Hello all, I'm still working on the tentative release dates for the next 1.0.0 major release, but just want to give you a heads up now:
1. I have updated the release versions in KIP wiki and the release plan. Details of the coming major release can be found in this page: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=71764913 2. We have a total of 199 JIRAs tickets (70 resolved, 120 in-progress / open) and 14 KIPs for 1.0.0 so far. Among the acce[ted KIPs three of them are still in need of a committer shepherd: KIP-48, KIP-81 and KIP-118. Committers please volunteer to shepherd these KIPs and drive its progress to completion. 3. For those who are planning to propose new KIPs that would like to be included in the coming 1.0.0 release, please keep in mind that the KIP freeze date (KIP proposal voted) would usually be 6 weeks ahead of the final release date, and the feature freeze date (KIP-related features merged) 4 weeks ahead. -- Guozhang