Hi Ewen,

Thank you for reviewing the KIP and providing feedback.

I believe the need to commit would still be there, as you mentioned. The 
main advantage, however, would be when dealing with local state based on 
partitions assigned, as described in 
or in the corresponding JIRA for this KIP. 

If consumers perform some processing on re-assignment of partitions (i.e. 
after a rebalance) it would be more efficient for them to stick to their 
assigned partitions and reduce the overhead of switching to a new set of 
partitions (you also referred to some use cases).

Unfortunately I don't have a specific use case in mind at the moment, but 
based on documents like above it seems that consumers can benefit from 
such a strategy. If you or others can think of specific use cases to 
enrich the KIP please let me know or directly update the KIP.

Vahid Hashemian

From:   Ewen Cheslack-Postava <e...@confluent.io>
To:     dev@kafka.apache.org
Date:   04/29/2016 09:48 PM
Subject:        Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-54 Sticky Partition Assignment Strategy

I think I'm unclear how we leverage the
onPartitionsRevoked/onPartitionsAssigned here in any way that's different
from our normal usage -- certainly you can use them to generate a diff, 
you still need to commit when partitions are revoked and that has a
non-trivial cost. Are we just saying that you might be able to save some
overhead, e.g. closing/reopening some other resources by doing a flush but
not a close() or something? You still need to flush any output and commit
offsets before returning from onPartitionsRevoked, right? Otherwise you
couldn't guarantee clean handoff of partitions.

In terms of the rebalancing, the basic requirements in the KIP seem sound.
Passing previous assignment data via UserData also seems reasonable since
it avoids redistributing all assignment data to all members and doesn't
rely on the next generation leader being a member of the current
generation. Hopefully this shouldn't be surprising since I think I
discussed this w/ Jason before he updated the relevant wiki pages :)


On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 9:34 AM, Vahid S Hashemian <
vahidhashem...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

> HI Jason,
> Thanks for your feedback.
> I believe your suggestion on how to take advantage of this assignor is
> valid. We can leverage onPartitionsRevoked() and onPartitionsAssigned()
> callbacks and do a comparison of assigned partitions before and after 
> re-balance and do the cleanup only if there is a change (e.g., if some
> previously assigned partition is not in the assignment).
> On your second question, a number of tests that I ran shows that the old
> assignments are preserved in the current implementation; except for when
> the consumer group leader is killed; in which case, a fresh assignment 
> performed. This is something that needs to be fixed. I tried to use your
> pointers to find out where the best place is to preserve the old
> assignment in such circumstances but have not been able to pinpoint it. 
> you have any suggestion on this please share. Thanks.
> Regards,
> Vahid Hashemian
> From:   Jason Gustafson <ja...@confluent.io>
> To:     dev@kafka.apache.org
> Date:   04/14/2016 11:37 AM
> Subject:        Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-54 Sticky Partition Assignment 
> Hi Vahid,
> Thanks for the proposal. I think one of the advantages of having sticky
> assignment would be reduce the need to cleanup local partition state
> between rebalances. Do you have any thoughts on how the user would take
> advantage of this assignor in the consumer to do this? Maybe one 
> is to delay cleanup until you detect a change from the previous 
> in the onPartitionsAssigned() callback?
> Also, can you provide some detail on how the sticky assignor works at 
> group protocol level? For example, do you pass old assignments through 
> "UserData" field in the consumer's JoinGroup?
> Thanks,
> Jason
> On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 11:05 AM, Vahid S Hashemian <
> vahidhashem...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have started a new KIP under
> >
> >

> > The corresponding JIRA is at
> > https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2273
> > The corresponding PR is at https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/1020
> >
> > Your feedback is much appreciated.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Vahid Hashemian
> >
> >


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