Hi Omnia,

Please could you add to the KIP the documentation that forward.admin.class
config will have, and include that the signature of the class named by
forward.admin.class must have a constructor that takes a `Map<String,

Many thanks,


On Wed, 22 Jun 2022 at 11:30, <o.g.h.ibra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Tom
> My initial thought was that the constructor with config and delegator
> would be for testing while the one with config is the one that will be used
> by MM2.
> I can removed one of them and keep only one.
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On 22 Jun 2022, at 08:15, Tom Bentley <tbent...@redhat.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Omnia,
> >
> > Thanks for those answers. I'm a bit confused by the changes you've made
> for
> > 1 though. It's MM2 that's going to instantiate the class named in
> > forwarding.admin.class, so it's MM2 that needs to know the constructor
> > signature. The easiest way of doing this is to specify the signature as
> > part of the contract for forwarding.admin.class. But ForwardingAdmin now
> > has two constructors, which is confusing for someone who wants to
> subclass
> > it. Surely only one is needed? It would also be a good idea to show the
> > documentation that forward.admin.class will have.
> >
> > Kind regards,
> >
> > Tom
> >
> >> On Tue, 21 Jun 2022 at 17:06, Omnia Ibrahim <o.g.h.ibra...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Tom
> >>
> >>> 1. I assume there's an undocumented requirement in the KIP that
> whatever
> >>> class is named for forwarding.admin.class it has a public single
> argument
> >>> constructor that takes an Admin instance?
> >>>
> >> you are right, I updated the KIP to reflect the missing one.
> >> 3. What if the implementation needs to distinguish between creating
> ACLs on
> >> the source cluster and creating them on the destination cluster? E.g.
> the
> >> one should be done one way, but the other using a different mechanism?
> >> Users will need to define 2 implementations, one for source and another
> for
> >> target and configure each using <cluster_alias>.forwarding.admin.class.
> for
> >> example
> >> - target.forwarding.admin.class = TargetAdmin
> >> - source.forwarding.admin.class = SourceAdmin
> >>
> >>> On Tue, Jun 21, 2022 at 2:14 PM Tom Bentley <tbent...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hi Omnia,
> >>>
> >>> Thanks for the KIP! I'm sorry for the delay in this response. I have a
> >> few
> >>> questions:
> >>>
> >>> 1. I assume there's an undocumented requirement in the KIP that
> whatever
> >>> class is named for forwarding.admin.class it has a public single
> argument
> >>> constructor that takes an Admin instance?
> >>> 2. If 1 is correct then what about an implementation that requires
> extra
> >>> configuration, e.g. for whatever infra-as-code API it needs to use
> >> (instead
> >>> of using an Admin instance directly) how does it learn about that
> >> non-Kafka
> >>> config when it's only receiving an Admin instance?
> >>> 3. What if the implementation needs to distinguish between creating
> ACLs
> >> on
> >>> the source cluster and creating them on the destination cluster? E.g.
> the
> >>> one should be done one way, but the other using a different mechanism?
> >>>
> >>> Kind regards,
> >>>
> >>> Tom
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Mon, 20 Jun 2022 at 17:13, Omnia Ibrahim <o.g.h.ibra...@gmail.com>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi Chris, sorry for the late reply.
> >>>> ..Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>>> 1. I might be missing something, but can you give a concrete Java
> >>> example
> >>>>> of how the proposed ForwardingAdmin class is more convenient than
> >>>>> subclassing the KafkaAdminClient class? AFAICT the two would be
> >>> virtually
> >>>>> identical.
> >>>>
> >>>> I might be misunderstanding exactly how that class will be used;
> >>>>> I'm envisioning it as the pluggable class that users will implement
> >> for
> >>>>> custom administration logic and specify as the value for the
> >>>>> "forwarding.admin.class" (or "<cluster>.forwarding.admin.class")
> >>>> property,
> >>>>> and that it will be instantiated with a KafkaAdminClient instance
> >> that
> >>>> can
> >>>>> be used to get the same logic that MM2 provides today. In the case
> >> you
> >>>>> mentioned (KafkaAdminClient for read/describe, custom Admin for
> >>>>> create/update), I'd imagine one could override the createTopics,
> >>>>> deleteTopics, createAcls, deleteAcls (maybe?), alterConfigs (maybe?),
> >>>> etc.
> >>>>> methods, and then leave other methods such as listTopics,
> >>> describeTopics,
> >>>>> describeCluster, etc. as they are.
> >>>>>
> >>>> The Forwarding decorator is one alternative for inheritance so you are
> >>>> right to say that they look identical. However, I would like to point
> >> out
> >>>> few points
> >>>> 1. that Kafka codebase has few wrappers or decorators around
> >> AdminClient
> >>>> instead of inheritance so using decorator over inheritance isn't new
> >>>> proposal for example
> >>>>
> >>>>   - -
> >>> `org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.InternalTopicManager`
> >>>>   which has AdminClient as parameter instead of inheatance
> >>>>   - - `org.apache.kafka.connect.util.SharedTopicAdmin` and
> >>>>   `org.apache.kafka.connect.util.TopicAdmin` don't inherit
> >>>> KafkaAdminClient
> >>>>   instead initialize KafkaAdminClient.
> >>>>
> >>>> 2. Using ForwardingAdmin will make it easier to test which methods use
> >>>> KafkaAdminClient and which don't this make the test for any customized
> >>>> implementation easier. We can't have this with inheatcancs
> >>>> 3. Inhearting KafkaAdminClient has the following limitation
> >>>>       a. KafkaAdminClient doesn't have a public default constructor,
> >> so
> >>>> isn't gonna be easy to have contractor that initialize both
> >>>> KafkaAdminClient (to be used for read/describe/list) and customized
> >>>> fedrated client (to be used for create/update). (Note I don't want to
> >>> touch
> >>>> anything in KafkaAdminClient code base to change that)
> >>>>      b. the only way to initialize instance is by
> >> using`createInternal`
> >>>> which is static and can't be overridden to include creating customized
> >>>> fedrated client. This is the method used by `Admin.create` to
> >>>> initialize `KafkaAdminClient`in
> >>>> most MM2 and Kafka codebase.
> >>>>
> >>>> 3. KIP-158 deals with the topics that source connectors write to, not
> >> the
> >>>>> internal topics used by the Connect framework. IIUC this includes the
> >>>>> topics that MM2 mirrors. I think it's still fine if we want to leave
> >>>>> support for this out and say that this KIP only addresses code that
> >>> lives
> >>>>> inside the connect/mirror (and possibly connect/mirror-client?)
> >>> modules,
> >>>> I
> >>>>> just want to make sure that whatever behavior we settle on is
> >> specified
> >>>>> clearly in the KIP and user-facing documentation.
> >>>>
> >>>> MM2 deals with a large number of topics, creating the topic if not
> >>>> existing, adding new partitions if the number of partitions increases
> >> and
> >>>> syncing configs and ACLs, so while KIP-158 can stop the source connect
> >>> from
> >>>> creating a topic, this wouldn't be a great solution for MM2 when it
> >> runs
> >>> on
> >>>> a large scale as this will add too much operation headache on the
> teams
> >>>> that run MM2 to create/update large number of topics manually. Also,
> it
> >>>> prevents teams from enabling MM2 to sync configs and ACLs as this
> still
> >>>> will be at odds with the federated solution.
> >>>>
> >>>> 4. That's fine 👍 Just out of curiosity, is the motivation for this
> >>>>> decision to simplify the implementation? I can imagine it'd be easier
> >>> to
> >>>>> modify the MM2 codebase exclusively and not have to worry about
> >>> touching
> >>>>> the Connect framework as well given the possibility for unintended
> >>>>> consequences for other connectors with the latter.
> >>>>
> >>>> The motivation of the KIP is to have the option to let MM2 create
> >>> topics,
> >>>> add partitions, and sync configs and ACLs without being at odds with
> >>>> federated or capacity solutions when it runs on a large scale instead
> >> of
> >>>> just turning the admin client off.
> >>>>
> >>>>> Wondering if there's a
> >>>>> distinction on the feature front as well that makes MM2 internal
> >> topics
> >>>>> different from Connect internal topics.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> The only diff here is the MM2 call TopicManager directly to create
> >> these
> >>>> topics.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks
> >>>> Omnia
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 5:05 AM Chris Egerton <fearthecel...@gmail.com
> >
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Hi Omnia,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 1. I might be missing something, but can you give a concrete Java
> >>> example
> >>>>> of how the proposed ForwardingAdmin class is more convenient than
> >>>>> subclassing the KafkaAdminClient class? AFAICT the two would be
> >>> virtually
> >>>>> identical. I might be misunderstanding exactly how that class will be
> >>>> used;
> >>>>> I'm envisioning it as the pluggable class that users will implement
> >> for
> >>>>> custom administration logic and specify as the value for the
> >>>>> "forwarding.admin.class" (or "<cluster>.forwarding.admin.class")
> >>>> property,
> >>>>> and that it will be instantiated with a KafkaAdminClient instance
> >> that
> >>>> can
> >>>>> be used to get the same logic that MM2 provides today. In the case
> >> you
> >>>>> mentioned (KafkaAdminClient for read/describe, custom Admin for
> >>>>> create/update), I'd imagine one could override the createTopics,
> >>>>> deleteTopics, createAcls, deleteAcls (maybe?), alterConfigs (maybe?),
> >>>> etc.
> >>>>> methods, and then leave other methods such as listTopics,
> >>> describeTopics,
> >>>>> describeCluster, etc. as they are.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 3. KIP-158 deals with the topics that source connectors write to, not
> >>> the
> >>>>> internal topics used by the Connect framework. IIUC this includes the
> >>>>> topics that MM2 mirrors. I think it's still fine if we want to leave
> >>>>> support for this out and say that this KIP only addresses code that
> >>> lives
> >>>>> inside the connect/mirror (and possibly connect/mirror-client?)
> >>> modules,
> >>>> I
> >>>>> just want to make sure that whatever behavior we settle on is
> >> specified
> >>>>> clearly in the KIP and user-facing documentation.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 4. That's fine 👍 Just out of curiosity, is the motivation for this
> >>>>> decision to simplify the implementation? I can imagine it'd be easier
> >>> to
> >>>>> modify the MM2 codebase exclusively and not have to worry about
> >>> touching
> >>>>> the Connect framework as well given the possibility for unintended
> >>>>> consequences for other connectors with the latter. Wondering if
> >>> there's a
> >>>>> distinction on the feature front as well that makes MM2 internal
> >> topics
> >>>>> different from Connect internal topics.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Cheers,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Chris
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Mon, Jun 6, 2022 at 6:36 AM Omnia Ibrahim <
> >> o.g.h.ibra...@gmail.com>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Hi Chris, Thanks for having the time to look into this.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> 1. Is the introduction of the new "ForwardingAdmin" class
> >> necessary,
> >>> or
> >>>>> can
> >>>>>>> the same behavior can be achieved by subclassing the existing
> >>>>>>> KafkaAdminClient class?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> forwarding decorators give more flexibility than the inheritance,
> >> in
> >>>> this
> >>>>>> case, ForwardingAdmin gives the ability to use the default
> >>>>> KafkaAdminClient
> >>>>>> for reading/describing resources and at the same time configure
> >>> another
> >>>>>> client to connect to the federated solution to create and update
> >>>>> resources.
> >>>>>> Using forwarding seems cleaner and more flexible for this use case
> >>> than
> >>>>>> inheritance.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> 2. Would it be just as accurate to name the new Mirror Maker 2
> >>> property
> >>>>>>> "admin.class" instead of "forwarding.admin.class"? I think
> >> brevity
> >>>> may
> >>>>>> work
> >>>>>>> in our favor here
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>> I don't mind renaming it to "admin.class" if this is better.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> 3. Would the admin class specified by the user also take effect for
> >>>>> KIP-158
> >>>>>>> [1] style automatic topic creation? (Forgive me if this isn't
> >>>>> applicable
> >>>>>>> for Mirror Maker 2; I'm asking solely based on the knowledge that
> >>> MM2
> >>>>> can
> >>>>>>> be run as a source connector and has its own source task class
> >>> [2].)
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> No this only control creating/updating mirrored topics and MM2
> >>> internal
> >>>>>> topics. And not going to affect connect runtime's internal topics
> >>> that
> >>>>> are
> >>>>>> needed by connect cluster that runs MM2.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> 4. Would the admin class specified by the user also take effect for
> >>>>>>> internal topics created by the Connect framework (i.e., the
> >> statue,
> >>>>>> config,
> >>>>>>> and offsets topics)?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> No this wouldn't address connect as connect "realtime" uses
> >>> TopicAdmin
> >>>>> to
> >>>>>> manage topics needed for KafkaOffsetBackingStore,
> >>>> KafkaStatusBackingStore
> >>>>>> and KafkaConfigBackingStore directly. These 3 topics aren't a huge
> >>>>> concern
> >>>>>> for MM2 as they are a small set of topics and can be created
> >> up-front
> >>>> as
> >>>>> a
> >>>>>> one-time job. However, the main concern of the KIP is addressing
> >> the
> >>>>>> mirrored topics, synced configs, synced ACLs and the internal
> >> topics
> >>> of
> >>>>> MM2
> >>>>>> which are needed for MM2 features like heartbeat and offset mapping
> >>>>> between
> >>>>>> Kafka clusters.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> The KIP states that Mirror Maker 2 will "Use
> >>>>>>> ForwardingAdmin in MirrorUtils instead of TopicAdmin to create
> >>>> internal
> >>>>>>> compacted topics", but IIUC these topics (the ones created with
> >> the
> >>>>>>> MirrorUtils class) are Mirror Maker 2-specific and different from
> >>> the
> >>>>>>> Connect framework's internal topics.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> MM2 has been using 2 patterns to create topics
> >>>>>> 1- Use AdminClient directly to create/update mirrored topics and
> >>> their
> >>>>> ACLs
> >>>>>> 2- Use TopicAdmin in MirrorUtils to create MM2 internal topics
> >> which
> >>>> are
> >>>>>> heartbeat, mm2-offset-syncs.<cluster_alias>.internal and
> >>>>>> <cluster_alias>.checkpoints.internal
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> This KIP will only replace AdminClient and TopicAdmin in the MM2
> >>>> codebase
> >>>>>> by ForwardingAdmin and not connect related topics.
> >>>>>> As Colin mentioned before we can have a feature KIP where we use
> >>>>>> ForwardingAdmin outside MM2 but this is not addressed in this KIP.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Hope this answered your questions.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Best
> >>>>>> Omnia
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On Wed, Jun 1, 2022 at 2:14 AM Chris Egerton <
> >>> fearthecel...@gmail.com>
> >>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Hi Omnia,
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Thank you for your patience with this KIP! I have a few quick
> >>>> thoughts:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> 1. Is the introduction of the new "ForwardingAdmin" class
> >>> necessary,
> >>>> or
> >>>>>> can
> >>>>>>> the same behavior can be achieved by subclassing the existing
> >>>>>>> KafkaAdminClient class?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> 2. Would it be just as accurate to name the new Mirror Maker 2
> >>>> property
> >>>>>>> "admin.class" instead of "forwarding.admin.class"? I think
> >> brevity
> >>>> may
> >>>>>> work
> >>>>>>> in our favor here
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> 3. Would the admin class specified by the user also take effect
> >> for
> >>>>>> KIP-158
> >>>>>>> [1] style automatic topic creation? (Forgive me if this isn't
> >>>>> applicable
> >>>>>>> for Mirror Maker 2; I'm asking solely based on the knowledge that
> >>> MM2
> >>>>> can
> >>>>>>> be run as a source connector and has its own source task class
> >>> [2].)
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> 4. Would the admin class specified by the user also take effect
> >> for
> >>>>>>> internal topics created by the Connect framework (i.e., the
> >> statue,
> >>>>>> config,
> >>>>>>> and offsets topics)? The KIP states that Mirror Maker 2 will "Use
> >>>>>>> ForwardingAdmin in MirrorUtils instead of TopicAdmin to create
> >>>> internal
> >>>>>>> compacted topics", but IIUC these topics (the ones created with
> >> the
> >>>>>>> MirrorUtils class) are Mirror Maker 2-specific and different from
> >>> the
> >>>>>>> Connect framework's internal topics.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> [1] -
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-158%3A+Kafka+Connect+should+allow+source+connectors+to+set+topic-specific+settings+for+new+topics
> >>>>>>> [2] -
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>
> https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/4c9eeef5b2dff9a4f0977fbc5ac7eaaf930d0d0e/connect/mirror/src/main/java/org/apache/kafka/connect/mirror/MirrorSourceTask.java
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Cheers,
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Chris
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> On Wed, May 25, 2022 at 5:26 AM Omnia Ibrahim <
> >>>> o.g.h.ibra...@gmail.com
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Hi everyone, If there's no major concern anymore, I'll start
> >> the
> >>>>>>>> voting process.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> On Fri, May 20, 2022 at 5:58 PM Omnia Ibrahim <
> >>>>> o.g.h.ibra...@gmail.com
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Hi Colin,
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the clarification. I agree it's reasonable for
> >>> people
> >>>>> to
> >>>>>>> want
> >>>>>>>>> to use their own implementations of Admin. And we could have
> >> a
> >>>>> config
> >>>>>>> for
> >>>>>>>>> this, so that it becomes pluggable (possibly in other places
> >>> than
> >>>>>>>>> MirrorMaker, although we don't have to do that in this KIP).
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Allowing people to plug custom implementation of Admin in
> >> other
> >>>>>> places
> >>>>>>>>> sounds like a neat idea indeed. It can be nice addition for
> >>>>> example `
> >>>>>>>>> org.apache.kafka.connect.util.SharedTopicAdmin` in Connect to
> >>> use
> >>>>>>> custom
> >>>>>>>>> Admin as well. But agree no need to have it in this KIP.
> >>>>>>>>>> We could even try to make this easier on developers. For
> >>>> example,
> >>>>> we
> >>>>>>>>> could provide a public ForwardingAdmin class that forwards
> >> all
> >>>>>> requests
> >>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>> the regular KafkaAdminClient. Then, people could make their
> >>>> custom
> >>>>>>> class
> >>>>>>>>> inherit from ForwardingAdmin and override >just the specific
> >>>>> methods
> >>>>>>> that
> >>>>>>>>> they wanted to override. So they don't have to implement all
> >>> the
> >>>>>>> methods,
> >>>>>>>>> but just the ones that are different for them.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> I just wanted to make sure we weren't creating a second
> >> Admin
> >>>>> client
> >>>>>>>>> interface -- I think that would really be hard for us to
> >>> support
> >>>>>>>> long-term.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Forwarding would defiantly make it easier. I have updated the
> >>> KIP
> >>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>> introduce ForwardingAdmin as well.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> regards,
> >>>>>>>>> Omnia
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 16, 2022 at 9:31 PM Colin McCabe <
> >>> cmcc...@apache.org
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 16, 2022, at 10:24, Omnia Ibrahim wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>> Hi Colin,
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your reply.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> This KIP doesn’t aim to solve any security concerns, but
> >>>> rather
> >>>>> a
> >>>>>>>>>> conflict
> >>>>>>>>>>> of responsibilities within any Kafka ecosystem that
> >> includes
> >>>> MM2
> >>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>> any
> >>>>>>>>>>> resource management solution. I’m not sure that was clear,
> >>> so
> >>>>> I’m
> >>>>>>>>>> concerned
> >>>>>>>>>>> about the motivation for your suggestion to close this
> >> KIP.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Hi Omnia,
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the clarification. I agree it's reasonable for
> >>> people
> >>>>> to
> >>>>>>> want
> >>>>>>>>>> to use their own implementations of Admin. And we could
> >> have a
> >>>>>> config
> >>>>>>>> for
> >>>>>>>>>> this, so that it becomes pluggable (possibly in other places
> >>>> than
> >>>>>>>>>> MirrorMaker, although we don't have to do that in this KIP).
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> We could even try to make this easier on developers. For
> >>>> example,
> >>>>> we
> >>>>>>>>>> could provide a public ForwardingAdmin class that forwards
> >> all
> >>>>>>> requests
> >>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>> the regular KafkaAdminClient. Then, people could make their
> >>>> custom
> >>>>>>> class
> >>>>>>>>>> inherit from ForwardingAdmin and override just the specific
> >>>>> methods
> >>>>>>> that
> >>>>>>>>>> they wanted to override. So they don't have to implement all
> >>> the
> >>>>>>>> methods,
> >>>>>>>>>> but just the ones that are different for them.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> I just wanted to make sure we weren't creating a second
> >> Admin
> >>>>> client
> >>>>>>>>>> interface -- I think that would really be hard for us to
> >>> support
> >>>>>>>> long-term.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> It is generally accepted that resource management should
> >> be
> >>>>>>>> centralized,
> >>>>>>>>>>> especially on the scale of mirroring N number of clusters.
> >>> The
> >>>>>> point
> >>>>>>>> of
> >>>>>>>>>>> this KIP is that any sort of topic management / federate
> >>>>> solution
> >>>>>> /
> >>>>>>>>>>> up-front capacity planning system will be at odds with MM2
> >>> if
> >>>>> MM2
> >>>>>>>> keeps
> >>>>>>>>>>> using the Admin client directly.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the explanation. That makes sense.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> I understand your concern that the interface proposed in
> >> the
> >>>>> first
> >>>>>>>>>> approach
> >>>>>>>>>>> may become too similar to the existing Admin interface.
> >> I’ll
> >>>>>> update
> >>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>> proposal by moving Ryanne’s previous suggestion to re-use
> >>> the
> >>>>>> Admin
> >>>>>>>>>>> interface and add configuration to accept a custom
> >>>>> implementation.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> +1.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> If you still feel this KIP should be closed but can
> >>> understand
> >>>>> its
> >>>>>>>>>>> motivation I can close this one and create a new one.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> I think it's reasonable to keep this one open and make the
> >>>> changes
> >>>>>> you
> >>>>>>>>>> talked about above.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> regards,
> >>>>>>>>>> Colin
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
> >>>>>>>>>>> Omnia
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, May 13, 2022 at 6:10 PM Colin McCabe <
> >>>>> cmcc...@apache.org>
> >>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 11, 2022, at 15:07, Omnia Ibrahim wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Colin,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't mind the idea of MM2 users implementing the
> >>>>> AdminClient
> >>>>>>>>>>>> interface.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> However, there're two disadvantages to this.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>   1. Having around 70 methods definitions to have
> >>>>>>> "NotImplemented"
> >>>>>>>>>> is
> >>>>>>>>>>>> one
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>   downside, and keep up with these if the AdminClient
> >>>>>> interface
> >>>>>>>>>> changes.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>   2. It makes it hard to list what admin functionality
> >>> MM2
> >>>>>> uses
> >>>>>>> as
> >>>>>>>>>> MM2
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>   interactions with AdminClient in the codebase are in
> >>>> many
> >>>>>>>> places.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I guess it's OK for MM2 users who want to build their
> >>> admin
> >>>>>>> client
> >>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>>> carry
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> this burden, as I explained in my previous response to
> >>> the
> >>>>>>>> discussion
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> thread. And we can do some cleanup to the codebase to
> >>> have
> >>>>> all
> >>>>>>>> Admin
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> interactions in MM2 in a utils class or something like
> >>> that
> >>>>> to
> >>>>>>> make
> >>>>>>>>>> it
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> easier to navigate what MM2 needs from the Admin
> >>> interface.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Omnia,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Anyone who wants to extend Kafka with proprietary tooling
> >>>> does
> >>>>>> need
> >>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>>> keep up with the Kafka API. We have done everything we
> >> can
> >>> to
> >>>>>> make
> >>>>>>>> this
> >>>>>>>>>>>> easier. We rigorously define what the API is through the
> >>> KIP
> >>>>>>> process,
> >>>>>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>>>>> make it possible to extend by making it an interface
> >> rather
> >>>>> than
> >>>>>>>>>> concrete
> >>>>>>>>>>>> class. We also have a pretty lengthy deprecation process
> >>> for
> >>>>>> these
> >>>>>>>>>> APIs.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe I'm misunderstanding the use-case you're
> >> describing
> >>>>> here.
> >>>>>>> But
> >>>>>>>>>> it
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems to me that if you create a proxy that has the
> >>>> ability
> >>>>> to
> >>>>>>> do
> >>>>>>>>>> any
> >>>>>>>>>>>> admin
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> operation, and give MM2 access to that proxy, the
> >>> security
> >>>>>> model
> >>>>>>>> is
> >>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> same as just giving MM2 admin access. (Or it may be
> >>> worse
> >>>> if
> >>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>> sysadmin
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't know what this proxy is doing, and doesn't
> >> lock
> >>> it
> >>>>>>>> down...)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> MM2 runs with the assumption that it has
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>   - "CREATE" ACLs for topics on the source clusters to
> >>>>> create
> >>>>>>>>>>>> `heartbeat`
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>   topics.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>   - "CREATE"  and "ALTER" ACLs to create topics, add
> >>>>>> partitions,
> >>>>>>>>>> update
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>   topics' config and topics' ACLs (in future, will
> >> also
> >>>>>> include
> >>>>>>>>>> group
> >>>>>>>>>>>> ACLS as
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>   Mikael mentioned before in the thread) on the
> >>>> destination
> >>>>>>>>>> clusters.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Most organisations have some resource management or
> >>>> federated
> >>>>>>>>>> solutions
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> (some would even have a budget system as part of these
> >>>>> systems)
> >>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>> manage
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Kafka resources, and these systems are usually the only
> >>>>>>> application
> >>>>>>>>>>>> allowed
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> to initializing a client with "CREATE" and "ALTER"
> >> ACLs.
> >>>> They
> >>>>>>> don't
> >>>>>>>>>> grant
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> these ACLs to any other teams/groups/applications to
> >>> create
> >>>>>> such
> >>>>>>> a
> >>>>>>>>>> client
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> outside these systems, so assuming MM2 can bypass these
> >>>>> systems
> >>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>>> use
> >>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> AdminClient directly to create/update resources isn't
> >>>> valid.
> >>>>>> This
> >>>>>>>> is
> >>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> primary concern here.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The KIP is trying to give MM2 more flexibility to allow
> >>>>>>>>>> organisations to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> integrate MM2 with their resource management system as
> >>> they
> >>>>> see
> >>>>>>> fit
> >>>>>>>>>>>> without
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> forcing them to disable most MM2 features.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Hope this make sense and clear it up.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> The point I was trying to make is that there is no
> >>> additional
> >>>>>>>> security
> >>>>>>>>>>>> here. If you have some agent that has all the
> >> permissions,
> >>>> and
> >>>>>> MM2
> >>>>>>>> can
> >>>>>>>>>> talk
> >>>>>>>>>>>> to that agent and tell it what to do, then that is
> >>> equivalent
> >>>>> to
> >>>>>>> just
> >>>>>>>>>>>> giving MM2 all the permissions. So while there may be
> >> other
> >>>>>> reasons
> >>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>> use
> >>>>>>>>>>>> this kind of agent-based architecture, added security
> >> isn't
> >>>>> one.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> In any case, I think we should close this KIP since we
> >>>> already
> >>>>>> have
> >>>>>>>> an
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Admin API. There isn't a need to create a public API for
> >>>> admin
> >>>>>>>>>> operations.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> best,
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Colin
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 11, 2022 at 9:09 PM Colin McCabe <
> >>>>>> cmcc...@apache.org
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Omnia Ibrahim,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm sorry, but I am -1 on adding competing Admin
> >>>> interfaces.
> >>>>>>> This
> >>>>>>>>>> would
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> create confusion and a heavier maintenance burden for
> >>> the
> >>>>>>> project.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since the org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.Admin
> >> interface
> >>>> is
> >>>>> a
> >>>>>>> Java
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> interface, any third-party software that wants to
> >> insert
> >>>> its
> >>>>>> own
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> implementation of the interface can do so already.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> A KIP to make the Admin class used pluggable for MM2
> >>> would
> >>>>> be
> >>>>>>>>>>>> reasonable.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Adding a competing admin API is not.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's true that there are many Admin methods, but you
> >> do
> >>>> not
> >>>>>> need
> >>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> implement all of them -- just the ones that
> >> MirrorMaker
> >>>>> uses.
> >>>>>>> The
> >>>>>>>>>> other
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ones can throw a NotImplementedException or similar.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The current approach also assumes that the user
> >>> running
> >>>>> MM2
> >>>>>>> has
> >>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Admin right to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> create/update topics, which is only valid if the
> >> user
> >>>> who
> >>>>>> runs
> >>>>>>>> MM2
> >>>>>>>>>>>> also
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> manages both
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> source and destination clusters.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe I'm misunderstanding the use-case you're
> >>> describing
> >>>>>> here.
> >>>>>>>> But
> >>>>>>>>>> it
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems to me that if you create a proxy that has the
> >>>> ability
> >>>>> to
> >>>>>>> do
> >>>>>>>>>> any
> >>>>>>>>>>>> admin
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> operation, and give MM2 access to that proxy, the
> >>> security
> >>>>>> model
> >>>>>>>> is
> >>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> same as just giving MM2 admin access. (Or it may be
> >>> worse
> >>>> if
> >>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>> sysadmin
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't know what this proxy is doing, and doesn't
> >> lock
> >>> it
> >>>>>>>> down...)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> best,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Colin
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 9, 2022, at 13:21, Omnia Ibrahim wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, I gave the KIP another look after talking to
> >> some
> >>>>> people
> >>>>>>> at
> >>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Kafka
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Summit in London. And I would like to clear up the
> >>>>>> motivation
> >>>>>>> of
> >>>>>>>>>> this
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> KIP.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> At the moment, MM2 has some opinionated decisions
> >> that
> >>>> are
> >>>>>>>>>> creating
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> issues
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for teams that use IaC, federated solutions or have
> >> a
> >>>>>>>>>> capacity/budget
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> planning system for Kafka destination clusters. To
> >>>> explain
> >>>>>> it
> >>>>>>>>>> better,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> let's
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> assume we have MM2 with the following configurations
> >>> to
> >>>>>>>> highlight
> >>>>>>>>>>>> these
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ```
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> topics = .*
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> refresh.topics.enabled = true
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sync.topic.configs.enabled = true
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sync.topic.acls.enabled = true
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // Maybe in futrue we can have
> >>> sync.group.acls.enabled =
> >>>>>> true
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ```
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These configurations allow us to run MM2 with the
> >>> value
> >>>> of
> >>>>>> its
> >>>>>>>>>> full
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> features. However, there are two main concerns when
> >> we
> >>>> run
> >>>>>> on
> >>>>>>> a
> >>>>>>>>>> scale
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these configs:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. *Capacity/Budgeting Planning:*
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Functionality or features that impact capacity
> >>> planning
> >>>>>> using
> >>>>>>>> MM2
> >>>>>>>>>> are:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   1. MM2 automatically creates topics (breaking the
> >>>> rule
> >>>>> of
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   `auto.create.topics.enable=false`) and creates
> >>> topic
> >>>>>>>>>> partitions on
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   destination clusters if the number of partitions
> >>>>>> increases
> >>>>>>> on
> >>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> source.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   In the previous example, this functionality will
> >>>> apply
> >>>>> to
> >>>>>>> any
> >>>>>>>>>> topic
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   matches the regex of the `topics` config.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   2. Sync topic configs include configurations that
> >>>>> impact
> >>>>>>>>>> capacity
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> like `
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   retention.ms` and `retention.bytes`.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These 2 points lead to adding new untracked capacity
> >>> to
> >>>>>>>>>> destination
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clusters without a way to count for them up-front or
> >>>>>> safeguard
> >>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> cluster.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The team that runs the cluster will only see the
> >>>> capacity
> >>>>>>> issue
> >>>>>>>>>> when
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> their
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disk usage hits the threshold for their alerts. The
> >>> desk
> >>>>>>>> capacity
> >>>>>>>>>>>> issue
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be avoided if MM2 is flexible enough to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   - have a way for teams that run their ecosystem
> >> to
> >>>> have
> >>>>>> MM2
> >>>>>>>>>> behave
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   within their system.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   - disable the auto-creation and avoid syncing
> >>> configs
> >>>>>> that
> >>>>>>>>>> impact
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   capacity
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. *Provisioning conflict:*
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In the previous MM2 configurations; we ended up with
> >>>>>> conflict
> >>>>>>> as
> >>>>>>>>>> MM2
> >>>>>>>>>>>> used
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `AdminClient` directly to perform the following
> >>>>>> functionality
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   -  Create a Kafka topic (no way to disable this
> >> at
> >>>> the
> >>>>>>>> moment)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   -  Add new Kafka partitions (no way to disable
> >> this
> >>>> at
> >>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>> moment)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   -  Sync Kafka Topic configurations (can be
> >>> disabled,
> >>>>> but
> >>>>>>> then
> >>>>>>>>>> this
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   reduces the value of MM2 potential for users)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   -  Sync Kafka topic's ACLs (can be disabled, but
> >>> this
> >>>>>>> reduces
> >>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> users'
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   value). Disabling this feature also means that
> >>> users
> >>>>> must
> >>>>>>>>>> ensure
> >>>>>>>>>>>> they
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   the right ACLs to the mirrored topics on the
> >>>>> destination
> >>>>>>>>>> cluster
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> before
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   switching their consumers, especially when MM2 is
> >>>> used
> >>>>>> for
> >>>>>>>>>> disaster
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   recovery. It may lead to extra downtime for them.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All these functionalities are using AdminClient;
> >> which
> >>>>>> causes
> >>>>>>> an
> >>>>>>>>>> issue
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> teams that
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   - Manage their Kafka resources using tools like
> >>>>> Strimizi
> >>>>>> or
> >>>>>>>>>> custom
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   federated solutions. For example, Strimizi's
> >>>>> UserOperator
> >>>>>>>>>> doesn't
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> sync the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   topic ACLs when MM2 is enabled. Strimzi
> >>> documentation
> >>>>>>>> mentions
> >>>>>>>>>> that
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> users
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   must to disable MM2 `sync.topic.acls.enabled` if
> >>> they
> >>>>> use
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> `UserOperator`.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   On the other hand, Strimizi's TopicOperator
> >> doesn't
> >>>>> have
> >>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>> same
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> issue
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   because it has a bi-directional reconciliation
> >>>> process
> >>>>>> that
> >>>>>>>>>> watches
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   topics state on the Kafka cluster and updates
> >>>>> KafkaTopic
> >>>>>>>>>> resources
> >>>>>>>>>>>> for
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Strimzi. This design works fine with Kafka MM2
> >> for
> >>>>> Topics
> >>>>>>> but
> >>>>>>>>>> not
> >>>>>>>>>>>> for
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   syncing ACLs. Strimizi TopicOperator also doesn't
> >>>> have
> >>>>> a
> >>>>>>> way
> >>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>>> stop
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   syncing config that impact capacity for example
> >>>>> retention
> >>>>>>>>>> configs.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   - Teams that run MM2 but don't own the
> >> destination
> >>>>>> cluster.
> >>>>>>>> In
> >>>>>>>>>> this
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   case, these teams don't have Admin access, but
> >> they
> >>>> may
> >>>>>>> have
> >>>>>>>>>> Kafka
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   management solutions, such as yahoo/CMAK or an
> >>>> in-house
> >>>>>>>>>> solution.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> For
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> such
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   a tool as CMAK, these teams can update/create
> >>>> resources
> >>>>>>> using
> >>>>>>>>>> CMAK
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> REST API.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Proposed KIP gives users the flexibility to
> >>>> integrate
> >>>>>> MM2
> >>>>>>>>>> within
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> their
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ecosystem without disabling any MM2 features. We can
> >>>>> achieve
> >>>>>>>> this
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flexibility with one of the following solutions.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   1. Introduce a new interface that hides Admin
> >>>>>> interactions
> >>>>>>> in
> >>>>>>>>>> one
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> place.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Then users can provide their way of resource
> >>>>> management.
> >>>>>> As
> >>>>>>>>>> well as
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> clean
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   up the MM2 code by having one place that manages
> >>> the
> >>>>>>>>>> resources, as
> >>>>>>>>>>>> at
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   moment, MM2 usage of AdminClient is all over the
> >>>> code.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   2. The second solution could be to add only a new
> >>>>> config
> >>>>>>> that
> >>>>>>>>>>>> allows
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   users to override AdminClient with another
> >>>>> implementation
> >>>>>>> of
> >>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   AdminClient interface, as Ryanne suggested
> >> before.
> >>>> The
> >>>>>>>>>> downside is
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   AdminClient is enormous and constantly under
> >>>>> development,
> >>>>>>> so
> >>>>>>>>>> any
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> users who
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   opt-in for custom implementation will need to
> >> carry
> >>>>> this
> >>>>>>>>>> burden.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I favour the first solution as it will make it
> >> either
> >>>>> later
> >>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>> add any
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> new
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> feature related to resource management. But don't
> >> mind
> >>>> if
> >>>>>>> others
> >>>>>>>>>> think
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the second solution is easier for MM2 design.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Note*: There are two possible future KIPs following
> >>>> this
> >>>>>> KIP
> >>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   1. Add config to disable MM2 from auto creating
> >> or
> >>>>> adding
> >>>>>>> new
> >>>>>>>>>> topic
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   partitions.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   2. Add a way to exclude a specific topic's
> >>>>> configuration
> >>>>>>> from
> >>>>>>>>>> being
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   synced.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope this clears up the problem better. Please let
> >>> me
> >>>>> know
> >>>>>>>> what
> >>>>>>>>>> do
> >>>>>>>>>>>> you
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> think.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 7, 2022 at 3:26 PM Omnia Ibrahim <
> >>>>>>>>>> o.g.h.ibra...@gmail.com
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Mickael. Thanks for the feedback. I address some
> >>> of
> >>>>> your
> >>>>>>>>>> points
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> below.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *> This seems to address a relatively advanced and
> >>>>> specific
> >>>>>>> use
> >>>>>>>>>> case*
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The main point of the KIP is that MM2 is making a
> >>>> massive
> >>>>>>>>>> assumption
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it has the right to alter/create resources. This
> >>>>> assumption
> >>>>>>>> isn't
> >>>>>>>>>>>> valid
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the world of Infra-as-Code, federated solutions and
> >>>>>>> popularity
> >>>>>>>>>> of OS
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kafka
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kubernetes operators; these infra/resource
> >> management
> >>>>>>> solutions
> >>>>>>>>>>>> aren't
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advanced use-cases anymore nowadays. These concerns
> >>> had
> >>>>>> been
> >>>>>>>>>> raised
> >>>>>>>>>>>> in
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> past, especially regarding the assumption that MM2
> >>> can
> >>>>>> create
> >>>>>>>>>> topics
> >>>>>>>>>>>> on
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> destination cluster. For example,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-12753
> >>> and
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >> https://www.mail-archive.com/dev@kafka.apache.org/msg119340.html
> >>>>>>>>>> .
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The primary motivation is giving some power to data
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> platform/infrastructure team to make MM2 part of
> >>> their
> >>>>>>> internal
> >>>>>>>>>> Kafka
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ecosystem without dropping the main features that
> >>> make
> >>>>> MM2
> >>>>>>>>>> valuable,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> syncing topic configs. For example, if someone uses
> >>> any
> >>>>> OS
> >>>>>>>> Kafka
> >>>>>>>>>> k8s
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> operator, they can implement the class to interact
> >>> with
> >>>>> the
> >>>>>>> k8s
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> operator to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> create these resources.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *> My initial concern is this may make it hard to
> >>>> evolve
> >>>>>>>>>> MirrorMaker
> >>>>>>>>>>>> as
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we'll likely need to update this new interface if
> >> new
> >>>>>>> features
> >>>>>>>>>> are
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> added.*
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I agree it's a disadvantage to adding a new
> >> interface
> >>>>>> however
> >>>>>>>>>> adding
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> more
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> admin interactions from MM2 to alter/create
> >> resources
> >>>> and
> >>>>>>>> access
> >>>>>>>>>> will
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> feed
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the main issue as I mentioned above with the
> >>> popularity
> >>>>> of
> >>>>>>> IaC
> >>>>>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> federated solutions; most data
> >>> platform/infrastructure
> >>>>>> teams
> >>>>>>>> will
> >>>>>>>>>>>> endup
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disabling these new features.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, at the moment, most MM2 interactions with the
> >>>> admin
> >>>>>>>> client
> >>>>>>>>>> are
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scattered across the codebase so having one place
> >>> where
> >>>>> all
> >>>>>>>> admin
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interactions are listed isn't a bad thing.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *> For example if we wanted to sync group ACLs.*
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As I mentioned before, altering any resource's
> >>>>>> configurations
> >>>>>>>>>> with
> >>>>>>>>>>>> MM2
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the one main concern for any data
> >>>> platform/infrastructure
> >>>>>>> team
> >>>>>>>>>> that
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wants
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to have control over their clusters and use MM2. So
> >>> the
> >>>>>> main
> >>>>>>>>>> question
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adding any new altering feature like sync group
> >> ACLs
> >>>> will
> >>>>>>> raise
> >>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>> same
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> question of how many teams will actually enable
> >> this
> >>>>>> feature.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *>Regarding the proposed API, I have a few
> >>> suggestions:
> >>>>>> -
> >>>>>>> What
> >>>>>>>>>> about
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using configure() instead of the constructor to
> >> pass
> >>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> especially as it's implementing Configurable >-
> >> It's
> >>>> not
> >>>>>>> clear
> >>>>>>>>>> what
> >>>>>>>>>>>> all
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> arguments of createTopicPartitions()>are. What's
> >> the
> >>>>>>> difference
> >>>>>>>>>>>> between
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> partitionCounts and newPartitions?>Should we have
> >>>>> separate
> >>>>>>>>>> methods
> >>>>>>>>>>>> for
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> creating topics and partitions? >- Do we really
> >> need
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> createCompactedTopic()? >- Instead of
> >>>>> updateTopicConfigs()
> >>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> updateAcls()
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should we use the >"alter" prefix to stay
> >> consistent
> >>>> with
> >>>>>>>> Admin?*
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These are good suggestions that will update the KIP
> >>> to
> >>>>>>> address
> >>>>>>>>>> these.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding the `createCompactedTopic` MM2 is using
> >>> this
> >>>>>> method
> >>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>>> create
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> internal topics.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 1:55 PM Mickael Maison <
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> mickael.mai...@gmail.com>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Omnia,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the KIP, sorry for taking so long to
> >>>> comment.
> >>>>>>> I've
> >>>>>>>>>> only
> >>>>>>>>>>>> had
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time to take a quick look so far.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This seems to address a relatively advanced and
> >>>> specific
> >>>>>> use
> >>>>>>>>>> case.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> My
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> initial concern is this may make it hard to evolve
> >>>>>>> MirrorMaker
> >>>>>>>>>> as
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we'll likely need to update this new interface if
> >>> new
> >>>>>>> features
> >>>>>>>>>> are
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> added. For example if we wanted to sync group
> >> ACLs.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm wondering if it's something you've thought
> >>> about.
> >>>>> I'm
> >>>>>>> not
> >>>>>>>>>> saying
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's a blocker but we have to weigh the pros and
> >>> cons
> >>>>> when
> >>>>>>>>>>>> introducing
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> new features.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding the proposed API, I have a few
> >>> suggestions:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - What about using configure() instead of the
> >>>>> constructor
> >>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>> pass
> >>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration, especially as it's implementing
> >>>>>> Configurable
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - It's not clear what all the arguments of
> >>>>>>>>>> createTopicPartitions()
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are. What's the difference between partitionCounts
> >>> and
> >>>>>>>>>>>> newPartitions?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should we have separate methods for creating
> >> topics
> >>>> and
> >>>>>>>>>> partitions?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Do we really need createCompactedTopic()?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Instead of updateTopicConfigs() and updateAcls()
> >>>>> should
> >>>>>> we
> >>>>>>>>>> use the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "alter" prefix to stay consistent with Admin?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mickael
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 11:26 AM Omnia Ibrahim <
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> o.g.h.ibra...@gmail.com>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If there are no more concerns regarding the
> >>> proposal
> >>>>>> can I
> >>>>>>>> get
> >>>>>>>>>>>> some
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> votes on the KIP here
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>> https://lists.apache.org/thread/950lpxjb5kbjm8qdszlpxm9h4j4sfyjx
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 3:54 PM Ryanne Dolan <
> >>>>>>>>>>>> ryannedo...@gmail.com>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well I'm convinced! Thanks for looking into it.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ryanne
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 27, 2021, 8:49 AM Omnia Ibrahim <
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> o.g.h.ibra...@gmail.com>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I checked the difference between the number
> >> of
> >>>>>> methods
> >>>>>>> in
> >>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Admin
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interface and the number of methods MM2
> >> invokes
> >>>>> from
> >>>>>>>>>> Admin, and
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> diff
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is enormous (it's more than 70 methods).
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As far as I can see, the following methods
> >> MM2
> >>>>>> depends
> >>>>>>> on
> >>>>>>>>>> (in
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MirrorSourceConnector, MirrorMaker,
> >>>>>>> MirrorCheckpointTask
> >>>>>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MirrorCheckpointConnector), this will leave
> >> 73
> >>>>>> methods
> >>>>>>> on
> >>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Admin
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interface that customer will need to return
> >>> dummy
> >>>>>> data
> >>>>>>>> for,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   1. create(conf)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   2. close
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   3. listTopics()
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   4. createTopics(newTopics,
> >>>> createTopicsOptions)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   5. createPartitions(newPartitions)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   6. alterConfigs(configs)  // this method
> >> is
> >>>>> marked
> >>>>>>> for
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deprecation in
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Admin and the ConfigResource MM2 use is
> >> only
> >>>>> TOPIC
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   7. createAcls(aclBindings) // the list of
> >>>>> bindings
> >>>>>>>>>> always
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> filtered by
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   TOPIC
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   8. describeAcls(aclBindingFilter) //
> >> filter
> >>> is
> >>>>>>> always
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ANY_TOPIC_ACL
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   9. describeConfigs(configResources) //
> >>> Always
> >>>>> for
> >>>>>>>> TOPIC
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> resources
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   10. listConsumerGroupOffsets(groupId)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   11. listConsumerGroups()
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   12. alterConsumerGroupOffsets(groupId,
> >>>> offsets)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   13. describeCluster() // this is invoked
> >>> from
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ConnectUtils.lookupKafkaClusterId(conf),
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   but MM2 isn't the one that initialize the
> >>>>>>> AdminClient
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Going with the Admin interface in practice
> >> will
> >>>>> make
> >>>>>>> any
> >>>>>>>>>> custom
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Admin
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implementation humongous even for a fringe
> >> use
> >>>> case
> >>>>>>>>>> because of
> >>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> number
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of methods that need to return dummy data,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am still leaning toward a new interface as
> >> it
> >>>>>>> abstract
> >>>>>>>>>> all
> >>>>>>>>>>>> MM2's
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interaction with Kafka Resources in one
> >> place;
> >>>> this
> >>>>>>> makes
> >>>>>>>>>> it
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> easier
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> maintain and make it easier for the use cases
> >>>> where
> >>>>>>>>>> customers
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wish to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provide a different method to handle
> >> resources.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Omnia
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 4:10 PM Ryanne Dolan
> >> <
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ryannedo...@gmail.com>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I like the idea of failing-fast whenever a
> >>>> custom
> >>>>>>> impl
> >>>>>>>> is
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provided, but I
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suppose that that could be done for Admin
> >> as
> >>>>> well.
> >>>>>> I
> >>>>>>>>>> agree
> >>>>>>>>>>>> your
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proposal
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more ergonomic, but maybe it's okay to
> >> have a
> >>>>>> little
> >>>>>>>>>>>> friction in
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fringe use-cases.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ryanne
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 26, 2021, 6:23 AM Omnia
> >> Ibrahim <
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> o.g.h.ibra...@gmail.com>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Ryanne, Thanks fo the quick feedback.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Using the Admin interface would make
> >>>> everything
> >>>>>>>>>> easier, as
> >>>>>>>>>>>> MM2
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only to configure the classpath for the
> >> new
> >>>>>>>>>> implementation
> >>>>>>>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use it
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instead of AdminClient.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, I have two concerns
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. The Admin interface is enormous, and
> >> the
> >>>> MM2
> >>>>>>> users
> >>>>>>>>>> will
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> need
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to know
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list of methods MM2 depends on and
> >> override
> >>>>> these
> >>>>>>>> only
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> instead of
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implementing the whole Admin interface.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. MM2 users will need keep an eye on any
> >>>>> changes
> >>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>> Admin
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interface
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> impact MM2 for example deprecating
> >> methods.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Am not sure if adding these concerns on
> >> the
> >>>>> users
> >>>>>>> is
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> acceptable
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or not.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One solution to address these concerns
> >>> could
> >>>> be
> >>>>>>>> adding
> >>>>>>>>>> some
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> checks to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sure the methods MM2 uses from the Admin
> >>>>>> interface
> >>>>>>>>>> exists
> >>>>>>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> fail
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> faster.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What do you think
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Omnia
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 11:24 PM Ryanne
> >>>> Dolan <
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ryannedo...@gmail.com>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Omnia, neat idea. I wonder if we
> >>>> could
> >>>>>> use
> >>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> existing
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Admin
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interface instead of defining a new
> >> one?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ryanne
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 25, 2021, 12:54 PM Omnia
> >>>> Ibrahim
> >>>>> <
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> o.g.h.ibra...@gmail.com>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey everyone,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please take a look at KIP-787
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-787%3A+MM2+Interface+to+manage+Kafka+resources
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-787%3A+MM2+Interface+to+manage+Kafka+resources
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the feedback and support
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Omnia
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>

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