If there are no further comments, I will start a vote on this next week.



On 20 October 2017 at 08:33, Tom Bentley <t.j.bent...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've made a fairly major update to KIP-179 to propose APIs for setting
> throttled rates and throttled replicas with the ability to remove these
> automatically at the end of reassignment.
> I'd be grateful for your feedback:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-179+-+Change+
> ReassignPartitionsCommand+to+use+AdminClient
> Thanks,
> Tom
> On 2 October 2017 at 13:15, Tom Bentley <t.j.bent...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> One question I have is about whether/how to scope throttling to a
>> reassignment. Currently throttles are only loosely associated with
>> reassignment: You can start a reassignment without any throttling, add
>> throttling to an in-flight reassignment, and remember/forget to remove
>> throttling after the reassignment is complete. There's is great flexibility
>> in that, but also the risk that you forget the remove the throttle(s).
>> Just adding an API for setting the throttled rate makes this situation
>> worse: While it's nice to be able to auto-remove the throttles rate what
>> about the config for the throttled replicas? Also you might add a throttle
>> thinking a reassignment is in-flight, but it has in fact just finished:
>> Those throttles will now hang around until reset or the end of the next
>> reassignment. For these reasons it would be good if the throttle were more
>> directly scoped to the reassignment.
>> On the other hand, taking LinkedIn's Cruise Control as an example, there
>> they seem to modify the reassignment znode directly and incrementally and
>> so there is no notion of "the reassignment". Reassignments will be running
>> continuously, with partitions added before all of the current partitions
>> have completed. If there is no meaningful cluster-wide "reassignment" then
>> it would be better to remove remove the throttle by changing the list of
>> replicas as each replica catches up.
>> I'm interested in any use cases people can share on this, as I'd like the
>> throttle API to be useful for a broad range of use cases, rather than being
>> too narrowly focussed on what's needed by the existing CLI tools.
>> Thanks,
>> Tom
>> On 28 September 2017 at 17:22, Tom Bentley <t.j.bent...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm starting to think about KIP-179 again. In order to have more
>>> manageably-scoped KIPs and PRs I think it might be worth factoring-out the
>>> throttling part into a separate KIP. Wdyt?
>>> Keeping the throttling discussion in this thread for the moment...
>>> The throttling behaviour is currently spread across the
>>> `(leader|follower).replication.throttled.replicas` topic config and the
>>> `(leader|follower).replication.throttled.rate` dynamic broker config.
>>> It's not really clear to me exactly what "removing the throttle" is
>>> supposed to mean. I mean we could reset the rate to Long.MAV_VALUE or we
>>> could change the list of replicas to an empty list. The
>>> ReassignPartitionsCommand does both, but there is some small utility in
>>> leaving the rate, but clearing the list, if you've discovered the "right"
>>> rate for your cluster/workload and to want it to be sticky for next time.
>>> Does any one do this in practice?
>>> With regards to throttling, it would be
>>>>> worth thinking about a way where the throttling configs can be
>>>>> automatically removed without the user having to re-run the tool.
>>>> Isn't that just a matter of updating the topic configs for
>>>> (leader|follower).replication.throttled.replicas at the same time we
>>>> remove the reassignment znode? That leaves open the question about whether
>>>> to reset the rates at the same time.
>>> Thinking some more about my "update the configs at the same time we
>>> remove the reassignment znode" suggestion. The reassignment znode is
>>> persistent, so the reassignment will survive a zookeeper restart. If there
>>> was a flag for the auto-removal of the throttle it would likewise need to
>>> be persistent. Otherwise a ZK restart would remember the reassignment, but
>>> forget about the preference for auto removal of throttles. So, we would use
>>> a persistent znode (a child of the reassignment path, perhaps) to store a
>>> flag for throttle removal.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Tom

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