Could it be because of the partition key ?

On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 12:33 AM, Ghosh, Achintya (Contractor) <> wrote:

> Hi there,
> We are doing the load test in Kafka with 25tps and first 9 hours it went
> fine almost 80K/hr messages were processed after that we see a lot of lags
> and we stopped the incoming load.
> Currently we see 15K/hr messages are processing. We have 40 consumer
> instances with concurrency 4 and 2 topics and both is having 160 partitions
> so each consumer with each partition.
> What we found that some of the partitions are sitting idle and some of are
> overloaded and its really slowing down the consumer message processing.
> Why rebalancing is not happening and existing messages are not distributed
> equally among the instances? We tried to restart the app still the same
> pace. Any idea what could be the reason?
> Thanks
> Achintya


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