Not sure if I followed the question correctly, but S1 and S2 would be
message-sets to different partitions of T - the producer request
object contains a map of topic-partition -> messageset). So each
partition would get its own ack. The response object is just a map of
partition -> response status so the order of acks in the response is
the response status map's order.


On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 02:09:40PM -0700, Dave Peterson wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a question about produce requests and responses.
> Suppose I create a produce request consisting of a single topic T
> which contains two message sets S1 and S2, with S1 preceding
> S2.  In other words, the request looks like this:
>     ( request header ( T ( S1, S2 ) ) )
> Is it possible that I may get a response in which the order of
> the ACKs for the individual message sets is reversed?  In other
> words, a response that looks like this:
>     ( response header ( T ( ack for S2, ack for S1 ) ) )
> I know that if a request contains multiple topics, then the topics
> may arrive out of order in the response.  So I was wondering if
> ACKs for individual message sets within a topic can likewise
> arrive out of order in the response.
> Thanks,
> Dave

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