Hi Damian,

Thanks for the KIP. We have a number of use cases in which we maintain a
materialized cache of a compacted topic. The consumer coordinator, for
example, has a cache of consumer offsets which is populated from the
__consumer_offsets topic. Kafka Connect also uses this pattern for its own
offset and config storage. The key distinction in the latter case is that
the cache is maintained on the client. So a couple questions about the
potential impact of this KIP on these use cases:

1. Would it make sense to use this KIP in the consumer coordinator to
expire offsets based on the topic's retention time? Currently, we have a
periodic task which scans the full cache to check which offsets can be
expired, but we might be able to get rid of this if we had a callback to
update the cache when a segment was deleted. Technically offsets can be
given their own expiration time, but it seems questionable whether we need
this going forward (the new consumer doesn't even expose it at the moment).
2. This KIP could also be useful for expiration in the case of a cache
maintained on the client, but I don't see an obvious way that we'd be able
to leverage it since there's no indication to the client when a segment has
been deleted (unless they reload the cache from the beginning of the log).
One approach I can think of would be to write corresponding tombstones as
necessary when a segment is removed, but that seems pretty heavy. Have you
considered this problem?

It may not be necessary to address this problem in this KIP, but since the
need for expiration seems very common for this use case, it could save a
lot of duplicated effort if the broker provided a builtin mechanism for it.


On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 12:41 AM, Damian Guy <damian....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have created KIP 71: Enable log compaction and deletion to co-exist`
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
> 71%3A+Enable+log+compaction+and+deletion+to+co-exist
> Please take a look. Feedback is appreciated.
> Thank you

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