Hello everyone,

I'm hoping to start a discussion to get some feedback on a topic, I assume
this is something that would require a KIP, but wanted to start out with a
discussion to gather some early feedback.

We have a use case internally for creating topics with a given topic ID.
The need for this arises because we're working on the capability to delete
a cluster and later recreate its tiered storage topics in an entirely new
cluster. For that to work, since the organization of the tiered data is
dependent on the topic ID, the topic created in the fresh cluster must have
the same ID as the original one in the deleted cluster.

We have a small patch only used for internal testing so far, showing that
adding TopicID as a tagged field on CreateTopicsRequest and implementing
the capability is a small and uncomplicated change:

We also foresee that the same need will arise from tools that replicate
topics between clusters, such as mirrormaker2.

Are there any thoughts about this proposal, or any pointers for moving
forward formalizing this in a KIP?

Best regards,

[image: Aiven] <https://www.aiven.io/>
*Anton Agestam* (he/him or they/them)
Software Engineer, *Aiven*
anton.ages...@aiven.io   |   +46 704 486 289
aiven.io <https://www.aiven.io/>   |
<https://www.linkedin.com/company/aiven/>    <https://twitter.com/aiven_io>

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