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Review request for kafka.

Bugs: KAFKA-1502

Repository: kafka


1. No longer wrapping creation of srcJar and javadocJar in the 
"tasks.withType(Javadoc)". We know that javadoc task was added because we have 
applied the java plugin. The previous implementation would break if another 
Javadoc task was added. 2. No longer overwrite the jar and docsJar tasks - 
there is no need to overwrite those tasks. We can simply update them and add 
extra scala-related configuration. 3. Started using 
plugins.withType(ScalaPlugin) {} block to configure the scala-specific settings 
4. docsJar task does not seem to be a jar task. It looks like it is a task that 
aggregates other documentation tasks. Updated the code accordingly.


  build.gradle 45cf5022ea1b7899f37a52ae138ffbccb4b43341 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/25200/diff/



Jun Rao

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