Just copying in from the mail list, another use case / +1 for the builder 
pattern, so its kept with the KIP thread.

On 18/05/2017, 22:06, "Andrew Coates" <big.andy.coa...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Thanks Mike
    On Thu, 18 May 2017 at 21:33, Michael André Pearce <
    michael.andre.pea...@me.com> wrote:

    >Hi Andrew,
    >There is already a kip discussion exactly around this if you look for KIP
    >141 discuss thread.
    >Sent from my iPhone
    >> On 18 May 2017, at 18:29, Andrew Coates <andy.coa...@apple.com> wrote:
    >> Hi all,
    >> The `ProducerRecord` type has many optional fields and the list has
    >grown over different revisions of Kafka. Kafka supports
    >`ProducerInterceptor`s, which often need to construct new
    >`ProducerRecord`s, based on those passed in, copying most fields from the
    >old to the new record, e.g.:
    >> ```java
    >>   public ProducerRecord<K,V> onSend(ProducerRecord<K,V> record) {
    >>       return new ProducerRecord<>(record.topic(), record.partition(),
    >getSpecificTimestampIWantToSet(), record.key(), record.value())
    >>   }
    >> ```
    >> If/when a new field is next added to the `ProducerRecord` all existing
    >interceptor implementations will fail to copy across the new field,
    >assuming a backwards compatible constructors exist that allow the old code
    >to compile, (which the tend to do). This makes the code

On 08/05/2017, 18:26, "Colin McCabe" <cmcc...@apache.org> wrote:

    Hadoop had a very similar issue in two places: in the constructor of
    MiniDFSCluster, and with the FileSystem#create API.  In both cases,
    people kept adding more and more function overloads until the APIs got
    very ugly and hard to understand.  This is especially the case when some
    of the parameters were just ints or other basic types.  Do you need the
    Path, FsPermission, boolean, int, short, long, Progressable,
    InetSocketAddress[] overload or the Path, FsPermission,
    EnumSet<CreateFlag>, int, short, long, Progressable, ChecksumOpt one?
    Or one of the other literally dozen+ overloads?  Ever since that
    experience I've been in favor of creating builder objects whenever it
    seems like you will end up in that situation.

    As Jay mentions, Hadoop also had a very difficult time deprecating APIs.
     We tried to deprecate org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem in favor of
    org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileContext, and it just didn't take (people kept
    using the old API, and still are).  A similar story could be told with
    the mapred vs. mapreduce APIs.

    There were a few issues that made this fail.  The first was that there
    was a big installed base of existing programs, and people often used
    those existing programs as examples.  And they all used the old APIs.
    The second is that all the projects built on top of Hadoop's APIs, like
    HBase, Spark, etc., wanted to use an API that could support multiple
    versions, which meant using the old API.  Finally, the new APIs were not
    better for users.

    Hopefully, someday Java will get named arguments with default
    parameters, similar to Scala.  Until that point, I think it's sensible
    to just use a builder whenever you are in the scenario "I have half a
    dozen arguments to this public API, and I think I might have half a
    dozen more in a year or two".  So my vote would be to add the builders
    and keep the existing functions as well.


    On Thu, May 4, 2017, at 21:23, Michael André Pearce wrote:
    > My vote would be with 2, then 3 then 1.
    > Could I suggest maybe an option 4.
    > that is option 2 but with a note that there is an intent in 1/2 years
    > time to deprecate the old way (under another kip). This way books
    > materials can be updated over a period, code won't be making compile
    > warnings today. And also we can judge if two ways is really causing an
    > issue or not, but does hint to users to start actively using the new way.
    > Think when the new Java clients were released they released as like a
    > beta, it was a release or two after that the old clients were deprecated,
    > and still to be removed.
    > Sent from my iPhone
    > > On 4 May 2017, at 21:18, Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io> wrote:
    > >
    > > We can go either way. I just pointed out, what I would prefer -- it's
    > > also quite subjective.
    > >
    > > The least invasive change would be to add new constructors and update
    > > the JavaDocs to point out the semantics of `partition` parameter.
    > >
    > > However, I still like the builder pattern: ProducerRecord has 6
    > > parameters with only 2 being mandatory (topic and either key or value).
    > > Thus, to have a complete set of overloads we would need many more
    > > constructors. Right now, it feels to be "incomplete" and as if the
    > > offered constructors got picked "randomly".
    > >
    > > I got convinced though, that deprecation is not strictly required for
    > > this change. If we go with option (2), it might be good to update the
    > > JavaDocs of the current API to point to the new one as "recommended to 
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > -Matthias
    > >
    > >
    > >> On 5/3/17 10:47 PM, Ewen Cheslack-Postava wrote:
    > >> Stephane,
    > >>
    > >> VOTES are really on-demand based on the author, but obviously it's 
good to
    > >> come to some level of consensus in the DISCUSS thread before 
initiating a
    > >> vote. I think the request for comments/votes on your 3 options is a
    > >> reasonable way to gauge current opinions.
    > >>
    > >> For myself, I think either 1 or 3 are good options, and I think at 
    > >> Matthias & Jay are in agreement -- basically have one preferred, but
    > >> possibly support 2 approaches for awhile.
    > >>
    > >> I think 3 is the right way to go long term -- I don't expect so many 
    > >> built-in fields to be added, but then again I didn't expect this much 
    > >> this quickly (headers were a surprise for me). We've gotten to enough
    > >> parameters that a builder is more effective. It sucks a bit for 
    > >> users that rely on the constructors, but a full major release cycle 
(at the
    > >> minimum) is a pretty significant window, and we can always choose to 
    > >> the window longer if we want to give people more time to transition. 
To me,
    > >> the biggest problem is all the tutorials and content that we *can't*
    > >> control -- there's a ton of code and tutorials out there that will 
    > >> reference the constructors, and those will last far longer than any
    > >> deprecation period we put in place.
    > >>
    > >> -Ewen
    > >>
    > >> On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 5:46 PM, Stephane Maarek <
    > >> steph...@simplemachines.com.au> wrote:
    > >>
    > >>> How do votes works?
    > >>>
    > >>> I feel there are 3 options right here, and I’d like a pre vote before 
    > >>> real vote?
    > >>> 1) Adding constructors. Could get messy over time, especially with 
    > >>> coming into play, and future possible improvement to the message 
    > >>> 2) Adding a builder / nicer looking API (like fluent) to help build a
    > >>> ProducerRecord in a safe way. Issue here are two ways of building a
    > >>> ProducerRecord can bring confusion
    > >>> 3) Same as 2), but deprecating all the constructors. May be too much 
of an
    > >>> aggressive strategy
    > >>>
    > >>>
    > >>> I’m happy to go over 2), update the docs, and tell people this is the
    > >>> “preferred” way. Won’t outdate all the literature on Kafka, but I 
feel this
    > >>> set people up for success in the future.
    > >>> Thoughts  / pre vote?
    > >>>
    > >>> On 3/5/17, 4:20 pm, "Ewen Cheslack-Postava" <e...@confluent.io> wrote:
    > >>>
    > >>>    I understand the convenience of pointing at a JIRA/PR, but can we 
    > >>> the
    > >>>    concrete changes proposed in the JIRA (under "Proposed Changes"). I
    > >>> don't
    > >>>    think voting on the KIP would be reasonable otherwise since the 
    > >>>    under vote could change arbitrarily...
    > >>>
    > >>>    I'm increasingly skeptical of adding more convenience constructors 
    > >>> the
    > >>>    current patch adds timestamps, we're about to add headers as well 
    > >>>    core, for Connect we have
    > >>>    https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
    > >>> 145+-+Expose+Record+Headers+in+Kafka+Connect
    > >>>    in flight). It just continues to get messier over time.
    > >>>
    > >>>    I think builders in the right context are useful, as long as they
    > >>> exceed a
    > >>>    certain number of parameters (SchemaBuilder in Connect is an 
    > >>> of
    > >>>    that position). I don't think a transition period with 2 ways to
    > >>> construct
    > >>>    an object is actually a problem -- if there's always an "all N
    > >>> parameters"
    > >>>    version of the constructor, all other constructors are just 
    > >>>    shortcuts, but the Builder provides a shorthand.
    > >>>
    > >>>    I also agree w/ Ismael that deprecating to aggressively is bad -- 
    > >>> added
    > >>>    the APIs instead of a builder and there's not any real maintenance
    > >>> cost, so
    > >>>    why add the deprecation? I don't want to suggest actually adding 
    > >>> an
    > >>>    annotation, but the real issue here is that one API will become
    > >>> "preferred"
    > >>>    for some time.
    > >>>
    > >>>    -Ewen
    > >>>
    > >>>>    On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 1:15 AM, Ismael Juma <ism...@juma.me.uk> 
    > >>>>
    > >>>> Hi Matthias,
    > >>>>
    > >>>> Deprecating widely used APIs is a big deal. Build warnings are a
    > >>> nuisance
    > >>>> and can potentially break the build for those who have a
    > >>> zero-warnings
    > >>>> policy (which is good practice). It creates a bunch of busy work for
    > >>> our
    > >>>> users and various resources like books, blog posts, etc. become out
    > >>> of
    > >>>> date.
    > >>>>
    > >>>> This does not mean that we should not do it, but the benefit has to
    > >>> be
    > >>>> worth it and we should not do it lightly.
    > >>>>
    > >>>> Ismael
    > >>>>
    > >>>> On Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 6:52 PM, Matthias J. Sax <
    > >>> matth...@confluent.io>
    > >>>> wrote:
    > >>>>
    > >>>>> I understand that we cannot just break stuff (btw: also not for
    > >>>>> Streams!). But deprecating does not break anything, so I don't
    > >>> think
    > >>>>> it's a big deal to change the API as long as we keep the old API as
    > >>>>> deprecated.
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>> -Matthias
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>>> On 4/29/17 9:28 AM, Jay Kreps wrote:
    > >>>>>> Hey Matthias,
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>> Yeah I agree, I'm not against change as a general thing! I also
    > >>> think
    > >>>> if
    > >>>>>> you look back on the last two years, we completely rewrote the
    > >>> producer
    > >>>>> and
    > >>>>>> consumer APIs, reworked the binary protocol many times over, and
    > >>> added
    > >>>>> the
    > >>>>>> connector and stream processing apis, both major new additions.
    > >>> So I
    > >>>>> don't
    > >>>>>> think we're in too much danger of stagnating!
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>> My two cents was just around breaking compatibility for trivial
    > >>> changes
    > >>>>>> like constructor => builder. I think this only applies to the
    > >>> producer,
    > >>>>>> consumer, and connect apis which are heavily embedded in
    > >>> hundreds of
    > >>>>>> ecosystem components that depend on them. This is different from
    > >>> direct
    > >>>>>> usage. If we break the streams api it is really no big
    > >>> deal---apps just
    > >>>>>> need to rebuild when they upgrade, not the end of the world at
    > >>> all.
    > >>>>> However
    > >>>>>> because many intermediate things depend on the Kafka producer
    > >>> you can
    > >>>>> cause
    > >>>>>> these weird situations where your app depends on two third party
    > >>> things
    > >>>>>> that use Kafka and each requires different, incompatible
    > >>> versions. We
    > >>>> did
    > >>>>>> this a lot in earlier versions of Kafka and it was the cause of
    > >>> much
    > >>>>> angst
    > >>>>>> (and an ingrained general reluctance to upgrade) from our users.
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>> I still think we may have to break things, i just don't think we
    > >>> should
    > >>>>> do
    > >>>>>> it for things like builders vs direct constructors which i think
    > >>> are
    > >>>> kind
    > >>>>>> of a debatable matter of taste.
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>> -Jay
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>> On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 9:40 AM, Matthias J. Sax <
    > >>>> matth...@confluent.io>
    > >>>>>> wrote:
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>>> Hey Jay,
    > >>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>> I understand your concern, and for sure, we will need to keep
    > >>> the
    > >>>>>>> current constructors deprecated for a long time (ie, many
    > >>> years).
    > >>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>> But if we don't make the move, we will not be able to improve.
    > >>> And I
    > >>>>>>> think warnings about using deprecated APIs is an acceptable
    > >>> price to
    > >>>>>>> pay. And the API improvements will help new people who adopt
    > >>> Kafka to
    > >>>>>>> get started more easily.
    > >>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>> Otherwise Kafka might end up as many other enterprise software
    > >>> with a
    > >>>>>>> lots of old stuff that is kept forever because nobody has the
    > >>> guts to
    > >>>>>>> improve/change it.
    > >>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>> Of course, we can still improve the docs of the deprecated
    > >>>> constructors,
    > >>>>>>> too.
    > >>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>> Just my two cents.
    > >>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>> -Matthias
    > >>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>>> On 4/23/17 3:37 PM, Jay Kreps wrote:
    > >>>>>>>> Hey guys,
    > >>>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>>> I definitely think that the constructors could have been better
    > >>>>> designed,
    > >>>>>>>> but I think given that they're in heavy use I don't think this
    > >>>> proposal
    > >>>>>>>> will improve things. Deprecating constructors just leaves
    > >>> everyone
    > >>>> with
    > >>>>>>>> lots of warnings and crossed out things. We can't actually
    > >>> delete the
    > >>>>>>>> methods because lots of code needs to be usable across
    > >>> multiple Kafka
    > >>>>>>>> versions, right? So we aren't picking between the original
    > >>> approach
    > >>>>>>> (worse)
    > >>>>>>>> and the new approach (better); what we are proposing is a
    > >>> perpetual
    > >>>>>>>> mingling of the original style and the new style with a bunch
    > >>> of
    > >>>>>>> deprecated
    > >>>>>>>> stuff, which I think is worst of all.
    > >>>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>>> I'd vote for just documenting the meaning of null in the
    > >>>> ProducerRecord
    > >>>>>>>> constructor.
    > >>>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>>> -Jay
    > >>>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 3:34 PM, Stephane Maarek <
    > >>>>>>>> steph...@simplemachines.com.au> wrote:
    > >>>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>>>> Hi all,
    > >>>>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>>>> My first KIP, let me know your thoughts!
    > >>>>>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP+
    > >>>>>>>>> 141+-+ProducerRecordBuilder+Interface
    > >>>>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>>>> Cheers,
    > >>>>>>>>> Stephane
    > >>>>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>>
    > >>>>>>
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>
    > >>>
    > >>>
    > >>>
    > >>>
    > >>
    > >

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