Hi Ewen,

Thanks for your quickest and valuable response. Because i struggled lot to
get response for my queries.

Some more clarification needed

As per my understanding Confluent is Open source and we can use it in our
Production environment.

Assume we are using confluent.
In our project there are 300 system each have 5 product so totally 1500
request may reach simultaneously to confluent Rest API server.

In this case how the load will be balanced?

we don't find any documentation for  Confluent Rest Api call. Is there any
documentation available for this?

Please help me regarding these clarification.. waiting for your valuable

Sugumar J

On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 7:23 AM, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <e...@confluent.io>

> The project doesn't make official recommendations about third party
> clients. The only client directly supported is the Java/Scala library
> included in the project's source repository.
> However, the community does maintain a list of third-party clients here:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Clients Since it is
> community maintained, we rely on people telling us about new libraries to
> get them on there. I've just added the second library you mentioned to the
> .net section.
> As for which you should use, you'll have to evaluate the functionality of
> both and which fits your needs best. The first one looks much more active
> (the second hasn't had any commits since 2014), but that doesn't
> necessarily say anything about their relative maturity.
> If you're not sure about the quality of either of them, another option is
> to use a REST proxy. Shameless plug since I work on it -- Confluent has one
> as part of its platform (and it's open source). Since it uses the Java
> clients, it covers all the functionality provided by them.
> -Ewen
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 8:51 AM, sugumar analysis <
> sugumar.analy...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > We are developing Messaging system with Kafka using DotNet (C#).
> >
> > We found there are 2 different SDK available for Dotnet
> >
> > 1. https://github.com/Jroland/kafka-net/
> > 2. https://github.com/ExactTargetDev/kafka-net
> >
> >
> > First one is officially referred by Apache Kafka. But It is an initial
> > stage, there are some functionalities not available ex. ConsumerGroup,
> > AutoCommit features.
> >
> > In Second one it has all the features but its not referred by Apache
> Kafka
> >
> > *Can we choose second one for our development? *
> > *      or *
> > *should we use official SDK which is mentioned in Kafka site.?*
> >
> > Please give us your suggestions.
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Sugumar J
> >
> --
> Thanks,
> Ewen

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