The code "AccessTokenRetrieverFactory" uses the "jaasConfig"'s for the
properties used for building the socket factory.

Shouldn't "jou.createSSLSockerFactor()" use the kafka configs for sasl/ssl

I am looking to do "oauthbearer.ssl.protocol=TLSv1.2" -- but no luck - I
have tried many variations and in looking at the code I *think* it is
trying to use JAAS properties not the kafka configurations for this.

I am confused by this so I don't want to open a ticket if I am
mis-understanding how overrides should work for oauthbearer



            JaasOptionsUtils jou = new JaasOptionsUtils(jaasConfig);
            String clientId = jou.validateString(CLIENT_ID_CONFIG);
            String clientSecret = jou.validateString(CLIENT_SECRET_CONFIG);
            String scope = jou.validateString(SCOPE_CONFIG, false);

            SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = null;

            if (jou.shouldCreateSSLSocketFactory(tokenEndpointUrl))
                sslSocketFactory = jou.createSSLSocketFactory();

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