
In my java application for kafkaProducer i created Admin and used this to list 

 Admin admin1 = Admin.create(properties).
ListTopicsResult listTopicResult = admin1.listTopics();

When producer was not able to connect to broker, thread get stucks at listTopic 

To avoid this i have added DEFAULT_API_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG property and have set 
to 2000ms. so after 2s if producer is not able to connect to broker timeout 
should happen. 
properties.put(AdminClientConfig.DEFAULT_API_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG,2000). But this 
does not work as expected. even DEFAULT_API_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG with value 2000ms 
as property timeout didn't happen and thread was struck.

Is there any other way to achieve timeout or do we need to configure it in any 
other way? Also is using AdminClient instead of Admin can have any impact.

Thanks in advance


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