Hey Jan,

I am not sure if it is acceptable for producer to be stopped for a while,
particularly for online application which requires low latency. I am also
not sure how consumers can switch to a new topic. Does user application
needs to explicitly specify a different topic for producer/consumer to
subscribe to? It will be helpful for discussion if you can provide more
detail on the interface change for this solution.


On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 12:48 AM, Jan Filipiak <jan.filip...@trivago.com>

> Hi,
> just want to throw my though in. In general the functionality is very
> usefull, we should though not try to find the architecture to hard while
> implementing.
> The manual steps would be to
> create a new topic
> the mirrormake from the new old topic to the new topic
> wait for mirror making to catch up.
> then put the consumers onto the new topic
>     (having mirrormaker spit out a mapping from old offsets to new offsets:
>         if topic is increased by factor X there is gonna be a clean
> mapping from 1 offset in the old topic to X offsets in the new topic,
>         if there is no factor then there is no chance to generate a
> mapping that can be reasonable used for continuing)
>     make consumers stop at appropriate points and continue consumption
> with offsets from the mapping.
> have the producers stop for a minimal time.
> wait for mirrormaker to finish
> let producer produce with the new metadata.
> Instead of implementing the approach suggest in the KIP which will leave
> log compacted topic completely crumbled and unusable.
> I would much rather try to build infrastructure to support the mentioned
> above operations more smoothly.
> Especially having producers stop and use another topic is difficult and
> it would be nice if one can trigger "invalid metadata" exceptions for them
> and
> if one could give topics aliases so that their produces with the old topic
> will arrive in the new topic.
> The downsides are obvious I guess ( having the same data twice for the
> transition period, but kafka tends to scale well with datasize). So its a
> nicer fit into the architecture.
> I further want to argument that the functionality by the KIP can
> completely be implementing in "userland" with a custom partitioner that
> handles the transition as needed. I would appreciate if someone could point
> out what a custom partitioner couldn't handle in this case?
> With the above approach, shrinking a topic becomes the same steps. Without
> loosing keys in the discontinued partitions.
> Would love to hear what everyone thinks.
> Best Jan
> On 11.02.2018 00:35, Dong Lin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have created KIP-253: Support in-order message delivery with partition
>> expansion. See
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-253%
>> 3A+Support+in-order+message+delivery+with+partition+expansion
>> .
>> This KIP provides a way to allow messages of the same key from the same
>> producer to be consumed in the same order they are produced even if we
>> expand partition of the topic.
>> Thanks,
>> Dong

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