
Davor Poldrugo updated KAFKA-4273:
I'm using Streams DSL (, which can only use RocksDB for local state as 
far as I know - it's not configurable.
In my use case my data has TTL / retnetion period. It's 48 hours. After that - 
data can be discarded.

I join two topics: "messages" and "prices" using windowed inner join.
The two intermediate Kafka topics for this join are named:
 * messages-prices-join-this-changelog
 * messages-prices-join-other-changelog

Since these topics are created as compacted by Kafka Streams, and I don't wan't 
to keep data forever, I have altered them to not use compaction. Right now my 
RocksDB state stores grow indefinitely, and I don't have any options to define 
TTL, or somehow periodically clean the older data. I 

A "hack" that I use to keep my disk usage low - I have schedulled a job to 
periodically stop Kafka Streams instances - one at the time. This triggers a 
rebalance, and partitions migrate to other instances. When the instance is 
started again, there's another rebalance, and sometimes this instance starts 
processing partitions that wasn't processing before the stop - which leads to 
deletion of the RocksDB state store for those partitions 
(state.cleanup.delay.ms). In the next rebalance the local store is recreated 
with a restore consumer - which reads data from - as previously mentioned - a 
non compacted topic. And this effectively leads to a "hacked TTL support" in 
Kafka Streams DSL.

 * Do you think would be reasonable to add support in the DSL api to define TTL 
for local store?
 * Which opens another question - there are use cases which don't need the 
intermediate topics to be created as "compact". Could also this be added to the 
DSL api? Maybe only this could be added, and this flag should also be used for 
the RocksDB TTL. Of course in this case another config would be mandatory - the 
retention period or TTL for the intermediate topics and the state stores. I saw 
there is a new cleanup.policy - compact_and_delete - added with KAFKA-4015.
 * Which also leads to another question, maybe some intermediate topics / state 
stores need different TTL, so a it's not as simple as that. But after 
KAFKA-3870, it will be easier.

RocksDB supports TTL:
 * https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Time-to-Live

A somehow similar issue: KAFKA-4212

I'm using Streams DSL (, which can only use RocksDB for local state as 
far as I know - it's not configurable.
In my use case my data has TTL / retnetion period. It's 48 hours. After that - 
data can be discarded.

I join two topics: "messages" and "prices" using windowed inner join.
The two intermediate Kafka topics for this join are named:
 * messages-prices-join-this-changelog
 * messages-prices-join-other-changelog

Since these topics are created as compacted by Kafka Streams, and I don't wan't 
to keep data forever, I have altered them to not use compaction. Right now my 
RocksDB state stores grow indefinitely, and I don't have any options to define 
TTL, or somehow periodically clean the older data. I 

A "hack" that I use to keep my disk usage low - I have schedulled a job to 
periodically stop Kafka Streams instances - one at the time. This triggers a 
rebalance, and partitions migrate to other instances. When the instance is 
started again, there's another rebalance, and sometimes this instance starts 
processing partitions that wasn't processing before the stop - which leads to 
deletion of the RocksDB state store for those partitions 
(state.cleanup.delay.ms). In the next rebalance the local store is recreated 
with a restore consumer - which reads data from - as previously mentioned - a 
non compacted topic. And this effectively leads to a "hacked TTL support" in 
Kafka Streams DSL.

 * Do you think would be reasonable to add support in the DSL api to define TTL 
for local store?
 * Which opens another question - there are use cases which don't need the 
intermediate topics to be created as "compact". Could also this be added to the 
DSL api? Maybe only this could be added, and this flag should also be used for 
the RocksDB TTL. Of course in this case another config would be mandatory - the 
retention period or TTL for the intermediate topics and the state stores.
 * Which also leads to another question, maybe some intermediate topics / state 
stores need different TTL, so a it's not as simple as that.

RocksDB supports TTL:
 * https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Time-to-Live

A somehow similar issue: KAFKA-4212

> Streams DSL - Add TTL / retention period support for intermediate topics and 
> state stores
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-4273
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-4273
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: streams
>    Affects Versions:
>            Reporter: Davor Poldrugo
>            Assignee: Guozhang Wang
> Hi!
> I'm using Streams DSL (, which can only use RocksDB for local state 
> as far as I know - it's not configurable.
> In my use case my data has TTL / retnetion period. It's 48 hours. After that 
> - data can be discarded.
> I join two topics: "messages" and "prices" using windowed inner join.
> The two intermediate Kafka topics for this join are named:
>  * messages-prices-join-this-changelog
>  * messages-prices-join-other-changelog
> Since these topics are created as compacted by Kafka Streams, and I don't 
> wan't to keep data forever, I have altered them to not use compaction. Right 
> now my RocksDB state stores grow indefinitely, and I don't have any options 
> to define TTL, or somehow periodically clean the older data. I 
> A "hack" that I use to keep my disk usage low - I have schedulled a job to 
> periodically stop Kafka Streams instances - one at the time. This triggers a 
> rebalance, and partitions migrate to other instances. When the instance is 
> started again, there's another rebalance, and sometimes this instance starts 
> processing partitions that wasn't processing before the stop - which leads to 
> deletion of the RocksDB state store for those partitions 
> (state.cleanup.delay.ms). In the next rebalance the local store is recreated 
> with a restore consumer - which reads data from - as previously mentioned - a 
> non compacted topic. And this effectively leads to a "hacked TTL support" in 
> Kafka Streams DSL.
> Questions:
>  * Do you think would be reasonable to add support in the DSL api to define 
> TTL for local store?
>  * Which opens another question - there are use cases which don't need the 
> intermediate topics to be created as "compact". Could also this be added to 
> the DSL api? Maybe only this could be added, and this flag should also be 
> used for the RocksDB TTL. Of course in this case another config would be 
> mandatory - the retention period or TTL for the intermediate topics and the 
> state stores. I saw there is a new cleanup.policy - compact_and_delete - 
> added with KAFKA-4015.
>  * Which also leads to another question, maybe some intermediate topics / 
> state stores need different TTL, so a it's not as simple as that. But after 
> KAFKA-3870, it will be easier.
> RocksDB supports TTL:
>  * 
> https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/
>  * https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Time-to-Live
>  * 
> https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/blob/master/java/src/main/java/org/rocksdb/TtlDB.java
> A somehow similar issue: KAFKA-4212

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