
I have an issue with kafka producer in production where I see below error.

*"Publish failed, Expiring 2 record(s) for myTopic-1:120004 ms has passed
since batch creation[[ org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException:
Expiring 2 record(s) for myTopic-1:120004 ms has passed since batch

Kafka brokers are of confluent 5.3.2 version and the kafka-client is apache
2.3.1. Producer config which are explicitly specified in my code are below
and remaining are defaults.

batch.size = 102400 linger.ms = 100 compression.type = lz4 ack = all

*Sample Java Code*

ProducerRecord<String, String> rec = new ProducerRecord<String,
producer.send(rec, new ProducerCallback(jsonPayload));

private class ProducerCallback implements Callback {

  private String _ME ="onCompletion";
  private String jsonPayload;

  public ProducerCallback(String jsonPayload) {
    this.jsonPayload = jsonPayload;

  public void onCompletion(RecordMetadata recordMetadata, Exception e) {
    if (e == null) {
      LOG.logp(Level.FINEST, _CL, _ME, "Published kafka event "+jsonPayload);
    } else {
      //Note: Exception is logged here.
      LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Publish failed, "+e.getMessage(), e);

*Couple of questions*

   1. Load is not heavy in production and its moderate as of now and might
   be heavy in later stages. Am I missing some producer config to rectify
   above issue?
   2. Assuming 2 records has been expired in the batch, Is there a way I
   can get those expired records in java so that I can get payload and key to
   republish them?

Thanks, appreciate your help in advance.

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