

[...truncated 460933 lines...]
[2024-02-22T05:37:09.353Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testSetDataExistingZNode() STARTED
[2024-02-22T05:37:09.353Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testSetDataExistingZNode() PASSED
[2024-02-22T05:37:09.353Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testZNodeChildChangeHandlerForChildChangeNotTriggered() 
[2024-02-22T05:37:09.353Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testZNodeChildChangeHandlerForChildChangeNotTriggered() 
[2024-02-22T05:37:09.353Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testMixedPipeline() STARTED
[2024-02-22T05:37:10.461Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testMixedPipeline() PASSED
[2024-02-22T05:37:10.461Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testGetDataExistingZNode() STARTED
[2024-02-22T05:37:10.461Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testGetDataExistingZNode() PASSED
[2024-02-22T05:37:10.461Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testDeleteExistingZNode() STARTED
[2024-02-22T05:37:10.461Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testDeleteExistingZNode() PASSED
[2024-02-22T05:37:10.461Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testSessionExpiry() STARTED
[2024-02-22T05:37:12.555Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testSessionExpiry() PASSED
[2024-02-22T05:37:12.555Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testSetDataNonExistentZNode() STARTED
[2024-02-22T05:37:12.555Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testSetDataNonExistentZNode() PASSED
[2024-02-22T05:37:12.555Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testConnectionViaNettyClient() STARTED
[2024-02-22T05:37:13.663Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testConnectionViaNettyClient() PASSED
[2024-02-22T05:37:13.663Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testDeleteNonExistentZNode() STARTED
[2024-02-22T05:37:13.663Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testDeleteNonExistentZNode() PASSED
[2024-02-22T05:37:13.663Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testExistsExistingZNode() STARTED
[2024-02-22T05:37:13.663Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testExistsExistingZNode() PASSED
[2024-02-22T05:37:13.663Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testZooKeeperStateChangeRateMetrics() STARTED
[2024-02-22T05:37:14.768Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testZooKeeperStateChangeRateMetrics() PASSED
[2024-02-22T05:37:14.768Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testZNodeChangeHandlerForDeletion() STARTED
[2024-02-22T05:37:14.768Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testZNodeChangeHandlerForDeletion() PASSED
[2024-02-22T05:37:14.768Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testGetAclNonExistentZNode() STARTED
[2024-02-22T05:37:14.768Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testGetAclNonExistentZNode() PASSED
[2024-02-22T05:37:14.769Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testStateChangeHandlerForAuthFailure() STARTED
[2024-02-22T05:37:15.875Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> ZooKeeperClientTest > testStateChangeHandlerForAuthFailure() PASSED
[2024-02-22T05:37:15.875Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> AllocateProducerIdsRequestTest > testAllocateProducersIdSentToController() > 
testAllocateProducersIdSentToController [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, 
MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT STARTED
[2024-02-22T05:37:16.983Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> AllocateProducerIdsRequestTest > testAllocateProducersIdSentToController() > 
testAllocateProducersIdSentToController [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, 
MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
[2024-02-22T05:37:16.983Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> AllocateProducerIdsRequestTest > testAllocateProducersIdSentToNonController() 
> testAllocateProducersIdSentToNonController [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, 
MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT STARTED
[2024-02-22T05:37:25.368Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 95 
> AllocateProducerIdsRequestTest > testAllocateProducersIdSentToNonController() 
> testAllocateProducersIdSentToNonController [1] Type=Raft-Isolated, 
MetadataVersion=3.8-IV0, Security=PLAINTEXT PASSED
[2024-02-22T05:37:33.921Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 
102 > ReplicaManagerTest > testRemoteFetchExpiresPerSecMetric() STARTED
[2024-02-22T05:37:33.921Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 
103 > LogDirFailureTest > testIOExceptionDuringCheckpoint(String) > 
testIOExceptionDuringCheckpoint(String).quorum=zk STARTED
[2024-02-22T05:37:33.921Z] OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Sharing is only 
supported for boot loader classes because bootstrap classpath has been appended
[2024-02-22T05:37:37.067Z] > Task :core:test
[2024-02-22T05:37:37.067Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 
102 > ReplicaManagerTest > testRemoteFetchExpiresPerSecMetric() PASSED
[2024-02-22T05:37:43.982Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 
103 > LogDirFailureTest > testIOExceptionDuringCheckpoint(String) > 
testIOExceptionDuringCheckpoint(String).quorum=zk PASSED
[2024-02-22T05:37:43.982Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 
103 > LogDirFailureTest > testIOExceptionDuringCheckpoint(String) > 
testIOExceptionDuringCheckpoint(String).quorum=kraft STARTED
[2024-02-22T05:37:51.100Z] Gradle Test Run :core:test > Gradle Test Executor 
103 > LogDirFailureTest > testIOExceptionDuringCheckpoint(String) > 
testIOExceptionDuringCheckpoint(String).quorum=kraft PASSED
[2024-02-22T05:37:51.100Z] 5538 tests completed, 2 failed, 17 skipped
[2024-02-22T05:37:55.519Z] There were failing tests. See the report at: 
[2024-02-22T05:37:57.607Z] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
[2024-02-22T05:37:57.607Z] * What went wrong:
[2024-02-22T05:37:57.607Z] Execution failed for task ':streams:test'.
[2024-02-22T05:37:57.607Z] > The following test methods could not be retried, 
which is unexpected. Please file a bug report at
[2024-02-22T05:37:57.607Z] * Try:
[2024-02-22T05:37:57.607Z] > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack 
[2024-02-22T05:37:57.607Z] > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log 
[2024-02-22T05:37:57.607Z] > Get more help at
[2024-02-22T05:37:57.607Z] Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, 
making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
[2024-02-22T05:37:57.607Z] You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the 
individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own 
scripts or plugins.
[2024-02-22T05:37:57.607Z] For more on this, please refer to
 in the Gradle documentation.
[2024-02-22T05:37:57.607Z] BUILD FAILED in 3h 36m 1s
[2024-02-22T05:37:57.607Z] 318 actionable tasks: 118 executed, 200 up-to-date
[2024-02-22T05:37:57.607Z] Publishing build scan...
[2024-02-22T05:37:58.711Z] See the profiling report at: 
[2024-02-22T05:37:58.711Z] A fine-grained performance profile is available: use 
the --scan option.
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timestamps
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch JDK 21 and Scala 2.13
Cancelling nested steps due to timeout
[2024-02-22T05:50:21.311Z] Sending interrupt signal to process
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] > Task :clients:test FAILED
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] Gradle Test Run :clients:test > Gradle Test Executor 
98 > Tls13SelectorTest > testExpireClosedConnectionWithPendingReceives() SKIPPED
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] 1: Task failed with an exception.
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] -----------
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] * What went wrong:
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] Execution failed for task ':streams:test'.
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] > The following test methods could not be retried, 
which is unexpected. Please file a bug report at
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] * Try:
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack 
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log 
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] > Get more help at
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] 2: Task failed with an exception.
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] -----------
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] * What went wrong:
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] Execution failed for task ':clients:test'.
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] > Process 'Gradle Test Executor 98' finished with 
non-zero exit value 143
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z]   This problem might be caused by incorrect test 
process configuration.
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z]   For more on test execution, please refer to in 
the Gradle documentation.
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] * Try:
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack 
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log 
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] > Get more help at
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, 
making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the 
individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own 
scripts or plugins.
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] For more on this, please refer to
 in the Gradle documentation.
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] BUILD FAILED in 4h 2m 21s
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] 318 actionable tasks: 118 executed, 200 up-to-date
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] Publishing build scan...
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] The message received from the daemon indicates that 
the daemon has disappeared.
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] Build request sent: 
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] Attempting to read last messages from the daemon 
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] Daemon pid: 1534103
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z]   log file: 
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] ----- Last  20 lines from daemon log file - 
daemon-1534103.out.log -----
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z]   This problem might be caused by incorrect test 
process configuration.
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z]   For more on test execution, please refer to in 
the Gradle documentation.
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] * Try:
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack 
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log 
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] > Get more help at
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, 
making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the 
individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own 
scripts or plugins.
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] For more on this, please refer to
 in the Gradle documentation.
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] BUILD FAILED in 4h 2m 21s
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] 318 actionable tasks: 118 executed, 200 up-to-date
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] Publishing build scan...
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] Daemon vm is shutting down... The daemon has exited 
normally or was terminated in response to a user interrupt.
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] ----- End of the daemon log -----
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] * What went wrong:
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] Gradle build daemon disappeared unexpectedly (it may 
have been killed or may have crashed)
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] * Try:
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack 
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log 
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] > Run with --scan to get full insights.
[2024-02-22T05:50:34.628Z] > Get more help at
[2024-02-22T05:50:35.308Z] script returned exit code 1
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timestamps
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch JDK 17 and Scala 2.13
[Pipeline] // parallel
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
[Pipeline] script
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] node
Still waiting to schedule task
Waiting for next available executor on ‘ubuntu’
Running on builds44 in /home/jenkins/workspace/Kafka_kafka_trunk
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] step

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