Sax <mj...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >>> Thanks for the KIP.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> In alignment to my reply to KIP-634, I am wondering if we are
> heading
> >> >>> into the right direction, or if we should consider to re-design the
> >> >>> from scratch?
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >> I'm very excited about the idea of a DLS v2.0. It probably deserves
> its
> >> own
> >> >> thread to start discussing ideas.
> >> >>
> >> >> For this KIP specifically, I think about it as a continuation from
> >> KIP-478.
> >> >> Therefore, it could make sense to have it as part of the current
> >> version of
> >> >> the DSL.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Even if we don't do a DSL 2.0 right now, I have some concerns about
> >> this
> >> >>> KIP:
> >> >>>
> >> >>> (1) I am not sure if the propose changed is backward compatible? We
> >> >>> currently have:
> >> >>>
> >> >>>     void KStream#process(ProcessorSupplier, String...)
> >> >>>
> >> >>> The newly proposed method:
> >> >>>
> >> >>>     KStream KStream#process(ProcessorSupplier)
> >> >>>
> >> >>> seems to be an incompatible change?
> >> >>>
> >> >>> The KIP states:
> >> >>>
> >> >>>> Modified method KStream#process should be compatible with previous
> >> >>> version, that at the moment is fixed to a Void return type.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Why is it backward compatible? Having both old and new #process()
> seems
> >> >>> not to be compatible to me? Or are you proposing to _change_ the
> method
> >> >>> signature (if yes, the `String...` parameter to add a state store
> seems
> >> >>> to be missing)? For this case, it seems that existing programs
> would at
> >> >>> least need to be recompiled -- it would only be a source compatible
> >> >>> change, but not a binary compatible change?
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >> You're right. I'm not proposing the method signature.
> >> >> Totally agree about compatibility issue. I was only considering
> source
> >> >> compatibility and was ignorant that changing from void to a specific
> >> type
> >> >> would break binary compatibility.
> >> >> I will update the KIP to reflect this:
> >> >>
> >> >>> Modifications to method KStream#process are source compatible with
> >> >> previous version, though not binary compatible. Therefore will
> require
> >> >> users to recompile their applications with the latest version.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>> I am also wondering if/how this change related to KIP-401:
> >> >>>
> >> >>
> >>
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=97553756
> >> >>>
> >> >>>   From a high level it might not conflict, but I wanted to double
> >> check?
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >> Wasn't aware of this KIP, thanks for sharing! I don't think there is
> >> >> conflict between KIPs, as far as I understand.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>>
> >> >>> For `KStream#processValues()`, my main concern is the added runtime
> >> >>> check if the key was modified or not -- it seems to provide bad user
> >> >>> experience -- enforcing that the key is not modified on an API
> level,
> >> >>> would seem to be much better.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Last, what is the purpose of `setRecordKey()` and
> `clearRecordKey()`? I
> >> >>> am not sure if I understand their purpose?
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >> Both methods set/clear the context (current key) to be used when
> >> checking
> >> >> keys on forward(record) implementation.
> >> >>
> >> >>> enforcing that the key is not modified on an API level, would seem
> to
> >> be
> >> >> much better.
> >> >>
> >> >> Not sure if I understand how this would look like. Do you mean
> checking
> >> it
> >> >> on the Record itself or somewhere else?
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>> -Matthias
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >>> On 2/15/22 11:53 AM, John Roesler wrote:
> >> >>>> My apologies, this feedback was intended for KIP-634.
> >> >>>> -John
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> On Tue, Feb 15, 2022, at 13:15, John Roesler wrote:
> >> >>>>> Thanks for the update, Jorge,
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> I've just looked over the KIP again. Just one more small
> >> >>>>> concern:
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> 5) We can't just change the type of Record#headers() to a
> >> >>>>> new fully qualified type. That would be a source-
> >> >>>>> incompatible breaking change for users.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> Out options are:
> >> >>>>> * Deprecate the existing method and create a new one with
> >> >>>>> the new type
> >> >>>>> * If the existing Headers is "not great but ok", then maybe
> >> >>>>> we leave it alone.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> Thanks,
> >> >>>>> -John
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> On Mon, 2022-02-14 at 13:58 -0600, Paul Whalen wrote:
> >> >>>>>> No specific comments, but I just wanted to mention I like the
> >> >>> direction of
> >> >>>>>> the KIP.  My team is a big user of "transform" methods because of
> >> the
> >> >>>>>> ability to chain them, and I have always found the terminology
> >> >>> challenging
> >> >>>>>> to explain alongside "process".  It felt like one concept with
> two
> >> >>> names.
> >> >>>>>> So moving towards a single API that is powerful enough to handle
> >> both
> >> >>> use
> >> >>>>>> cases seems absolutely correct to me.
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>> Paul
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>> On Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 1:12 PM Jorge Esteban Quilcate Otoya <
> >> >>>>>> quilcate.jo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> Got it. Thanks John, this make sense.
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> I've updated the KIP to include the deprecation of:
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>      - KStream#transform
> >> >>>>>>>      - KStream#transformValues
> >> >>>>>>>      - KStream#flatTransform
> >> >>>>>>>      - KStream#flatTransformValues
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>> On Fri, 11 Feb 2022 at 15:16, John Roesler <vvcep...@apache.org
> >
> >> >>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>> Thanks, Jorge!
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>> I think it’ll be better to keep this KIP focused on KStream
> >> methods
> >> >>> only.
> >> >>>>>>>> I suspect that the KTable methods may be more complicated than
> >> just
> >> >>> that
> >> >>>>>>>> proposed replacement, but it’ll also be easier to consider that
> >> >>> question
> >> >>>>>>> in
> >> >>>>>>>> isolation.
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>> The nice thing about just deprecating the KStream methods and
> not
> >> >> the
> >> >>>>>>>> Transform* interfaces is that you can keep your proposal just
> >> >> scoped
> >> >>> to
> >> >>>>>>>> KStream and not have any consequences for the rest of the DSL.
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>> Thanks again,
> >> >>>>>>>> John
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 11, 2022, at 06:43, Jorge Esteban Quilcate Otoya
> >> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>> Thanks, John.
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> 4) I agree that we shouldn't deprecate the Transformer*
> >> >>>>>>>>> classes, but do you think we should deprecate the
> >> >>>>>>>>> KStream#transform* methods? I'm curious if there's any
> >> >>>>>>>>> remaining reason to have those methods, or if your KIP
> >> >>>>>>>>> completely obviates them.
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> Good catch.
> >> >>>>>>>>> I considered that deprecating `Transformer*` and `transform*`
> >> >> would
> >> >>> go
> >> >>>>>>>> hand
> >> >>>>>>>>> in hand — maybe it happened similarly with old `Processor` and
> >> >>>>>>> `process`?
> >> >>>>>>>>> Though deprecating only `transform*` operations could be a
> better
> >> >>>>>>> signal
> >> >>>>>>>>> for users than non deprecating anything at all and pave the
> way
> >> to
> >> >>> it's
> >> >>>>>>>>> deprecation.
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> Should this deprecation also consider including
> >> >>>>>>> `KTable#transformValues`?
> >> >>>>>>>>> The approach proposed on the KIP:
> >> >>>>>>>>> `ktable.toStream().processValues().toTable()` seems fair to
> me,
> >> >>> though
> >> >>>>>>> I
> >> >>>>>>>>> will have to test it further.
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> I'm happy to update the KIP if there's some consensus around
> >> this.
> >> >>>>>>>>> Will add the deprecation notes these days and wait for any
> >> >>> additional
> >> >>>>>>>>> feedback on this topic before wrapping up the KIP.
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>> On Fri, 11 Feb 2022 at 04:03, John Roesler <
> vvcep...@apache.org>
> >> >>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the update, Jorge!
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> I just read over the KIP again, and I'm in support. One more
> >> >>>>>>>>>> question came up for me, though:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> 4) I agree that we shouldn't deprecate the Transformer*
> >> >>>>>>>>>> classes, but do you think we should deprecate the
> >> >>>>>>>>>> KStream#transform* methods? I'm curious if there's any
> >> >>>>>>>>>> remaining reason to have those methods, or if your KIP
> >> >>>>>>>>>> completely obviates them.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
> >> >>>>>>>>>> -John
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 2022-02-10 at 21:32 +0000, Jorge Esteban Quilcate
> >> >>>>>>>>>> Otoya wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you both for your feedback!
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> I have added the following note on punctuation:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> ```
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> NOTE: The key validation can be defined when processing the
> >> >>> message.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Though, with punctuations it won't be possible to define the
> >> key
> >> >>> for
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> validation before forwarding, therefore it won't be
> possible to
> >> >>>>>>>> forward
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> from punctuation.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> This is similar behavior to how `ValueTransformer`s behave
> at
> >> >> the
> >> >>>>>>>> moment.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> ```
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Also make it explicit also that we are going to apply
> >> >> referencial
> >> >>>>>>>>>> equality
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> for key validation.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> I hope this is covering all your feedback, let me know if
> I'm
> >> >>>>>>> missing
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> anything.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Jorge.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 9 Feb 2022 at 22:19, Guozhang Wang <
> wangg...@gmail.com
> >> >
> >> >>>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> I'm +1 on John's point 3) for punctuations.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> And I think if people are on the same page that a reference
> >> >>>>>>> equality
> >> >>>>>>>>>> check
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> per record is not a huge overhead, I think doing that
> >> >> enforcement
> >> >>>>>>> is
> >> >>>>>>>>>> better
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> than documentations and hand-wavy undefined behaviors.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> Guozhang
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 11:27 AM John Roesler <
> >> >>> vvcep...@apache.org
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the KIP Jorge,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm in support of your proposal.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> 1)
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I do agree with Guozhang's point (1). I think the cleanest
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> approach. I think it's cleaner and better to keep the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> enforcement internal to the framework than to introduce a
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> public API or context wrapper for processors to use
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> explicitly.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) I tend to agree with you on this one; I think the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> equality check ought to be fast enough in practice.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> 3) I think this is implicit, but should be explicit in the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> KIP: For the `processValues` API, because the framework
> sets
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> the key on the context before calling `process` and then
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> unsets it afterwards, there will always be no key set
> during
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> task puctuation. Therefore, while processors may still
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> register punctuators, they will not be able to forward
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> anything from them.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> This is functionally equivalent to the existing
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> transformers, by the way, that are also forbidden to
> forward
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> anything during punctuation.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> For what it's worth, I think this is the best tradeoff.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The only alternative I see is not to place any restriction
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> on forwarded keys at all and just document that if users
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> don't maintain proper partitioning, they'll get undefined
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> behavior. That might be more powerful, but it's also a
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> usability problem.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> -John
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 2022-02-09 at 11:34 +0000, Jorge Esteban Quilcate
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Otoya wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Guozhang.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does `ValueProcessorContext` have to be a public API? It
> >> >>>>>>> seems
> >> >>>>>>>>>> to me
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> that this can be completely abstracted away from user
> >> >>>>>>> interfaces
> >> >>>>>>>>>> as an
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> internal class
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Totally agree. No intention to add these as public APIs.
> >> Will
> >> >>>>>>>>>> update
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> KIP to reflect this.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the past the rationale for enforcing it at the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> interface layer rather than do runtime checks is that it
> is
> >> >>>>>>> more
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> efficient.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not sure how much overhead it may incur to check if
> the
> >> >>>>>>>> key
> >> >>>>>>>>>> did
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> not
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> change: if it is just a reference equality check maybe
> it's
> >> >>>>>>>> okay.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> What's
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> your take on this?
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Agree, reference equality should cover this validation
> and
> >> >> the
> >> >>>>>>>>>> overhead
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> impact should not be meaningful.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Will update the KIP to reflect this as well.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 8 Feb 2022 at 19:05, Guozhang Wang <
> >> >>>>>>> wangg...@gmail.com>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Jorge,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for bringing this KIP! I think this is a nice
> idea
> >> to
> >> >>>>>>>>>> consider
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> using
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a single overloaded function name for #process, just a
> >> >>>>>>> couple
> >> >>>>>>>>>> quick
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> questions after reading the proposal:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) Does `ValueProcessorContext` have to be a public
> API? It
> >> >>>>>>>>>> seems to
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> me
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that this can be completely abstracted away from user
> >> >>>>>>>> interfaces
> >> >>>>>>>>>> as
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> an
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> internal class, and we call the `setKey` before calling
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> user-instantiated
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `process` function, and then in its overridden
> `forward` it
> >> >>>>>>>> can
> >> >>>>>>>>>> just
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> check
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if the key changes or not.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) Related to 1) above, in the past the rationale for
> >> >>>>>>>> enforcing
> >> >>>>>>>>>> it at
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interface layer rather than do runtime checks is that
> it is
> >> >>>>>>>> more
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> efficient.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not sure how much overhead it may incur to check if
> the
> >> >>>>>>>> key
> >> >>>>>>>>>> did
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> not
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change: if it is just a reference equality check maybe
> it's
> >> >>>>>>>> okay.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> What's
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your take on this?
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Guozhang
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 8, 2022 at 5:17 AM Jorge Esteban Quilcate
> Otoya
> >> >>>>>>> <
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> quilcate.jo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Dev team,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd like to start a new discussion thread on Kafka
> Streams
> >> >>>>>>>>>> KIP-820:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>
> >> >>
> >>
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-820%3A+Extend+KStream+process+with+new+Processor+API
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This KIP is aimed to extend the current
> `KStream#process`
> >> >>>>>>>> API
> >> >>>>>>>>>> to
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> return
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> output values that could be chained across the
> topology,
> >> >>>>>>> as
> >> >>>>>>>>>> well as
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> introducing a new `KStream#processValues` to use
> processor
> >> >>>>>>>>>> while
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> validating
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> keys haven't change and repartition is not required.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Looking forward to your feedback.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jorge.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- Guozhang
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> --
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> -- Guozhang
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>
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-- Guozhang

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