Thanks Matthias for your response. Sorry, my bad please find the updated Image.

·        We have 1 topic and 4 partitions, Each consumer is pointing to the 
topic. There is no partition assignment specific to the consumer group from our 
software code.

·        Please let me know if you need Kafka server logs or consumer service 
logs, Post restart of our service no logs are printed in onMessage method.

·        We are using consumer.subscribe(topic)


Santhosh Aditya

From: Matthias J. Sax <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 12:13 AM
Subject: Re: Kafka consumer group crashing and not able to consume once service 
is up

I am a not sure if I can follow completely. From the figures you show, you have 
a topic with 4 partitions, and 4 consumer groups. Thus, each consumer group 
should read all 4 partitions, but the figure indicate that each group would 
read a single
This Message Is From an External Sender
This message came from outside your organization.
    Report Suspicious  

I am a not sure if I can follow completely.

 From the figures you show, you have a topic with 4 partitions, and 4

consumer groups. Thus, each consumer group should read all 4 partitions,

but the figure indicate that each group would read a single partition only?

Can you clarify? Are you using `consumer.subscribe` or `consumer.assign`?

In general, might be good too collect some INFO (or DEBUG) level logs

for the crashing service after restart to see what it's doing.


On 1/30/24 7:17 AM, Marigowda, Santhosh Aditya wrote:

> Hi Kafka Dev Team,


> Could you please help us with our problem.


> In our POC, if one of the kafka consumer(Service) shuts down or crashes

> then post restart of service none of the messages are getting consumed

> by the crashed Service.


> Other services are consuming without any issues.


> One of service crash/Shutdown


> If we rename the Kafka consumer group name and start the service then

> messages start consuming.


> Consumer configuration :


> {


>                  delay:1000


>                  timeout:0


>                  topic-name= test


>                  handlers=["Listener"]


>                  source="kafka-consumer"


>                  enable_auto_commit="false"


>                  group="Consumer-Group-1"


>              }


> local-kafka-consumer = {


>                                              server=

> "{kafka-hostname}:{kafka-port}"



> deserializer="org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"


>                                             auto_offset_reset="latest"


>                                             enable_auto_commit="true"


>                                             maxRequestSize=20971520


>                                              }


> Thanks,


> Santhosh Aditya


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