Hi Team,

I am trying to send images using kafka. I have
used  value_serializer=lambda v: json.dumps(v).encode('utf-8') and sending
the messages like message = {"cam_id" : 1, "frame" : image, "frame_no": i}

but getting TypeError: array([[[ 26,  36,  31],
        [ 16,  26,  21],
        [ 11,  21,  16],
        [  0,  19,   2],
        [  3,  25,  11],
        [ 18,  40,  26]],

       [[ 18,  28,  23],
        [ 10,  20,  15],
        [  9,  19,  14],
        [  9,  32,  15],
        [ 14,  36,  22],
        [ 25,  47,  33]],

       [[ 13,  23,  18],
        [  9,  19,  14],
        [  8,  18,  13],
        [ 24,  47,  30],
        [ 30,  52,  38],
        [ 35,  57,  43]],

       [[125, 133, 136],
        [127, 135, 138],
        [131, 139, 142],
        [118, 136, 146],
        [112, 130, 140],
        [121, 139, 149]],

       [[129, 137, 140],
        [129, 137, 140],
        [130, 138, 141],
        [144, 162, 172],
        [132, 150, 160],
        [128, 146, 156]],

       [[136, 144, 147],
        [134, 142, 145],
        [133, 141, 144],
        [153, 171, 181],
        [145, 163, 173],
        [137, 155, 165]]], dtype=uint8) is not JSON serializable.

Can you please help me to resolve this issue. Each image if of 18mb in size.

Thanks and Regards,

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