My comments go a bit beyond just topic creation but I'd like to see Kafka
make it easier for application developers to specify their requirements
declaratively in a single place.  Today, for example, if your application
requires strong guarantees against data loss, you must set a mix of
topic-level configs (replication factor,,
and client configs (acks=all and
possibly if you care about
ordering).  This can be complicated by organizational structure where you
have a different team (SREs) responsible for the cluster configs and
perhaps topic creation and application teams responsible for the client
settings.  Let's say that you get all the settings right up front.  How
would you know if they later were changed incorrectly?  How do admins know
which topics are ok to add more partitions are which are not?  How do
downstream applications know how much retention they can rely on for
re-processing in their upstream topics.

I think it's useful to consider the typical roles in an organization.  Say
we have an SRE team responsible for overall cluster health, capacity, etc.
This team likely has elevated privileges and perhaps wants to
review/approve settings for new topics to make sure they're sane.

The application developer may not care about some of the details of topic
creation but does care in as much as they affect the application
correctness and SLAs.  It's more than just number of partitions and
replication factor.  The application may require
1) some of it's topics to be compacted to function correctly and (KIP-58) set correctly
2) set correctly on some of it's topics to satisfy it's
failure/re-processing SLAs
3) partitioning of it's input topics to match it's expectations
4) the data format to match expectations

I realize that #3 and #4 are unrelated to topic creation but they're part
of a set of invariants that the application needs enforced and should fail
early if their requirements are not met.  For example, with semantically
partitioned topics, the application may break if new partitions are added.
The issue is that there is no standard mechanism or convention to
communicate application requirements so that admins and application teams
can verify that they continue to be met over time.

Imagine for a second that Kafka allowed arbitrary tags to be associated to
topics.  An application could now define a specification for it's
interaction with Kafka including topic names, min replication factors,
fault tolerance settings (replication factors,,
producer acks), compacted yes/no, topic retention settings, can add/remove
partitions, partition key, and data format.  Some of these requirements map
onto topics configs and some (like acks=all) are producer settings and some
(like partition key and data format) could be organizational conventions
stored as tags (format:avro).

For organizations where only SREs/admins can create/modify topics, this
spec allows them to do their job while being sure they're not breaking the
application.  The application can verify on startup that it's requirements
are satisfied and fail early if not.  If the application has permissions to
create it's own topics then the spec is a declarative format for doing that
require and will not require the same topic creation boilerplate code to be
duplicated in every application.

If people like this approach, perhaps we could define a topic spec (if all
fields besides topic name are empty it use "cluster defaults").  Then the
AdminClient would have an idempotent create method that takes a spec and
verifies that the spec is already met, tries to create topics to meet the
spec, or fails saying it cannot be met.  Perhaps the producer and consumer
APIs would only have a verify() method which checks if the spec is



On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 8:50 AM, Grant Henke <> wrote:

> Thanks for the discussion, below are some thoughts and responses.
> One of the problems that we currently have with
> > the clients is that we retry silently on unknown topics under the
> > expectation that they will eventually be created (automatically or not).
> > This makes it difficult to detect misconfiguration without looking for
> > warnings in the logs. This problem is compounded if the client isn't
> > authorized to the topic since then we don't actually know if the topic
> > exists or not and whether it is reasonable to keep retrying.
> Yeah this is a problem thats difficult and opaque to the user. I think any
> of the proposed solutions would help solve this issue. Since the create
> would be done at the metadata request phase, instead of in the produce
> response handling. And if the create fails, the user would receive a munch
> more clear authorization error.
> The current auto creation of topic by the broker appear to be the only
> > reason an unknown topic error is retriable
> > which leads to bugs (like
> > ) where the consumer hangs forever (or until woken up) and only debug
> > tracing shows what's going on.
> >
> I agree this is related, but should be solvable even with retriable
> exceptions. I think UnknownTopicOrPartitionException needs to remain
> generally retriable because it could occur due to outdated metadata and not
> because a topic needs to be created. In the case of message production or
> consumption it could be explicitly handled differently in the client.
> Do we clearly define the expected behavior of subscribe and assign in the
> case of a missing topic? I can see reasons to fail early (partition will
> never exist, typo in topic name) and reasons to keep returning empty record
> sets until the topic exists (consumer with a preconfigured list of topics
> that may or may not exist). Though I think failing and insisting topics
> exist is the most predictable. Especially since the Admin API will make
> creating topics easier.
> Usually in the pre-prod environments you don't really
> > care about the settings at all, and in prod you can pre-provision.
> I like the recommendations, developer/ops experience and required exercises
> to be fairly consistent between dev, qa, and prod. If you need to
> pre-provision and think about the settings in prod. Its best to put some
> effort into building that logic in dev or qa too. Otherwise you get ready
> to deploy and everything changes and all your earlier testing is not as
> relevant.
> For what it's worth the use case for auto-creation isn't using a dynamic
> > set of topics, but rather letting apps flow through different
> > dev/staging/prod/integration_testing/unit_testing environments without
> > having the app configure appropriate replication/partitioning stuff in
> each
> > environment and having complex logic to check if the topic is there.
> >
> The problem I have seen here is that the cluster default is global, at
> least until we have some concept of namespaces and can configure defaults
> for each. Since picking a good number of partitions varies based on volume,
> use case, etc a default that works for most topics is a hard to find.
> I feel like because app developers think they don't need to think about
> topic creation, often they don't. And that leads to a mess where they don't
> know how may partitions and what replication factor they have. Instead
> migrating environments with a setup script that creates the needed topics
> allows them to source control those setting and create predictable,
> repeatable deployments.
> I have also seen a lot of issues where users are confused about why a topic
> is coming back or can't be deleted. This is often a result
> of auto.create.topics.enable being defaulted to true. And they never expect
> that a feature like that would exist, much less be the default.
> On a side note, the best dynamic use case I could think of is MirrorMaker.
> But the cluster defaults here don't really work since its they are not very
> flexible. Pushing creation to the client would allow tools like MirrorMaker
> to create topics that match the upstream cluster, or provide its own logic
> for sizing downstream topics.
> This raises an important point about how we handle defaults, which I don't
> > think we talked about. I do think it is really important that we allow a
> > way to create topics with the "cluster defaults". I know this is possible
> > for configs since if you omit them they inherit default values, but I
> think
> > we should be able to do it with replication factor and partition count
> too.
> > I think the Java API should expose this and maybe even encourage it.
> >
> We could make the create topic request num_partitions and
> replication_factor fields optional and if unset use the cluster defaults.
> This allows a user to opt into the cluster defaults at create time. I have
> rarely seen good defaults set in my experience though, especially since the
> default is 1 in both cases.
> I kind of feel once you start adding AdminClient methods to the producer
> > and consumer it's not really clear where to stop--e.g. if I can create I
> > should be able to delete, list, etc.
> I agree this gets weird and could lead to duplicate client code and
> inconsistent behavior across clients. The one thing I don't like about
> requiring a separate client is it maintains all its own connections and
> metadata. Perhaps sometime down the road if we see a lot of mixed usage we
> could break out the core cluster connection code into a KafkaConnection
> class and instantiate clients with that. That way clients could share the
> same KafkaConnection.
> Thanks,
> Grant
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 9:29 AM, Jay Kreps <> wrote:
> > For what it's worth the use case for auto-creation isn't using a dynamic
> > set of topics, but rather letting apps flow through different
> > dev/staging/prod/integration_testing/unit_testing environments without
> > having the app configure appropriate replication/partitioning stuff in
> each
> > environment and having complex logic to check if the topic is there.
> > Basically if you leave this up to individual apps you get kind of a mess,
> > it's better to have cluster defaults that are reasonable and controlled
> by
> > an admin and then pre-provision anything that is weird (super big,
> unusual
> > perms, whatever). Usually in the pre-prod environments you don't really
> > care about the settings at all, and in prod you can pre-provision.
> >
> > This raises an important point about how we handle defaults, which I
> don't
> > think we talked about. I do think it is really important that we allow a
> > way to create topics with the "cluster defaults". I know this is possible
> > for configs since if you omit them they inherit default values, but I
> think
> > we should be able to do it with replication factor and partition count
> too.
> > I think the Java API should expose this and maybe even encourage it.
> >
> > I don't have a super strong opinion on how this is exposed, though I kind
> > of prefer one of two options:
> > 1. Keep the approach we have now with a config option to allow auto
> create,
> > but using this option just gives you a plain vanilla topic with no custom
> > configs, for anything custom you need to use AdminClient "manually"
> > 2. Just throw an exception and let you use AdminClient. This may be a bit
> > of a transition for people relying on the current behavior.
> >
> > I kind of feel once you start adding AdminClient methods to the producer
> > and consumer it's not really clear where to stop--e.g. if I can create I
> > should be able to delete, list, etc.
> >
> > -Jay
> >
> > On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 9:26 AM, Grant Henke <>
> wrote:
> >
> > > With the KIP-4 create topic schema voted and passed and a PR available
> > > upstream. I wanted to discuss moving the auto topic creation from the
> > > broker side to the client side (KAFKA-2410
> > > <>).
> > >
> > > This change has many benefits
> > >
> > >    - Remove the need for failed messages until a topic is created
> > >    - Client can define the auto create parameters instead of a global
> > >    cluster setting
> > >    - Errors can be communicated back to the client more clearly
> > >
> > > Overall auto create is not my favorite feature, since topic creation
> is a
> > > highly critical piece for Kafka, and with authorization added it
> becomes
> > > even more involved. When creating a topic a user needs:
> > >
> > >    - The access to create topics
> > >    - To set the correct partition count and replication factor for
> their
> > >    use case
> > >    - To set who has access to the topic
> > >    - Knowledge of how a new topic may impact regex consumers or
> > mirrormaker
> > >
> > > Often I find use cases that look like they need auto topic creation,
> can
> > > often be handled with a few pre made topics. That said, we still should
> > > support the feature for the cases that need it (mirrormaker, streams).
> > >
> > > The question is how we should expose auto topic creation in the
> client. A
> > > few options are:
> > >
> > >    - Add configs like the broker configs today, and let the client
> > >    automatically create the topics if enabled
> > >       - Both producer and consumer?
> > >    - Throw an error to the user and let them use a separate AdminClient
> > >    (KIP-4) api to create the topic
> > >    - Throw an error to the user and add a create api to the producer so
> > >    they can easily handle by creating a topic
> > >
> > > I am leaning towards the last 2 options but wanted to get some others
> > > thoughts on the matter. Especially if you have use cases that use auto
> > > topic creation today.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Grant
> > >
> > > --
> > > Grant Henke
> > > Software Engineer | Cloudera
> > > | |
> > >
> >
> --
> Grant Henke
> Software Engineer | Cloudera
> | |

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