Hey Alieh,

I think I am a little confused. Are the 3 points above addressed by the KIP
or did something change? The PR seems to not include this change and still
has the CommitOption as well.


On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 2:15 PM Alieh Saeedi <asae...@confluent.io.invalid>

> Hi all,
> Looking at the PR <https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/16332>
> corresponding to the KIP, there are some points worthy of mention:
> 1) clearing the error ends up dirty/messy code in `TransactionManager`.
> 2) By clearing the error, we are actually doing an illegal transition from
> `ABORTABLE_ERROR` to `IN_TRANSACTION` which is conceptually not acceptable.
> This can be the root cause of some issues, with perhaps further future
> changes by others.
> 3) If the poison pill record `r1` causes a transition to the error state
> and then the next record `r2` requires adding a partition to the
> transaction, the action fails due to being in the error state. In this
> case, clearing errors during `commitTnx(CLEAR_SEND_ERROR)` is too late.
> However, this case can NOT be the main concern as soon as KIP-890 is fully
> implemented.
> My suggestion is to solve the problem where it arises. If the transition to
> the error state does not happen during `send()`, we do not need to clear
> the error later. Therefore, instead of `CommitOption`, we can define a
> `TxnSendOption` and prevent the `send()` method from going to the error
> state in case 1) we're in a transaction and 2) the user asked for
> IGONRE_SEND_ERRORS. For more clarity, you can take a look at the POC PR
> <https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/16465>.
> Cheers,
> Alieh

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