
Kafka has the gradle dependency-check plugin configured, which can detect
when CVEs are issued for dependencies of the project. Now, more often than
not, those CVEs don't actually affect Kafka, but generally it's good to at
least consider them: every once in a while they might justify expediting an
update or applying a mitigation.

Currently I suspect few contributors ever run the report manually, and I
don't think it's published somewhere. The result is that people from
outside the project are posting Jira issues when these CVEs pop up in their
security scanning tooling, which seems like a missed opportunity.

Would it be interesting to (eventually automatically) create JIRA issues
for any CVEs flagged by dependency-check? I don't think that would create a
"dependabot-style" overwhelming amount of tickets: there's currently 9 CVEs
flagged when you exclude the :jmh-benchmarks subproject. It's not a problem
to make these JIRA tickets publicly available: given anyone can run that
report, and Kafka is not impacted by most CVEs in dependencies, we don't
consider the mere existence of those CVEs as sensitive information. When
someone looks into them and finds Kafka is impacted, it might be better to
continue the conversation on security@kafka.a.o. When people ask us about
CVEs flagged by their dependency scanners, we could point them to those

Looking further ahead, it would be great to have the conclusions of these
discussions in machine-readable form. For trunk, this could initially be
the dependencycheck suppressions file[0] for CVEs where Kafka is not
impacted. It might also be interesting to publish SBOM and VEX/VDR
descriptions where we can explicitly say we are or are not affected - if
there's sufficient interest, both for trunk and for currently-supported

I'd be happy to try things out and learn what might work best for Kafka!

Kind regards,

Arnout Engelen
ASF Security Response

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