Thanks for the answers. Much clearer now :)

Unrelated question: How do you test MirrorMaker (especially around data loss)?
I didn't see any unit-tests or integration tests in trunk.


On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 9:55 AM, Jiangjie Qin <> wrote:
> Hi Gwen,
> Please see inline answers. I¹ll update them in the KIP as well.
> Thanks.
> Jiangjie (Becket) Qin
> On 1/20/15, 6:39 PM, "Gwen Shapira" <> wrote:
>>Thanks for the detailed document, Jiangjie. Super helpful.
>>Few questions:
>>1. You mention that "A ConsumerRebalanceListener class is created and
>>could be wired into ZookeeperConsumerConnector to avoid duplicate
>>messages when consumer rebalance occurs in mirror maker."
>>Is this something the user needs to do or configure? or is the wiring
>>of rebalance listener into the zookeeper consumer will be part of the
>>In other words, will we need to do anything extra to avoid duplicates
>>during rebalance in MirrorMaker?
> For ZookeeperConsumerConnector in general, users need to wire in listener
> by themselves in code.
> For Mirror Maker, an internal rebalance listener has been wired in by
> default to avoid duplicates on consumer rebalance. User could still
> specify a custom listener class in command line argument, the internal
> rebalance listener will call that listener after it finishes the default
> logic.
>>2. "The only source of truth for offsets in consume-then-send pattern
>>is end user." - I assume you don't mean an actual person, right? So
>>what does "end user" refer to? Can you clarify when will the offset
>>commit thread commit offsets? And which JIRA implements this?
> By end user I mean the target cluster here. The offset commit thread
> commit thread periodically. It only commit the offsets that have been
> acked.
>>3. Maintaining message order - In which JIRA do we implement this part?
> KAFKA-1650
>>Again, thanks a lot for documenting this and even more for the
>>implementation - it is super important for many use cases.
>>On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 4:31 PM, Jiangjie Qin <>
>>> Hi Kafka Devs,
>>> We are working on Kafka Mirror Maker enhancement. A KIP is posted to
>>>document and discuss on the followings:
>>> 1. KAFKA-1650: No Data loss mirror maker change
>>> 2. KAFKA-1839: To allow partition aware mirror.
>>> 3. KAFKA-1840: To allow message filtering/format conversion
>>> Feedbacks are welcome. Please let us know if you have any questions or
>>> Thanks.
>>> Jiangjie (Becket) Qin

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