The Jackson JSON parser library had a couple of CVE's announced:
1. CVE-2017-7525
2. CVE 2017-15095

Here's a skimmable summary:

Looking at the source, it appears Kafka uses an older version of Jackson
which has the vulnerabilities.

However, these vulnerabilities only happen when Jackson is used in specific
ways. I'm not familiar enough with all the places that Kafka uses Jackson
to understand whether Kafka is susceptible, and I come from a non-Java
background so it's difficult for me to parse the Java source with 100%
confidence that I understand what's happening.

I know primarily Kafka uses JSON for inter-cluster communication through
Zookeeper, so if an attacker could access Zookeeper could they update the
znode payloads to exploit this? Additionally, I think there are some util
scripts that (de)serialize JSON files, for example the
partition-reassignment scripts...

So do these CVE's apply to Kafka?

If so, it seem the patch is fairly trivial of just upgrading to a newer
version of Jackson...
should this also be backported to the 1.0.1 release?


*Jeff Widman* <> | 740-WIDMAN-J (943-6265)

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