Sample ACL JSON and Zookeeper is in public API, but I thought it is
part of DefaultAuthorizer (Since Sentry and Argus won't be using
Am I wrong? Or is it the KIP?

On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 9:49 AM, Parth Brahmbhatt
<> wrote:
> Thanks for clarifying Gwen, KIP updated.
> I tried to make the distinction by creating a section for all public APIs
> terface#KIP-11-AuthorizationInterface-PublicInterfacesandclasses
> Let me know if you think there is a better way to reflect this.
> Thanks
> Parth
> On 4/24/15, 9:37 AM, "Gwen Shapira" <> wrote:
>>+1 (non-binding)
>>Two nitpicks for the wiki:
>>* Heartbeat is probably a READ and not CLUSTER operation. I'm pretty
>>sure new consumers need it to be part of a consumer group.
>>* Can you clearly separate which parts are the API (common to every
>>Authorizer) and which parts are DefaultAuthorizer implementation? It
>>will make reviews and Authorizer implementations a bit easier to know
>>exactly which is which.
>>On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 9:28 AM, Parth Brahmbhatt
>><> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I would like to open KIP-11 for voting.
>>> Thanks
>>> Parth
>>> On 4/22/15, 1:56 PM, "Parth Brahmbhatt" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>Hi Jeff,
>>>>Thanks a lot for the review. I think you have a valid point about acls
>>>>being duplicated and the simplest solution would be to modify acls class
>>>>so they hold a set of principals instead of single principal. i.e
>>>><user_a,user_b> has <READ,WRITE,DESCRIBE> Permissions on <Topic1> from
>>>><Host1, Host2, Host3>.
>>>>I think the evaluation order only matters for the permissionType which
>>>>Deny acls should be evaluated before allow acls. To give you an example
>>>>suppose we have following acls
>>>>acl1 -> user1 is allowed to READ from all hosts.
>>>>acl2 -> host1 is allowed to READ regardless of who is the user.
>>>>acl3 -> host2 is allowed to READ regardless of who is the user.
>>>>acl4 -> user1 is denied to READ from host1.
>>>>As stated in the KIP we first evaluate DENY so if user1 tries to access
>>>>from host1 he will be denied(acl4), even though both user1 and host1 has
>>>>acl’s for allow with wildcards (acl1, acl2).
>>>>If user1 tried to READ from host2 , the action will be allowed and it
>>>>not matter if we match acl3 or acl1 so I don’t think the evaluation
>>>>matters here.
>>>>“Will people actually use hosts with users?” I really don’t know but
>>>>ACl’s are part of our Public APIs I thought it is better to try and
>>>>more use cases. If others think this extra complexity is not worth the
>>>>value its adding please raise your concerns so we can discuss if it
>>>>be removed from the acl structure. Note that even in absence of hosts
>>>>ACL users will still be able to whitelist/blacklist host as long as we
>>>>start supporting principalType = “host”, easy to add and can be an
>>>>incremental improvement. They will however loose the ability to restrict
>>>>access to users just from a set of hosts.
>>>>We agreed to offer a CLI to overcome the JSON acl config
>>>>terface#KIP-11-AuthorizationInterface-AclManagement(CLI). I still like
>>>>Jsons but that probably has something to do with me being a developer
>>>>On 4/22/15, 11:38 AM, "Jeff Holoman" <> wrote:
>>>>>This is a long thread, so trying to keep up here, sorry if this has
>>>>>covered before. First, great job on the KIP proposal and work so far.
>>>>>Are we sure that we want to tie host level access to a given user? My
>>>>>understanding is that the ACL will be (omitting some fields)
>>>>>user_a, host1, host2, host3
>>>>>user_b, host1, host2, host3
>>>>>So there would potentially be a lot of redundancy in the configs. Does
>>>>>make sense to have hosts be at the same level as principal in the
>>>>>hierarchy? This way you could just blanket the allowed / denied hosts
>>>>>only have to worry about the users. So if you follow this, then
>>>>>we can wildcard the user so we can have a separate list of just
>>>>>access. What's the order that the perms would be evaluated if a there
>>>>>more than one match on a principal ?
>>>>>Is the thought that there wouldn't usually be much overlap on hosts? I
>>>>>guess I can imagine a scenario where I want to offline/online access
>>>>>to a
>>>>>particular hosts or set of hosts and if there was overlap, I'm doing a
>>>>>bunch of alter commands for just a single host. Maybe this is too
>>>>>an example?
>>>>>I agree that having this level of granularity gives flexibility but I
>>>>>wonder if people will actually use it and not just * the hosts for a
>>>>>user and create separate "global" list as i mentioned above?
>>>>>The only other system I know of that ties users with hosts for access
>>>>>MySql and I don't love that model. Companies usually standardize on
>>>>>authorization anyway, are we complicating that issue with the inclusion
>>>>>hosts attached to users? Additionally I worry about the debt of big
>>>>>configs in the first place, most non-developers find them non-intuitive
>>>>>already, so anything to ease this I think would be beneficial.
>>>>>On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Parth Brahmbhatt <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Sorry I missed your last questions. I am +0 on adding ―host option
>>>>>> ―list, we could add it for symmetry. Again if this is only a CLI
>>>>>> can be added later if you mean adding this in authorizer interface
>>>>>> should make a decision now.
>>>>>> Given a choice I would like to actually keep only one option which is
>>>>>> resource based get (remove even the get based on principal). I see
>>>>>> (getAcl for principal or host) as special filtering case which can
>>>>>> be achieved by a third party tool by doing "list all topics" and
>>>>>> getAcls for each topic and applying filtering logic on that.  I
>>>>>> don’t see the need to make those first class citizens of the
>>>>>> interface given these kind of queries will be issued outside of
>>>>>> so they will not benefit from the caching and because the storage
>>>>>> indexed on resource both these options even as a first class API will
>>>>>> scan all topic acls and apply filtering logic.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Parth
>>>>>> On 4/22/15, 11:08 AM, "Parth Brahmbhatt"
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> >Please see all the available options here
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >nterface#KIP-11-AuthorizationInterface-AclManagement(CLI) . I think
>>>>>> >covers both hosts and operations and allows to specify a list for
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >Thanks
>>>>>> >Parth
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >From: Tom Graves <<>>
>>>>>> >Reply-To: Tom Graves
>>>>>> >Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 11:02 AM
>>>>>> >To: Parth Brahmbhatt
>>>>>> ><<>>,
>>>>>> >"<>"
>>>>>> ><<>>
>>>>>> >Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-11- Authorization design for kafka
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >Thanks for the explanations Parth.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >On the configs questions, the way I see it is its more likely to
>>>>>> >accidentally give everyone access, especially since you have to run
>>>>>> >separate command to change the acls. If there was some config for
>>>>>> >defaults, a cluster admin could change that to be nobody or certain
>>>>>> >of users, then grant others permissions.  This would also remove the
>>>>>> >between commands.  This is something you can always add later though
>>>>>> >people request it.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >So in how do I actually tell it what the operation is?
>>>>>> > --topic testtopic --add --grandprincipal
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >where does READ, WRITE, etc go?  Can specify as a list so I don't
>>>>>> >run this a bunch of times for each.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >Do you want to have a --host option for --list so that admins could
>>>>>> >what acls apply to specific host(s)?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >Tom
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >On Wednesday, April 22, 2015 11:38 AM, Parth Brahmbhatt
>>>>>> ><<>>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >FYI, I have modified the KIP to include group as resource. In order
>>>>>> >access “joinGroup” and “commitOFfset” APIs the user will need a read
>>>>>> >permission on topic and WRITE permission on group.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >I plan to open a VOTE thread by noon if there are no more concerns.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >Thanks
>>>>>> >Parth
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >On 4/22/15, 9:03 AM, "Tom Graves"
>>>>>> ><<>>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >>Hey everyone,
>>>>>> >>Sorry to jump in on the conversation so late. I'm new to Kafka.
>>>>>> >>apologize in advance if you have already covered some of my
>>>>>>questions.  I
>>>>>> >>read through the wiki and had some comments and questions.
>>>>>> >>1) public enum Operation needs EDIT changed to ALTER
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >>    Done.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >>2) Does the Authorizer class need a setAcls?  Rather then just add
>>>>>> >>able to set to explicit list and overwrite what was there?  I see
>>>>>> >> lists a removeall so I guess you could do removeall
>>>>>> >>add.  I also don't see a removeall in the Authorizer class, is it
>>>>>> >>to loop through them all to remove each one?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >    There is an overloaded version of removeAcls in the interface
>>>>>> >takes
>>>>>> >in resource as the only input and as described in the javadoc all
>>>>>> >attached to that resource will be deleted. To cover the setAcl use
>>>>>> >the caller can first call remove and then add.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >>3) Can someone tell me what the use case to do acls based on the
>>>>>> >>I can see some possibilities just wondering if we can concrete ones
>>>>>> >>one user is allowed from one host but not another.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >    I am not sure if I understand the question given the use case
>>>>>> >described in your question is what we are trying to cover with use
>>>>>> >hosts in Acl. There are some additional use cases like “allow access
>>>>>> >any user from host1,host2” but I think primarily it gives the admins
>>>>>> >ability to define acls at a more granular level.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >>4) I'm a bit unclear how the "resource" works in the Authorizer
>>>>>> >>From what I see we have 2 resources - topics and cluster.  If I
>>>>>> >>add an acl to allow "joe" to CREATE for the cluster then I call
>>>>>> >>with  Acl("user: joe", ALLOW, Set(*), Set(CREATE)) and "cluster"?
>>>>>> >>if I want to call addAcls for DESCRIBE on a topic?  Is the resource
>>>>>> >>"topic" or is it the topic name?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >    We now have 3 resources(added group), please see the updated
>>>>>> >CREATE acl that you described is correct. For any topic operation
>>>>>> >should use topic name as the resource name and for group the user
>>>>>> >provide groupId as resource name.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >>5) reassigning partitions is a CLUSTER_ACTION or superuser?  Its
>>>>>> >>totally clear to me the differences between these.  what about
>>>>>> >># of partitions?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >    I see this as an alter topic operation so it is at topic level
>>>>>> >user must have alter permissions on topic.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >>6) groups are mentioned, are we supporting right away or is that a
>>>>>> >>on item? (is there going to be a kafka.supergroups)
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >    I think it can be a separate jira just for braking down the code
>>>>>> >review
>>>>>> >in smaller chunk. We will support it in first version but I think if
>>>>>> >can not do it for any reason that should not block a release with
>>>>>> >other authZ work. We made deliberate design choices (like
>>>>>> >principalType in KafkaPrinciapl) to allow supporting groups as an
>>>>>> >incremental change.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >>7) Are there config options for setting acls when I create my
>>>>>> >>do I have to create my topic and then run the script
>>>>>> >>them?  Although its very small, there would be possible race there
>>>>>> >>someone could start producing to topic before acls are set.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >    We discussed this yesterday and we agreed to go with
>>>>>> >there is a very very small window of vulnerability but I think that
>>>>>> >does not warrant to change the decision in this case.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >>8) are there configs for cluster level acl defaults?  Or does it
>>>>>> >>to superusers on bringing up new cluster and you have to modify
>>>>>> >>thanks,Tom
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >    No defaults, the default is superusers will have full access. I
>>>>>> >think making assumptions about ones security requirement should be
>>>>>> >burden.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>    On Tuesday, April 21, 2015 7:10 PM, Parth Brahmbhatt
>>>>>> >><<>>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> I have added the notes to KIP-11 Open question sections.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>Thanks
>>>>>> >>Parth
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>On 4/21/15, 4:49 PM, "Gwen Shapira"
>>>>>> >><<>> wrote:
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>>Adding my notes from today's call to the thread:
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>** Deny or Allow all by default? We will add a configuration to
>>>>>> >>>control this. The configuration will default to “allow” for
>>>>>> >>>compatibility. Security admins can set it to "deny"
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>** Storing ACLs for default authorizers: We'll store them in ZK.
>>>>>> >>>support pointing the authorizer to any ZK.
>>>>>> >>>The use of ZK will be internal to the default authorizer.
>>>>>> >>>reads ACLs from cache every hour. We proposed having mechanism
>>>>>> >>>(possibly via new ZK node) to tell broker to refresh the cache
>>>>>> >>>immediately.
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>** Support deny as permission type - we agreed to keep this.
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>** Mapping operations to API: We may need to add Group as a
>>>>>> >>>with JoinGroup and OffsetCommit require privilege on the consumer
>>>>>> >>>group.
>>>>>> >>>This can be something we pass now and authorizers can support in
>>>>>> >>>future. - Jay will write specifics to the mailing list discussion.
>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>> >>>On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 4:32 PM, Jay Kreps
>>>>>> >>><<>> wrote:
>>>>>> >>>> Following up on the KIP discussion. Two options for authorizing
>>>>>> >>>>consumers
>>>>>> >>>> to read topic "t" as part of group "g":
>>>>>> >>>> 1. READ permission on resource /topic/t
>>>>>> >>>> 2. READ permission on resource /topic/t AND WRITE permission on
>>>>>> >>>>/group/g
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>> The advantage of (1) is that it is simpler. The disadvantage is
>>>>>> >>>>any
>>>>>> >>>> member of any group that reads from t can commit offsets as any
>>>>>> >>>> member of a different group. This doesn't effect data security
>>>>>> >>>>can
>>>>>> >>>> access what) but it is a bit of a management issue--a malicious
>>>>>> >>>>can
>>>>>> >>>> cause data loss or duplicates for another consumer by committing
>>>>>> >>>>offset.
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>> I think I favor (2) but it's worth it to think it through.
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>> -Jay
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>> On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 2:43 PM, Parth Brahmbhatt <
>>>>>> >>>><>>
>>>>>> >>>>wrote:
>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>> >>>>> Hey Jun,
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>> Yes and we support wild cards for all acl entities principal,
>>>>>> >>>>>and
>>>>>> >>>>> operation.
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> >>>>> Parth
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>> On 4/21/15, 9:06 AM, "Jun Rao"
>>>>>> >>>>><<>> wrote:
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>> >Harsha, Parth,
>>>>>> >>>>> >
>>>>>> >>>>> >Thanks for the clarification. This makes sense. Perhaps we can
>>>>>> >>>>>clarify the
>>>>>> >>>>> >meaning of those rules in the wiki.
>>>>>> >>>>> >
>>>>>> >>>>> >Related to this, it seems that we need to support wildcard in
>>>>>> >>>>>cli/request
>>>>>> >>>>> >protocol for topics?
>>>>>> >>>>> >
>>>>>> >>>>> >Jun
>>>>>> >>>>> >
>>>>>> >>>>> >On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 9:07 PM, Parth Brahmbhatt <
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>wrote:
>>>>>> >>>>> >
>>>>>> >>>>> >> The iptables on unix supports the DENY operator, not that it
>>>>>> >>>>>should
>>>>>> >>>>> >> matter. The deny operator can also be used to specify ³allow
>>>>>> >>>>>to
>>>>>> >>>>> >>READ
>>>>>> >>>>> >> from topic1 from all hosts but host1,host2². Again we could
>>>>>>add a
>>>>>> >>>>>host
>>>>>> >>>>> >> group semantic and extra complexity around that, not sure if
>>>>>> >>>>>worth
>>>>>> >>>>> >>it.
>>>>>> >>>>> >> In addition with DENY operator you are now not forced to
>>>>>>create a
>>>>>> >>>>> >>special
>>>>>> >>>>> >> group just to support the authorization use case. I am not
>>>>>> >>>>>convinced
>>>>>> >>>>> >>that
>>>>>> >>>>> >> the operator it self is really all that confusing. There
>>>>>>are 3
>>>>>> >>>>>practical
>>>>>> >>>>> >> use cases:
>>>>>> >>>>> >> - Resource with no acl what so ever -> allow access to
>>>>>>everyone (
>>>>>> >>>>>just
>>>>>> >>>>> >>for
>>>>>> >>>>> >> backward compatibility, I would much rather fail close and
>>>>>> >>>>>users
>>>>>> >>>>> >>to
>>>>>> >>>>> >> explicitly grant acls that allows access to all users.)
>>>>>> >>>>> >> - Resource with some acl attached -> only users that have a
>>>>>> >>>>>matching
>>>>>> >>>>> >>allow
>>>>>> >>>>> >> acl are allowed (i.e. ³allow READ access to topic1 to user1
>>>>>> >>>>>all
>>>>>> >>>>> >> hosts², only user1 has READ access and no other user has
>>>>>>access of
>>>>>> >>>>>any
>>>>>> >>>>> >> kind)
>>>>>> >>>>> >> - Resource with some allow and some deny acl attached ->
>>>>>> >>>>> >>allowed
>>>>>> >>>>> >> to perform operation only when they satisfy allow acl and do
>>>>>> >>>>>have
>>>>>> >>>>> >> conflicting deny acl. Users that have no acl(allow or deny)
>>>>>> >>>>>still
>>>>>> >>>>> >>not
>>>>>> >>>>> >> have any access. (i.e. ³allow READ access to topic1 to user1
>>>>>> >>>>>all
>>>>>> >>>>> >> hosts except host1 and host², only user1 has access but not
>>>>>> >>>>>host1
>>>>>> >>>>> >>an
>>>>>> >>>>> >> host2)
>>>>>> >>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>>>> >> I think we need to make a decision on deny primarily because
>>>>>> >>>>> >> introduction of acl management API, Acl is now a public
>>>>>> >>>>>will
>>>>>> >>>>> >>be
>>>>>> >>>>> >> used by Ranger/Santry and other authroization providers. In
>>>>>> >>>>>Current
>>>>>> >>>>> >>design
>>>>>> >>>>> >> the acl has a permissionType enum field with possible values
>>>>>> >>>>>Allow
>>>>>> >>>>> >>and
>>>>>> >>>>> >> Deny. If we chose to remove deny we can assume all acls to
>>>>>> >>>>>allow
>>>>>> >>>>> >> type and remove the permissionType field completely.
>>>>>> >>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>>>> >> Thanks
>>>>>> >>>>> >> Parth
>>>>>> >>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>>>> >> On 4/20/15, 6:12 PM, "Gwen Shapira"
>>>>>> >>>>><<>> wrote:
>>>>>> >>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>>>> >> >I think thats how its done in pretty much any system I can
>>>>>> >>>>>of.
>>>>>> >>>>> >> >
>>>>>> >>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>Jeff Holoman
>>>>>Systems Engineer

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