Hi John,

I think you're referring to the "record cache" that's provided by the
ThreadCache class?

I was hoping to (eventually) remove the "flush-on-commit" behaviour from
RocksDbStore, so that RocksDB can choose when to flush memtables, enabling
users to tailor RocksDB performance to their workload. Explicitly flushing
the Record Cache to files instead would entail either flushing on every
commit, or the current behaviour, of flushing on every commit provided at
least 10K records have been processed. Compared with RocksDB-managed
memtable flushing, this is very inflexible. If we pursue this design, I
highly recommend replacing the hard-coded 10K limit with something
configurable so that users can tune flush behaviour for their workloads.

Tracking the changelog offsets in another CF and atomically updating it
with the main CFs is orthogonal, I think, as it can be done when using
memtables provided the "Atomic Flush" feature of RocksDB is enabled. This
is something I'd originally planned for this KIP, but we're trying to pull
out into a later KIP to make things more manageable.

> * we don't fragment memory between the RecordCache and the memtables
I think by memory fragmentation, you mean duplication, because we're
caching the records both in the (on-heap) Record Cache and the RocksDB
memtables? This is a good point that I hadn't considered before. Wouldn't a
simpler solution be to just disable the record cache for RocksDB stores (by
default), and let the memtables do the caching? Although I guess that would
reduce read performance, which could be especially important for joins.

> * RecordCache gives far higher performance than memtable for reads and
I'll concede this point. The JNI boundary plus RocksDB record encoding will
likely make it impossible to ever match the Record Cache on throughput.

> * we don't need any new "transaction" concepts or memory bound configs
Maybe. Unless I'm mistaken, the Record Cache only retains the most recently
written value for a key, which would mean that Interactive Queries would
always observe new record values *before* they're committed to the
changelog. While this is the current behaviour, it's also a violation of
consistency, because successive IQ could observe a regression of a value,
due to an error writing to the changelog (e.g. a changelog transaction
rollback or a timeout). This is something that KIP-892 aims to improve on,
as the current design would ensure that records are only observed by IQ
*after* they have been committed to the Kafka changelog.

That said, it definitely sounds *feasible*.



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