On 2020/05/02 17:22:43 Nagendra Korrapati wrote:
> Hello
> Sorry to write this in this mailing list. This is more specific to my
problem in using Kafka Connect
> I have Union with Enum in it. ToConnectSchema converted it into
Schema.STRUCT type with fields and the enum field as STRING.
> The SpeicficRecord has that enum field as of Type Enum class.
> But in AvroData class the method
isInstanceOfAvroSchemaTypeForSimpleSchema compares value is of  CharSequence
> But in the SpecifiRecord the value type is Enum and it fails. So the end
result the toConnectData throws exception with the message
> “Did not find matching union field for data : enumstring”
> Please some one comment!!
> thanks
> Nagendra

Hi Nagendra,

replying to almost two years old message but we had the same problem today
and got it resolved by upgrading Kafka Connect (Confluent platform from
6.2.2 to 7.0.1 and various connect components updated to recent versions).



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