Hi Team

I am trying to create a Kafka Consumer API which is high level as
ConsumerConnector but is enable to manage offset to track the message
read/consumed and save from duplicate message consumption.

In addition to few other pages I was going through
http://www.slideshare.net/jjkoshy/offset-management-in-kafka . It seems
that the API that is mentioned to get and set offset is available from 8.3
release. Am I correct in my understanding? If yes is there a workaround to
manage offset not from zookeeper rather from kafka topic where it maintains
such info.

I was trying to use OffsetFetchRequest/Response and FetchRequest/Response
API however the methods that need to be called for fetching data and
setting and getting offset is not clear to me.

Can you please guide me to the correct link and API.


*Warm Regards,*

*Shashank  *

*Mobile: +91 9910478553 *

*Linkedin: in.linkedin.com/pub/shashank-singh/13/763/906/

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