Hey folks, thanks for the reviews!
Addressing them one by one. From Luke -

Some comments:
> 1. Follower transitions to: Prospective: After expiration of the election
> timeout
> -> Is this the fetch timeout, not election timeout?
Yes, thanks for this catch!

> 2. I also agree we don't bump the epoch in prospective state.
>  A candidate will now send a VoteRequest with the PreVote field set to true
> and CandidateEpoch set to its [epoch + 1] when its election timeout
> expires.
> -> What is "CandidateEpoch"? And I thought you've agreed to not set [epoch
> + 1] ?
Forgot to update this section, it now reads

A follower will now transition to Prospective when its fetch timeout
expires. The Prospective server will send a VoteRequest with the PreVote
field set to true and ReplicaEpoch  set to its current, unbumped epoch. If
[majority - 1] of VoteResponse grant the vote, the server will transition
to Candidate and will then bump its epoch up and send a VoteRequest with
PreVote set to false (which is the original behavior).

On Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 4:53 PM José Armando García Sancio
<jsan...@confluent.io.invalid> wrote:

> Hi Alyssa,
> 1. In the schema for VoteRequest and VoteResponse, you are using
> "boolean" as the type keyword. The correct keyword should be "bool"
> instead.
> 2. In the states and state transaction table you have the following entry:
> >  * Candidate transitions to:
> > *    ...
> > *    Prospective: After expiration of the election timeout
> Can you explain the reason a candidate would transition back to
> prospective? If a voter transitions to the candidate state it is
> because the voters don't support KIP-996 or the replica was able to
> win the majority of the votes at some point in the past. Are we
> concerned that the network partition might have occurred after the
> replica has become a candidate? If so, I think we should state this
> explicitly in the KIP.
> 3. In the proposed section and state transition section, I think it
> would be helpful to explicitly state that we have an invariant that
> only the prospective state can transition to the candidate state. This
> transition to the candidate state from the prospective state can only
> happen because the replica won the majority of the votes or there is
> at least one remote voter that doesn't support pre-vote.
> 4. I am a bit confused by this paragraph
> > A candidate will now send a VoteRequest with the PreVote field set to
> true and CandidateEpoch set to its [epoch + 1] when its election timeout
> expires. If [majority - 1] of VoteResponse grant the vote, the candidate
> will then bump its epoch up and send a VoteRequest with PreVote set to
> false which is our standard vote that will cause state changes for servers
> receiving the request.
> I am assuming that "candidate" refers to the states enumerated on the
> table above this quote. If so, I think you mean "prospective" for the
> first candidate.
> CandidateEpoch should be ReplicaEpoch.
> [epoch + 1] should just be epoch. I thought we agreed that replicas
> will always send their current epoch to the remote replicas.
> 5. I am a bit confused by this bullet section
> > true if the server receives less than [majority] VoteResponse with
> VoteGranted set to false within [election.timeout.ms + a little
> randomness] and the first bullet point does not apply
>      Explanation for why we don't send a standard vote at this point
> is explained in rejected alternatives.
> Can we explain this case in plain english? I assume that this case is
> trying to cover the scenario where the election timer expired but the
> prospective candidate hasn't received enough votes (granted or
> rejected) to make a decision if it could win an election.
> 6.
> > Yes. If a leader is unable to receive fetch responses from a majority of
> servers, it can impede followers that are able to communicate with it from
> voting in an eligible leader that can communicate with a majority of the
> cluster.
> In general, leaders don't receive fetch responses. They receive FETCH
> requests. Did you mean "if a leader is able to send FETCH responses to
> the majority - 1 of the voters, it can impede fetching voters
> (followers) from granting their vote to prospective candidates. This
> should stop prospective candidates from getting enough votes to
> transition to the candidate state and increase their epoch".
> 7.
> > Check Quorum ensures a leader steps down if it is unable to receive
> fetch responses from a majority of servers.
> I think you mean "... if it is unable to receive FETCH requests from
> the majority - 1 of the voters".
> 8. At the end of the Proposed changes section you have the following:
> > The logic now looks like the following for servers receiving
> VoteRequests with PreVote set to true:
> >
> > When servers receive VoteRequests with the PreVote field set to true,
> they will respond with VoteGranted set to
> >
> > * true if they are not a Follower and the epoch and offsets in the
> Pre-Vote request satisfy the same requirements as a standard vote
> > * false if they are a Follower or the epoch and end offsets in the
> Pre-Vote request do not satisfy the requirements
> This seems to duplicate the same algorithm that was stated earlier in
> the section.
> 9. I don't understand this rejected idea: Sending Standard Votes after
> failure to win Pre-Vote
> In your example in the "Disruptive server scenarios" voters 4 and 5
> are partitioned from the majority of the voters. We don't want voters
> 4 and 5 increasing their epoch and transitioning to the candidate
> state else they would disrupt the quorum established by voters 1, 2
> and 3.
> Thanks,
> --
> -José

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