I think that if this is introduced (and perhaps even if it is not) we need
a clear ACL evaluation process.

I know we have both allow and deny, and that deny takes precedence over

But let's consider two scenarios

1. Unintended access.

Let's assume we start with the 6 topics Murali used in his
example: nl-accounts-localtopic, nl-accounts-remotetopic,
de-accounts-localtopic, de-accounts-remotetopic, cz-accounts-localtopic,
and cz-accounts-remotetopic
Assume that *-accounts-* pattern granted read access to anyone.
I create an account us-accounts-privatetopic and grant explicit access some
Because of the *-accounts-* everyone has access to my privatetopic, and I
may not know that there is a leak until it is far too late.
I don't have a good way to determine which ACLs will impact my topic.
I cannot add a general us-accounts-privatetopic DENY and hope my explicit
access works because DENY takes precedence over ALLOW.

2. Unintended/Hostile denial
Let's assume we start with the 6 topics Murali used in his
example: nl-accounts-localtopic, nl-accounts-remotetopic,
de-accounts-localtopic, de-accounts-remotetopic, cz-accounts-localtopic,
and cz-accounts-remotetopic
Assume that *-accounts-* pattern grants read access to anyone.
A bad or carless actor could create *-* DENY which would cause the system
to cease functioning as expected.
There is not a good way to determine which ACLs impacted the topic.

*Note* that both of these issues can occur with the PREFIXED pattern as
well, so this is not an argument against the MATCH pattern.  There is a
fundamental issue with the current ACL implementation as relates to

I think that the evaluation process should be:

   1. Remove patterns that do not match
   2. More specific patterns take precedence over less specific patterns
   3. for patterns of the same precedence DENY overrides ALLOW

*Determining specificity*:

Specificity is generally based on the Levenshtein distance between the
pattern and the text being evaluated.  The lower the distance the more
specific the rule.
Using the topic name: nl-accounts-localtopic we can evaluate the
Levenshtein distance for various patterns.

nl-accounts-localtopic = 0
*-accounts-localtopic = 2
nl-accounts-local* = 5
*-accounts-local* = 7
nl-accounts-* = 10
*-accounts-* = 12

In the special case of matching principles User matches are more specific
than Group matches.


With the ACL system becoming a complex web of patterns, it is
incumbent upon the development team to provide tools to assist in
permissions problem determination.

1.  There should be a tool that will provide a list of all ACLs that impact
the decision to allow or deny access for a principal to a topic based on
principal ID, host, and operation.  This will assist operators in rapidly
determining the reason for access denied errors.
2. There should be a tool to show the effects of adding an ACL.  Using the
example from above adding *-accounts-*", should list that
nl-accounts-localtopic, nl-accounts-remotetopic,
de-accounts-localtopic, de-accounts-remotetopic, cz-accounts-localtopic,
and cz-accounts-remotetopic are affected.
3. There should be a tool to show the effects of adding a topic.  Using the
example from above adding *us-accounts-privatetopic", should list that
"*-accounts-*" will influence the permissions calculations for the new


I leave determining whether or not adding MATCH as a pattern type is a good
idea to others with more experience in Kafka.  But in either case, I
believe that we need to look at how we evaluate ACLs given that we already
have a wild card ACL pattern.


On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 3:56 PM Murali Basani <murali.bas...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I'd like to propose a suggestion to our resource patterns in Kafka ACLs.
> Currently, when adding new ACLs in Kafka, we have two types of resource
> patterns for topics:
>    - LITERAL
> However, when it comes to listing or removing ACLs, we have a couple more
> options:
>    - MATCH
>    - ANY (will match any pattern type)
> If we can extend creating acls as well with 'MATCH' pattern type, it would
> be very beneficial. Even though this kind of acl should be created with
> utmost care, it will help organizations streamline their ACL management
> processes.
> Example scenarios :
> Let's say we need to create ACLs for the following six topics:
> nl-accounts-localtopic, nl-accounts-remotetopic, de-accounts-localtopic,
> de-accounts-remotetopic, cz-accounts-localtopic, cz-accounts-remotetopic
> Currently, we achieve this using existing functionality by creating three
> prefixed ACLs as shown below:
> kafka-acls --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
> > --add \
> > --allow-principal
> >
> User:CN=serviceuser,OU=ServiceUsers,O=Unknown,L=Unknown,ST=Unknown,C=Unknown
> > \
> > --producer \
> > --topic nl-accounts- \
> > --resource-pattern-type prefixed
> kafka-acls --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
> > --add \
> > --allow-principal
> >
> User:CN=serviceuser,OU=ServiceUsers,O=Unknown,L=Unknown,ST=Unknown,C=Unknown
> > \
> > --producer \
> > --topic de-accounts- \
> > --resource-pattern-type prefixed
> kafka-acls --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
> > --add \
> > --allow-principal
> >
> User:CN=serviceuser,OU=ServiceUsers,O=Unknown,L=Unknown,ST=Unknown,C=Unknown
> > \
> > --producer \
> > --topic cz-accounts- \
> > --resource-pattern-type prefixed
> However, if we had the 'MATCH' pattern type available, we could accomplish
> this with a single ACL, as illustrated here:
> kafka-acls --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
> > --add \
> > --allow-principal
> >
> User:CN=serviceuser,OU=ServiceUsers,O=Unknown,L=Unknown,ST=Unknown,C=Unknown
> > \
> > --producer \
> > --topic *-accounts-* \
> > --resource-pattern-type match
> This pattern closely resembles PREFIXED but offers broader allow/deny
> rules.
> Implementing this change could significantly reduce the effort in several
> acl management processes.
> I welcome your thoughts and any concerns you may have regarding this
> proposal.
> Thanks,
> Murali

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