<< we need to make it easy for secured clusters to pass audits (SOX, PCI
and friends)

I think this is the MVP for the security features for 0.9 as a guideline
for how we should be proceeding.

On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 7:25 PM, Gwen Shapira <gshap...@cloudera.com> wrote:

> Re #2:
> I don't object to the "late authentication" approach, but we need to
> make it easy for secured clusters to pass audits (SOX, PCI and
> friends).
> So, we need to be able to configure a cluster as "secured" and with
> this config switch "nobody" user to zero privileges.
> I liked the multi-port approach because blocking a non-secured port is
> very definite and easy to audit, but a single "security=on" switch
> will work as well.
> On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Joe Stein <joe.st...@stealth.ly> wrote:
> > 1) We need to support the most flexibility we can and make this
> transparent
> > to kafka (to use Gwen's term).  Any specific implementation is going to
> > make it not work with some solution stopping people from using Kafka.
> That
> > is a reality because everyone just does it slightly differently enough.
> If
> > we have an "identity" byte structure (lets not use string because some
> > security objects are bytes) this should just fall through to the
> > implementor.  For certs this is the entire x509 object (not just the
> > certificate part as it could contain an ASN.1 timestamp) and inside you
> > parse and do what you want with it.
> >
> > 2) While I think there are many benefits to just the handshake approach I
> > don't think it outweighs the cons Jay expressed. a) We can't lead the
> > client libraries down a new path of interacting with Kafka.  By
> > incrementally adding to the wire protocol we are directing a very clear
> and
> > expect ted approach.  We already have issues with implementation even
> with
> > the wire protocol in place and are trying to improve that aspect of the
> > community as a whole.  Lets not take a step backwards with this there...
> > also we need to not add more/different hoops to
> > debugging/administering/monitoring kafka so taking advantage (as Jay
> says)
> > of built in logging (etc) is important... also for the client librariy
> > developers too :)
> >
> > On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 6:44 PM, Gwen Shapira <gshap...@cloudera.com>
> wrote:
> >
> >> Re #1:
> >>
> >> Since the auth_to_local is a kerberos config, its up to the admin to
> >> decide how he likes the user names and set it up properly (or leave
> >> empty) and make sure the ACLs match. Simplified names may be needed if
> >> the authorization system integrates with LDAP to get groups or
> >> something fancy like that.
> >>
> >> Note that its completely transparent to Kafka - if the admin sets up
> >> auth_to_local rules, we simply see a different principal name. No need
> >> to do anything different.
> >>
> >> Gwen
> >>
> >> On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 3:31 PM, Jay Kreps <jay.kr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > Current proposal is here:
> >> >
> >> > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Security
> >> >
> >> > Here are the two open questions I am aware of:
> >> >
> >> > 1. We want to separate authentication and authorization. This means
> >> > permissions will be assigned to some user-like subject/entity/person
> >> > string that is independent of the authorization mechanism. It sounds
> >> > like we agreed this could be done and we had in mind some krb-specific
> >> > mangling that Gwen knew about and I think the plan was to use whatever
> >> > the user chose to put in the Subject Alternative Name of the cert for
> >> > ssl. So in both cases these would translate to a string denoting the
> >> > entity whom we are granting permissions to in the authorization layer.
> >> > We should document these in the wiki to get feedback on them.
> >> >
> >> > The Hadoop approach to extraction was something like this:
> >> >
> >>
> http://docs.hortonworks.com/HDPDocuments/HDP1/HDP-1.3.1/bk_installing_manually_book/content/rpm-chap14-2-3-1.html
> >> >
> >> > But actually I'm not sure if just using the full kerberos principal is
> >> > so bad? I.e. having the user be jenni...@athena.mit.edu versus just
> >> > jennifer. Where this would make a difference would be in a case where
> >> > you wanted the same user/entity to be able to authenticate via
> >> > different mechanisms (Hadoop auth, kerberos, ssl) and have a single
> >> > set of permissions.
> >> >
> >> > 2. For SASL/Kerberos we need to figure out how the communication
> >> > between client and server will be handled to pass the
> >> > challenge/response byte[]. I.e.
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/javax/security/sasl/SaslClient.html#evaluateChallenge(byte[])
> >> >
> >>
> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/javax/security/sasl/SaslServer.html#evaluateResponse(byte[])
> >> >
> >> > I am not super expert in this area but I will try to give my
> >> > understanding and I'm sure someone can correct me if I am confused.
> >> >
> >> > Unlike SSL the transmission of this is actually outside the scope of
> >> > SASL so we have to specify this. Two proposals
> >> >
> >> > Original Proposal: Add a new "authenticate" request/response
> >> >
> >> > The proposal in the original wiki was to add a new "authenticate"
> >> > request/response to pass this information. This matches what was done
> >> > in the kerberos implementation for zookeeper. The intention is that
> >> > the client would send this request immediately after establishing a
> >> > connection, in which case it acts much like a "handshake", however
> >> > there is no requirement that they do so.
> >> >
> >> > Whether the authentication happens via SSL or via Kerberos, the effect
> >> > will just be to set the username in their session. This will default
> >> > to the "anybody" user. So in the default non-secure case we will just
> >> > be defaulting "anybody" to have full permission. So to answer the
> >> > question about whether changing user is required or not, I don't think
> >> > it is but I think we kind of get it for free in this approach.
> >> >
> >> > In this approach there is no particular need or advantage to having a
> >> > separate port for kerberos I don't think.
> >> >
> >> > Alternate Proposal: Create a Handshake
> >> >
> >> > The alternative I think Michael was proposing was to create a
> >> > handshake that would happen at connection time on connections coming
> >> > in on the SASL port. This would require a separate port for SASL since
> >> > otherwise you wouldn't be able to tell if the bytes you were getting
> >> > were for SASL or were the first request of an unauthenticated
> >> > connection.
> >> >
> >> > Michael it would be good to work out the details of how this works.
> >> > Are we just sending size-delimited byte arrays back and forth until
> >> > the challenge response terminates?
> >> >
> >> > My Take
> >> >
> >> > The pro I see for Michael's proposal is that it keeps the
> >> > authentication logic more localized in the socket server.
> >> >
> >> > I see two cons:
> >> > 1. Since the handshake won't go through the normal api layer it won't
> >> > go through the normal logging (e.g. request log), jmx monitoring,
> >> > client trace token, correlation id, etc that we get for other
> >> > requests. This could make operations a little confusing and make
> >> > debugging a little harder since the client will be blocking on network
> >> > requests without the normal logging.
> >> > 2. This part of the protocol will be inconsistent with the rest of the
> >> > Kafka protocol so it will be a little odd for client implementors as
> >> > this will effectively be a request/response that they will have to
> >> > implement that will be different from all the other request/responses
> >> > they implement.
> >> >
> >> > In practice these two alternatives are not very different except that
> >> > in the original proposal the bytes you send are prefixed by the normal
> >> > request header fields such as the client id, correlation id, etc.
> >> > Overall I would prefer this as I think it is a bit more consistent
> >> > from the client's point of view.
> >> >
> >> > Cheers,
> >> >
> >> > -Jay
> >>

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