

[...truncated 463986 lines...]
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z]             at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z]             at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z]             ... 4 more
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z]             Caused by:
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Call(callName=createTopics, 
deadlineMs=1681494486558, tries=1, nextAllowedTryMs=1681494487510) timed out at 
1681494487410 after 1 attempt(s)
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z]                 Caused by:
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.DisconnectException: Cancelled createTopics 
request with correlation id 3 due to node 0 being disconnected
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationExactlyOnceTest > 
testOneWayReplicationWithAutoOffsetSync() STARTED
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z] > Task 
:streams:upgrade-system-tests-25:integrationTest FAILED
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z] > Task 
:streams:upgrade-system-tests-26:integrationTest FAILED
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z] Could not stop$NonBlockingActor@6ffa516e.
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z] org.gradle.internal.dispatch.DispatchException: 
Could not dispatch message [MethodInvocation method: 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z]      at
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z]      at
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z] Caused by: 
org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Unable to connect to the child 
process 'Gradle Test Executor 170'.
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z] It is likely that the child process have crashed - 
please find the stack trace in the build log.
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z] This exception might occur when the build machine is 
extremely loaded.
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z] The connection attempt hit a timeout after 120.0 
seconds (last known process state: STARTED, running: true).
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.786Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z]      at 
jdk.internal.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor407.invoke(Unknown Source)
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z]      at 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z]      ... 10 more
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z] > Task 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z] > Task 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z] > Task 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z] > Task 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z] > Task 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z] > Task :connect:runtime:integrationTest
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:runtime:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 134 > 
org.apache.kafka.connect.integration.TransformationIntegrationTest > 
testFilterOnTombstonesWithSinkConnector PASSED
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:runtime:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 134 > 
org.apache.kafka.connect.integration.TransformationIntegrationTest > 
testFilterOnTopicNameWithSinkConnector STARTED
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z] > Task 
[2023-04-14T18:56:50.787Z] > Task :tools:tools-api:integrationTest
[2023-04-14T18:57:00.049Z] > Task :connect:runtime:integrationTest
[2023-04-14T18:57:00.049Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:runtime:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 134 > 
org.apache.kafka.connect.integration.TransformationIntegrationTest > 
testFilterOnTopicNameWithSinkConnector PASSED
[2023-04-14T18:57:12.944Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:runtime:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 198 > 
org.apache.kafka.connect.integration.TransformationIntegrationTest > 
testFilterOnHasHeaderKeyWithSourceConnectorAndTopicCreation STARTED
[2023-04-14T18:57:50.642Z] > Task :connect:mirror:integrationTest
[2023-04-14T18:57:50.642Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationExactlyOnceTest > 
testOneWayReplicationWithAutoOffsetSync() PASSED
[2023-04-14T18:57:50.642Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationExactlyOnceTest > 
testSyncTopicConfigs() STARTED
[2023-04-14T18:58:18.109Z] > Task :connect:runtime:integrationTest
[2023-04-14T18:58:18.109Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:runtime:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 198 > 
org.apache.kafka.connect.integration.TransformationIntegrationTest > 
testFilterOnHasHeaderKeyWithSourceConnectorAndTopicCreation PASSED
[2023-04-14T18:58:18.928Z] 91 tests completed, 1 failed, 1 skipped
[2023-04-14T18:58:31.216Z] There were failing tests. See the report at: 
[2023-04-14T18:58:44.531Z] > Task :connect:mirror:integrationTest
[2023-04-14T18:58:44.531Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationExactlyOnceTest > 
testSyncTopicConfigs() PASSED
[2023-04-14T18:58:44.531Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationExactlyOnceTest > 
testRestartReplication() STARTED
[2023-04-14T19:00:52.706Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationExactlyOnceTest > 
testRestartReplication() PASSED
[2023-04-14T19:00:52.706Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationExactlyOnceTest > 
testOneWayReplicationWithFrequentOffsetSyncs() STARTED
[2023-04-14T19:02:28.534Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationExactlyOnceTest > 
testOneWayReplicationWithFrequentOffsetSyncs() PASSED
[2023-04-14T19:02:28.534Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testReplication() STARTED
[2023-04-14T19:04:35.066Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testReplication() PASSED
[2023-04-14T19:04:35.066Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testReplicationWithEmptyPartition() STARTED
[2023-04-14T19:05:45.115Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testReplicationWithEmptyPartition() PASSED
[2023-04-14T19:05:45.115Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testReplicateSourceDefault() STARTED
[2023-04-14T19:07:07.561Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testReplicateSourceDefault() PASSED
[2023-04-14T19:07:07.561Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testOffsetSyncsTopicsOnTarget() STARTED
[2023-04-14T19:08:29.024Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testOffsetSyncsTopicsOnTarget() PASSED
[2023-04-14T19:08:29.024Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testReplicateTargetDefault() STARTED
[2023-04-14T19:09:49.638Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testReplicateTargetDefault() PASSED
[2023-04-14T19:09:49.638Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testNoCheckpointsIfNoRecordsAreMirrored() STARTED
[2023-04-14T19:10:57.713Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testNoCheckpointsIfNoRecordsAreMirrored() PASSED
[2023-04-14T19:10:57.713Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testOneWayReplicationWithAutoOffsetSync() STARTED
[2023-04-14T19:12:50.524Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testOneWayReplicationWithAutoOffsetSync() PASSED
[2023-04-14T19:12:50.524Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testSyncTopicConfigs() STARTED
[2023-04-14T19:13:50.131Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testSyncTopicConfigs() PASSED
[2023-04-14T19:13:50.131Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testRestartReplication() STARTED
[2023-04-14T19:16:30.506Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testRestartReplication() PASSED
[2023-04-14T19:16:30.506Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testOneWayReplicationWithFrequentOffsetSyncs() STARTED
[2023-04-14T19:18:23.145Z] Gradle Test Run :connect:mirror:integrationTest > 
Gradle Test Executor 130 > MirrorConnectorsIntegrationTransactionsTest > 
testOneWayReplicationWithFrequentOffsetSyncs() PASSED
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Task :connect:mirror:integrationTest FAILED
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] FAILURE: Build completed with 5 failures.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] 1: Task failed with an exception.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] -----------
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] * What went wrong:
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] Execution failed for task ':core:integrationTest'.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Process 'Gradle Test Executor 94' finished with 
non-zero exit value 137
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z]   This problem might be caused by incorrect test 
process configuration.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z]   Please refer to the test execution section in the 
User Manual at
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] * Try:
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack 
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log 
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Run with --scan to get full insights.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] 2: Task failed with an exception.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] -----------
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] * What went wrong:
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] Execution failed for task ':streams:integrationTest'.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Process 'Gradle Test Executor 113' finished with 
non-zero exit value 137
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z]   This problem might be caused by incorrect test 
process configuration.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z]   Please refer to the test execution section in the 
User Manual at
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] * Try:
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack 
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log 
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Run with --scan to get full insights.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] 3: Task failed with an exception.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] -----------
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] * What went wrong:
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] Execution failed for task 
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Unable to connect to the child process 'Gradle 
Test Executor 169'.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z]   It is likely that the child process have crashed - 
please find the stack trace in the build log.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z]   This exception might occur when the build machine 
is extremely loaded.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z]   The connection attempt hit a timeout after 120.0 
seconds (last known process state: STARTED, running: true).
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] * Try:
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack 
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log 
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Run with --scan to get full insights.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] 4: Task failed with an exception.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] -----------
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] * What went wrong:
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] Execution failed for task 
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Unable to connect to the child process 'Gradle 
Test Executor 174'.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z]   It is likely that the child process have crashed - 
please find the stack trace in the build log.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z]   This exception might occur when the build machine 
is extremely loaded.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z]   The connection attempt hit a timeout after 120.0 
seconds (last known process state: STARTED, running: true).
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] * Try:
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack 
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log 
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Run with --scan to get full insights.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] 5: Task failed with an exception.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] -----------
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] * What went wrong:
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] Execution failed for task 
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Process 'Gradle Test Executor 131' finished with 
non-zero exit value 137
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z]   This problem might be caused by incorrect test 
process configuration.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z]   Please refer to the test execution section in the 
User Manual at
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] * Try:
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack 
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log 
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] > Run with --scan to get full insights.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] * Get more help at
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, 
making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the 
individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own 
scripts or plugins.
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] See
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] BUILD FAILED in 5h 41m 48s
[2023-04-14T19:18:26.783Z] 230 actionable tasks: 124 executed, 106 up-to-date
[2023-04-14T19:18:27.736Z] See the profiling report at: 
[2023-04-14T19:18:27.736Z] A fine-grained performance profile is available: use 
the --scan option.
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timestamps
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch JDK 17 and Scala 2.12
[Pipeline] // parallel
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
[Pipeline] script
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] node
Running on builds29 in /home/jenkins/workspace/Kafka_kafka_trunk
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] step

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