Hi,all! Our program uses the high level consumer api(the version is 0.8.x). 
Sometimes the program will throw an exception in the 42th row in 
kafka.utils.IteratorTemplate class,the content is "throw new 
IllegalStateException("Expected item but none found.")". 

I think it is a race condition problem between the close thread and the consume 
thread. When the close thread calling the method ConsumerConnector.shutdown(), 
it will set ConsumerIterator's state is NOT_READY. But at the same time, the 
consume thread calls the method ConsumerIterator.hasNext() and goes to the 67th 
row in  kafka.utils.IteratorTemplate class,the content is "if(state == DONE) 
{", the if will be false that means has a item. And when calling the 
ConsumerIterator.next(), it will throw that exception.

Have you ever had this problem? Please tell me how to deal with it, thanks!

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