@Matthias about the point 9:

What about keeping only the --topic option, and support this format:

`--topic t1:0,1,2 --topic t2 --topic t3:2`

In this case topics t1, t2, and t3 will be selected: topic t1 with
partitions 0,1 and 2; topic t2 with all its partitions; and topic t3, with
only partition 2.


El mar., 21 feb. 2017 a las 11:11, Jorge Esteban Quilcate Otoya (<
quilcate.jo...@gmail.com>) escribió:

> Thanks for the feedback Matthias.
> * 1. You're right. I'll reorder the scenarios.
> * 2. Agree. I'll update the KIP.
> * 3. I like it, updating to `reset-offsets`
> * 4. Agree, removing the `reset-` part
> * 5. Yes, 1.e option without --execute or --export will print out current
> offset, and the new offset, that will be the same. The use-case of this
> option is to use it in combination with --export mostly and have a current
> 'checkpoint' to reset later. I will add to the KIP how the output should
> looks like.
> * 6. Considering 4., I will update it to `--to-offset`
> * 7. I like the idea to unify these options (plus, minus).
> `shift-offsets-by` is a good option, but I will like some more feedback
> here about the name. I will update the KIP in the meantime.
> * 8. Yes, discussed in 9.
> * 9. Agree. I'll love some feedback here. `topic` is already used by
> `delete`, and we can add `--all-topics` to consider all topics/partitions
> assigned to a group. How could we define specific topics/partitions?
> * 10. Haven't thought about it, but make sense.
> <topic>,<partition>,<offset> would be enough.
> * 11. Agree. Solved with 10.
> Also, I have a couple of changes to mention:
> 1. I have add a reference to the branch where I'm working on this KIP.
> 2. About the period scenario `--to-period`. I will change it to
> `--to-duration` given that duration (
> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/Duration.html)
> follows this format: 'PnDTnHnMnS' and does not consider daylight saving
> efects.
> El mar., 21 feb. 2017 a las 2:47, Matthias J. Sax (<matth...@confluent.io>)
> escribió:
> Hi,
> thanks for updating the KIP. Couple of follow up comments:
> * Nit: Why is "Reset to Earliest" and "Reset to Latest" a "reset by
> time" option -- IMHO it belongs to "reset by position"?
> * Nit: Description of "Reset to Earliest"
> > using Kafka Consumer's `auto.offset.reset` to `earliest`
> I think this is strictly speaking not correct (as auto.offset.reset only
> triggered if no valid offset is found, but this tool explicitly modified
> committed offset), and should be phrased as
> > using Kafka Consumer's #seekToBeginning()
> -> similar issue for description of "Reset to Latest"
> * Main option: rename to --reset-offsets (plural instead of singular)
> * Scenario Options: I would remove "reset" from all options, because the
> main argument "--reset-offset" says already what to do:
> > bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --reset-offset --reset-to-datetime XXX
> better (IMHO):
> > bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --reset-offsets --to-datetime XXX
> * Option 1.e ("print and export current offset") is not intuitive to use
> IMHO. The main option is "--reset-offset" but nothing happens if no
> scenario is specified. It is also not specified, what the output should
> look like?
> Furthermore, --describe should actually show currently committed offset
> for a group. So it seems to be redundant to have the same option in
> --reset-offsets
> * Option 2.a: I would rename to "--reset-to-offset" (or considering the
> comment above to "--to-offset")
> * Option 2.b and 2.c: I would unify to "--shift-offsets-by" (or similar)
> and accept positive/negative values
> * About Scope "all": maybe it's better to have an option "--all-topics"
> (or similar). IMHO explicit arguments are preferable over implicit
> setting to guard again accidental miss use of the tool.
> * Scope: I also think, that "--topic" (singular) and "--topics" (plural)
> are too similar and easy to use in a wrong way (ie, mix up) -- maybe we
> can have two options that are easier to distinguish.
> * I still think that JSON is not the best format (it's too verbose/hard
> to write for humans from scratch). A simple CSV format with implicit
> schema (topic,partition,offset) would be sufficient.
> * Why does the JSON contain "group_id" field -- there is parameter
> "--group" to specify the group ID. Would one overwrite the other (what
> order) or would there be an error if "--group" is used in combination
> with "--reset-from-file"?
> -Matthias
> On 2/17/17 6:43 AM, Jorge Esteban Quilcate Otoya wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > according to the feedback, I've updated the KIP:
> >
> > - We have added and ordered the scenarios, scopes and executions of the
> > Reset Offset tool.
> > - Consider it as an extension to the current `ConsumerGroupCommand` tool
> > - Execution will be possible without generating JSON files.
> >
> >
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-122%3A+Add+Reset+Consumer+Group+Offsets+tooling
> >
> > Looking forward to your feedback!
> >
> > Jorge.
> >
> > El mié., 8 feb. 2017 a las 23:23, Jorge Esteban Quilcate Otoya (<
> > quilcate.jo...@gmail.com>) escribió:
> >
> >> Great. I think I got the idea. What about this options:
> >>
> >> Scenarios:
> >>
> >> 1. Current status
> >>
> >> ´kafka-consumer-groups.sh --reset-offset --group cg1´
> >>
> >> 2. To Datetime
> >>
> >> ´kafka-consumer-groups.sh --reset-offset --group cg1 --reset-to-datetime
> >> 2017-01-01T00:00:00.000´
> >>
> >> 3. To Period
> >>
> >> ´kafka-consumer-groups.sh --reset-offset --group cg1 --reset-to-period
> P2D´
> >>
> >> 4. To Earliest
> >>
> >> ´kafka-consumer-groups.sh --reset-offset --group cg1
> --reset-to-earliest´
> >>
> >> 5. To Latest
> >>
> >> ´kafka-consumer-groups.sh --reset-offset --group cg1 --reset-to-latest´
> >>
> >> 6. Minus 'n' offsets
> >>
> >> ´kafka-consumer-groups.sh --reset-offset --group cg1 --reset-minus n´
> >>
> >> 7. Plus 'n' offsets
> >>
> >> ´kafka-consumer-groups.sh --reset-offset --group cg1 --reset-plus n´
> >>
> >> 8. To specific offset
> >>
> >> ´kafka-consumer-groups.sh --reset-offset --group cg1 --reset-to x´
> >>
> >> Scopes:
> >>
> >> a. All topics used by Consumer Group
> >>
> >> Don't specify --topics
> >>
> >> b. Specific List of Topics
> >>
> >> Add list of values in --topics t1,t2,tn
> >>
> >> c. One Topic, all Partitions
> >>
> >> Add one topic and no partitions values: --topic t1
> >>
> >> d. One Topic, List of Partitions
> >>
> >> Add one topic and partitions values: --topic t1 --partitions 0,1,2
> >>
> >> About Reset Plan (JSON file):
> >>
> >> I think is still valid to have the option to persist reset configuration
> >> as a file, but I agree to give the option to run the tool without going
> >> down to the JSON file.
> >>
> >> Execution options:
> >>
> >> 1. Without execution argument (No args):
> >>
> >> Print out results (reset plan)
> >>
> >> 2. With --execute argument:
> >>
> >> Run reset process
> >>
> >> 3. With --output argument:
> >>
> >> Save result in a JSON format.
> >>
> >> 4. Only with --execute option and --reset-file (path to JSON)
> >>
> >> Reset based on file
> >>
> >> 4. Only with --verify option and --reset-file (path to JSON)
> >>
> >> Verify file values with current offsets
> >>
> >> I think we can remove --generate-and-execute because is a bit clumsy.
> >>
> >> With this options we will be able to execute with manual JSON
> >> configuration.
> >>
> >>
> >> El mié., 8 feb. 2017 a las 22:43, Ben Stopford (<b...@confluent.io>)
> >> escribió:
> >>
> >> Yes - using a tool like this to skip a set of consumer groups over a
> >> corrupt/bad message is definitely appealing.
> >>
> >> B
> >>
> >> On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 9:37 PM Gwen Shapira <g...@confluent.io> wrote:
> >>
> >>> I like the --reset-to-earliest and --reset-to-latest. In general,
> >>> since the JSON route is the most challenging for users, we want to
> >>> provide a lot of ways to do useful things without going there.
> >>>
> >>> Two things that can help:
> >>>
> >>> 1. A lot of times, users want to skip few messages that cause issues
> >>> and continue. maybe just specifying the topic, partition and delta
> >>> will be better than having to find the offset and write a JSON and
> >>> validate the JSON etc.
> >>>
> >>> 2. Thinking if there are other common use-cases that we can make easy
> >>> rather than just one generic but not very usable method.
> >>>
> >>> Gwen
> >>>
> >>> On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 3:25 AM, Jorge Esteban Quilcate Otoya
> >>> <quilcate.jo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>> Thanks for the feedback!
> >>>>
> >>>> @Onur, @Gwen:
> >>>>
> >>>> Agree. Actually at the first draft I considered to have it inside
> >>>> ´kafka-consumer-groups.sh´, but I decide to propose it as a standalone
> >>> tool
> >>>> to describe it clearly and focus it on reset functionality.
> >>>>
> >>>> But now that you mentioned, it does make sense to have it in
> >>>> ´kafka-consumer-groups.sh´. How would be a consistent way to introduce
> >>> it?
> >>>>
> >>>> Maybe something like this:
> >>>>
> >>>> ´kafka-consumer-groups.sh --reset-offset --generate --group cg1
> >> --topics
> >>> t1
> >>>> --reset-from 2017-01-01T00:00:00.000 --output plan.json´
> >>>>
> >>>> ´kafka-consumer-groups.sh --reset-offset --verify --reset-json-file
> >>>> plan.json´
> >>>>
> >>>> ´kafka-consumer-groups.sh --reset-offset --execute --reset-json-file
> >>>> plan.json´
> >>>>
> >>>> ´kafka-consumer-groups.sh --reset-offset --generate-and-execute
> --group
> >>> cg1
> >>>> --topics t1 --reset-from 2017-01-01T00:00:00.000´
> >>>>
> >>>> @Gwen:
> >>>>
> >>>>> It looks exactly like the replica assignment tool
> >>>>
> >>>> It was influenced by ;-) I use the generate-verify-execute process
> here
> >>> to
> >>>> make sure user will be aware of the result of this operation. At the
> >>>> beginning we considered only add a couple of options to Consumer Group
> >>>> Command:
> >>>>
> >>>> --rewind-to-timestamp and --rewind-to-period
> >>>>
> >>>> @Onur:
> >>>>
> >>>>> You can actually get away with overriding while members of the group
> >>> are live
> >>>> with method 2 by using group information from DescribeGroupsRequest.
> >>>>
> >>>> This means that we need to have Consumer Group stopped before
> executing
> >>> and
> >>>> start a new consumer internally to do this? Therefore, we won't be
> able
> >>> to
> >>>> consider executing reset when ConsumerGroup is active? (trying to
> >> relate
> >>> it
> >>>> with @Dong 5th question)
> >>>>
> >>>> @Dong:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Should we allow user to use wildcard to reset offset of all groups
> >> for a
> >>>> given topic as well?
> >>>>
> >>>> I haven't thought about this scenario. Could be interesting. Following
> >>> the
> >>>> recommendation to add it into Consumer Group Command, in this case
> >> Group
> >>>> argument will be optional if there are only 1 topic. I think for
> >> multiple
> >>>> topic won't be that useful.
> >>>>
> >>>>> Should we allow user to specify timestamp per topic partition in the
> >>> json
> >>>> file as well?
> >>>>
> >>>> Don't think this could be a valid from the tool, but if Reset Plan is
> >>>> generated, and user want to set the offset for a specific partition to
> >>>> other offset (eventually based on another timestamp), and execute it,
> >> it
> >>>> will be up to her/him.
> >>>>
> >>>>> Should the script take some credential file to make sure that this
> >>>> operation is authenticated given the potential impact of this
> >> operation?
> >>>>
> >>>> Haven't tried to secure brokers yet, but the tool should support
> >>>> authorization if it's enabled in the broker.
> >>>>
> >>>>> Should we provide constant to reset committed offset to
> >> earliest/latest
> >>>> offset of a partition, e.g. -1 indicates earliest offset and -2
> >> indicates
> >>>> latest offset.
> >>>>
> >>>> I will go for something like ´--reset-to-earliest´ and
> >>> ´--reset-to-latest´
> >>>>
> >>>>> Should we allow dynamic change of the comitted offset when consumer
> >> are
> >>>> running, such that consumer will seek to the newly committed offset
> and
> >>>> start consuming from there?
> >>>>
> >>>> Not sure about this. I will recommend to keep it simple and ask user
> to
> >>>> stop consumers first. But I would considered it if the trade-offs are
> >>>> clear.
> >>>>
> >>>> @Matthias
> >>>>
> >>>> Added :). And thanks a lot for your help to define this KIP!
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> El mié., 8 feb. 2017 a las 7:47, Gwen Shapira (<g...@confluent.io>)
> >>>> escribió:
> >>>>
> >>>>> As long as the CLI is a bit consistent? Like, not just adding 3
> >>>>> arguments and a JSON parser to the existing tool, right?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 10:29 PM, Onur Karaman
> >>>>> <onurkaraman.apa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>> I think it makes sense to just add the feature to
> >>>>> kafka-consumer-groups.sh
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 10:24 PM, Gwen Shapira <g...@confluent.io>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Thanks for the KIP. I'm super happy about adding the capability.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I hate the interface, though. It looks exactly like the replica
> >>>>>>> assignment tool. A tool everyone loves so much that there are
> >>> multiple
> >>>>>>> projects, open and closed, that try to fix it.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Can we swap it with something that looks a bit more like the
> >> consumer
> >>>>>>> group tool? or the kafka streams reset tool? Consistency is helpful
> >>> in
> >>>>>>> such cases. I spent some time learning existing tools and learning
> >>> yet
> >>>>>>> another one is a deterrent.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Gwen
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 6:43 PM, Jorge Esteban Quilcate Otoya
> >>>>>>> <quilcate.jo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>> Hi all,
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> I would like to propose a KIP to Add a tool to Reset Consumer
> >> Group
> >>>>>>> Offsets.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
> >>>>>>> 122%3A+Add+a+tool+to+Reset+Consumer+Group+Offsets
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Please, take a look at the proposal and share your feedback.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Thanks,
> >>>>>>>> Jorge.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> --
> >>>>>>> Gwen Shapira
> >>>>>>> Product Manager | Confluent
> >>>>>>> 650.450.2760 <(650)%20450-2760> <(650)%20450-2760>
> <(650)%20450-2760>
> >> <(650)%20450-2760> | @gwenshap
> >>>>>>> Follow us: Twitter | blog
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> --
> >>>>> Gwen Shapira
> >>>>> Product Manager | Confluent
> >>>>> 650.450.2760 <(650)%20450-2760> <(650)%20450-2760>
> <(650)%20450-2760>
> >> <(650)%20450-2760> | @gwenshap
> >>>>> Follow us: Twitter | blog
> >>>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Gwen Shapira
> >>> Product Manager | Confluent
> >>> 650.450.2760 <(650)%20450-2760> <(650)%20450-2760> <(650)%20450-2760>
> | @gwenshap
> >>> Follow us: Twitter | blog
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >

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