Hi all,

We’ve previously done some benchmarking of Kafka ZooKeeper vs KRaft and found 
no difference in throughput (which we believed is also what theory predicted, 
as ZK/Kraft are only involved in Kafka meta-data operations, not data 

BUT – latest tests reveal improved producer and consumer latency for Kraft c.f. 
ZooKeeper.  So just wanted to check if Kraft is actually involved in any aspect 
of write/read workloads? For example, some documentation (possibly old) 
suggests that consumer offsets are stored in meta-data?  In which case this 
could explain better Kraft latencies. But if not, then I’m curious to 
understand the difference (and if it’s documented anywhere?)

Also if anyone has noticed the same regarding latency in benchmarks.

Regards, Paul Brebner

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