I like it, but we are not on Java8 yet, and I don't think we want to block
on that :)

On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 10:53 AM, Ismael Juma <ism...@juma.me.uk> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 6:21 PM, Gwen Shapira <g...@confluent.io> wrote:
> > Ismael, can you detail how the Optional approach would work in the wire
> > protocol? It sounds good, but I'm unclear on what this would look like on
> > the wire.
> >
> In the wire protocol, we would still use a size of -1 like we normally do
> for nullable strings and nullable bytes. So, it's still a bit magical, but
> efficient and associated with the right field (which avoids some invalid
> states that are possible if we use two fields). In other words, each
> implementation of the protocol is responsible for figuring out an idiomatic
> and hopefully safe way to represent the absence of a value.
> In Java (Scala would be similar) we would convert this to an
> Optional<List<String>> to make it clear that the value could be absent (and
> avoid NPEs). The fact that absence of a value means "all topics" makes
> sense if one thinks about that field as a filter (absence of a value means
> no filter).
> I can see pros and cons for each approach, personally. :)
> Ismael

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