Now that Kafka 0.10 has been released I would like to start work on the new
protocol messages and client implementation for KIP-4. In order to break up
the discussion and feedback I would like to continue breaking up the
content in to smaller pieces.

This discussion thread is for the CreateTopic request/response and server
side implementation. Details for this implementation can be read here:

I have included the exact content below for clarity:

> Create Topic Request (KAFKA-2945
> <>)
> CreateTopic Request (Version: 0) => [create_topic_requests] timeout
>   create_topic_requests => topic partitions replication_factor 
> [replica_assignment] [configs]
>     topic => STRING
>     partitions => INT32
>     replication_factor => INT32
>     replica_assignment => partition_id [replicas]
>       partition_id => INT32
>       replicas => INT32
>     configs => config_key config_value
>       config_key => STRING
>       config_value => STRING
>   timeout => INT32
> CreateTopicRequest is a batch request to initiate topic creation with
> either predefined or automatic replica assignment and optionally topic
> configuration.
> Request semantics:
>    1. Must be sent to the controller broker
>    2. Multiple instructions for the same topic in one request will be
>    silently ignored, only the last from the list will be executed.
>       - This is because the list of topics is modeled server side as a
>       map with TopicName as the key
>    3. The principle must be authorized to the "Create" Operation on the
>    "Cluster" resource to create topics.
>       - Unauthorized requests will receive a ClusterAuthorizationException
>    4.
>    Only one from ReplicaAssignment or (Partitions + ReplicationFactor), can
>    be defined in one instruction. If both parameters are specified -
>    ReplicaAssignment takes precedence.
>    - In the case ReplicaAssignment is defined number of partitions and
>       replicas will be calculated from the supplied ReplicaAssignment.
>       - In the case of defined (Partitions + ReplicationFactor) replica
>       assignment will be automatically generated by the server.
>       - One or the other must be defined. The existing broker side auto
>       create defaults will not be used
>       (default.replication.factor, num.partitions). The client implementation 
> can
>       have defaults for these options when generating the messages.
>    5. Setting a timeout > 0 will allow the request to block until the
>    topic metadata is "complete" on the controller node.
>       - Complete means the topic metadata has been completely populated
>       (leaders, replicas, ISRs)
>       - If a timeout error occurs, the topic could still be created
>       successfully at a later time. Its up to the client to query for the 
> state
>       at that point.
>    6. The request is not transactional.
>       1. If an error occurs on one topic, the other could still be
>       created.
>       2. Errors are reported independently.
> QA:
>    - Why is CreateTopicRequest a batch request?
>       - Scenarios where tools or admins want to create many topics should
>       be able to with fewer requests
>       - Example: MirrorMaker may want to create the topics downstream
>    - What happens if some topics error immediately? Will it
>    return immediately?
>       - The request will block until all topics have either been created,
>       errors, or the timeout has been hit
>       - There is no "short circuiting" where 1 error stops the other
>       topics from being created
>       - Why implement "partial blocking" instead of fully async of fully
>    consistent?
>       - See Cluster Consistent Blocking
> <>
>        below
>    - Why require the request to go to the controller?
>       - The controller is responsible for the cluster metadata and
>       its propagation
>       - See Request Forwarding
> <>
>       below
> Create Topic Response
> CreateTopic Response (Version: 0) => [topic_error_codes]
>   topic_error_codes => topic error_code
>     topic => STRING
>     error_code => INT16
> CreateTopicResponse contains a map between topic and topic creation
> result error code (see New Protocol Errors
> <>
> ).

A sample PR is on github ( though
it could change drastically based on the feedback here.


Grant Henke
Software Engineer | Cloudera | |

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