Hi, Ryanne. My apologies for not responding earlier, as I was on a long

Thanks for your feedback and questions about this KIP. You've raised
several points in the discussion so far, so let me try to address most of

IIUC, one of your major concerns is that this KIP introduces a new way to
define configurations for topics. That is true, and the whole reason is to
simply the user experience for people using source connectors. You still
have the freedom to manually pre-create topics before running a connector,
or to rely upon the broker automatically creating topics for the connectors
when those topics don't yet exist -- in both cases, don't include anything
about topic creation in your connector configurations. In fact, when you do
this, Connect uses the current behavior by assuming the topics exist or
will be autocreated with the proper configurations.

But for many environments, this existing approach is not enough. First, if
you're relying upon the broker to autocreate topics, then the brokers
single set of default topic settings must match the requirements of your
new topics. This can be difficult when your running multiple kinds of
connectors with differing expectations. Consider using a CDC connector that
expects compaction, a high-volume web service connector that should not use
compaction but expects deletion after 7 days, and another connector with
lower volume that uses 30 day retention. Or, consider connectors that are
producing to topics that have very different message characteristics:
different sizes, different throughputs, different partitions, etc. The only
way to work around this is to pre-create the topics, but this adds more
complexity and room for errors, especially when a single instance of some
source connectors can write to dozens (or even hundreds) of topics.

Second, many operators prefer (or are required) to disable topic
autocreation, since simple mistakes with command line tools can result in
new topics. In this cases, users have no choice but to manually precreate
the topics that complicates the process of running a connector and, as
mentioned above, increases the risk that something goes wrong.

Third, the reason why this KIP introduces a way for connector
implementations to override some topic settings is because some source
connectors have very specific requirements. When I wrote the first Debezium
CDC connectors, many first-time users didn't precreate the topics as
recommended in the documentation, and didn't change their brokers' default
topic settings. Only after a few days when they tried reconsuming the full
streams did they realize that Kafka had deleted messages older than the
default retention period. Debezium expects / requires compacted topics, so
all kinds of things went wrong. Connect is often one of the first ways in
which people get introduced to Kafka, and they simply don't yet have an
understanding of many of the details that you or I don't have to think
twice about.

You suggested that maybe Connect should just expose the Admin API. That's
possible, but IMO it's very heavyweight and complex. The whole point of
Connect's design is to abstract the connector developer away from most of
the details of Kafka -- it doesn't even expose the producer and consumer
APIs, which are much simpler. IMO it would be a mistake to require source
connector developers to deal with the Admin API -- I even have trouble
writing code that uses it to properly create topics, especially around
properly handling all of the potential error conditions.

You also mention that topic settings in a connector configuration might not
reflect the actual topic's settings. This is true, especially if the topic
already existed with different settings before the connector was run.
However, this is also very true of the broker's default topic settings,
which very often don't reflect the actual settings for all of the topics --
the defaults may have been changed, or topics are created manually with
very different settings. The only way to know the settings of a particular
topic are to get them for that topic.

The use of naming rules in the topic creation settings is intentional, and
it allows connector users to define topic settings for topics based upon
the names. In some cases this may require several rules to handle the
different topics, but most of the time a single rule may be all that's
required. I also don't agree that users will start naming topics to
simplify their rules -- many source connectors that write to more than one
topic often don't allow the user to specify the full name of the topics
anyway, and when they do they often only write to one topic.

I still think that the proposed KIP provides a simple way for most source
connector users to control (via configuration) the settings of the topics
that will be created by Connect for that connector, which works with all
existing source connectors out of the box and does not add additional
complexities for source connector developers.

Best regards,


On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 12:22 PM Ryanne Dolan <ryannedo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Rather than go though the connect framework, connectors should just
> create their own AdminClient instance and create their own topics?
> Rather, can the framework be improved to expose an AdminClient ready to
> use? Then connectors can use this instance without needing separate
> identities/principals and associated configuration (which I totally
> understand would be a nightmare). I believe that covers all the use-cases?
> I just don't see how the "terrible config situation" is remedied by adding
> even more configuration.
> Also, I'm not sure I can conceive of a use-case in which a single connector
> would need multiple default topic settings *based on the topic name*. Can
> you give a real-world example? Is this something you've encountered, or are
> you just trying for a flexible design?
> Ryanne
> On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 9:57 PM Gwen Shapira <g...@confluent.io> wrote:
> > Hi Ryanne,
> >
> > Thanks for the feedback!
> >
> > Can you explain a bit more what you mean by "if we allow connectors to
> make
> > this
> > decision, they should have full control of the process."?
> >
> > I assume you mean, something like:
> > Rather than go though the connect framework, connectors should just
> create
> > their own AdminClient instance and create their own topics?
> >
> > The problem with this approach is that connectors currently don't have
> > their own identity (in the authentication/authorization sense). All
> > connectors share the framework identity, if the users need to start
> > configuring security for both the framework and connect itself, it gets
> > messy rather quickly.
> > We actually already do the thing I'm imagining you suggested in some
> > connectors right now (create AdminClient and configure topics), and we
> hope
> > to use the new framework capability to clean-up the configuration mess
> this
> > has caused. I spent 4 days trying to figure out what a specific connector
> > doesn't work, just to find out that you need to give it its own security
> > config because it has an AdminClient so the configuration on the
> framework
> > isn't enough.
> >
> > From my experience with rather large number of customers, there are some
> > companies where the topics are controlled by a central team that owns all
> > the machinery to create and configure topics (sometimes via gitops,
> > kubernetes custom resources, etc) and they would indeed be very surprised
> > if a connector suddenly had opinions about topics. There are also teams
> > where the application developers feel like they know their data and
> > use-case the best and they are in-charge of making all topic-level
> > decisions, usually automated by the app itself. Admin client was created
> > for those teams and I think they'll appreciate having this capability in
> > connect too. Funny thing is, customers who work with one model usually
> > can't believe the other model even exists.
> >
> > I'd love to propose a compromise and suggest that we'll allow this
> > functionality in Connect but also give ops teams the option to disable it
> > and avoid surprises. But I'm afraid this wont work - too often the
> defaults
> > are just terrible for specific connectors (CDC connectors sometimes need
> a
> > single partition to maintain consistency) and if there is a chance the
> > connector preference won't be used, connectors will have to force it via
> > admin client which brings us back to the terrible config situation we
> > currently have with Admin client.
> >
> > Gwen
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 7:23 PM, Ryanne Dolan <ryannedo...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Randall,
> > >
> > > I have some concerns with this proposal.
> > >
> > > Firstly, I don't believe it is the job of a connector to configure
> > topics,
> > > generally, nor for topic-specific settings to hang out in connector
> > > configurations. Automatic creation of topics with default settings is
> an
> > > established pattern elsewhere, and I don't think connectors need to
> > diverge
> > > from this.
> > >
> > > I agree there are cases where the default settings don't make sense and
> > > it'd be nice to override them. But if we allow connectors to make this
> > > decision, they should have full control of the process.
> > >
> > > Some concerns:
> > > - I'd expect the cluster's default settings to apply to newly created
> > > topics, regardless of who created them. I wouldn't expect source
> > connectors
> > > to be a special case. In particular, I'd be surprised if Kafka Connect
> > were
> > > to ignore my cluster's default settings and apply its own defaults.
> > > - It will be possible to add a specific topic to this configuration, in
> > > which case any reader would expect the topic to have the specified
> > > settings. But this will not generally be true. Thus, the configuration
> > will
> > > end up lying and misleading, and there won't be any indication that the
> > > configuration is lying.
> > > - Connectors that want to control settings will end up naming topics
> > > accordingly. For example, a connector that wants to control the number
> of
> > > partitions would need a bunch of creation rules for 1 partition, 2
> > > partitions and so on. This is a bad pattern to establish. A better
> > pattern
> > > is to let the connector control the number of partitions directly when
> > that
> > > feature is required.
> > > - The proposal introduces 2 new interfaces to control topic creation
> > > (configuration rules and TopicSettings), where there is already a
> > perfectly
> > > good one (AdminClient).
> > >
> > > Ryanne
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 5:08 PM Randall Hauch <rha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Okay, I think I cleaned up the formatting issues in the KIP wiki
> page.
> > > And
> > > > while implementing I realized that it'd be helpful to be able to
> limit
> > > via
> > > > the connector configuration and the rules which topics are created. I
> > > added
> > > > the `topic.creation.${ruleName}.policy` behavior, with possible
> values
> > > of
> > > > "create" (the default), "autocreate" (to specify that Connect should
> > let
> > > > the broker autocreate any matching topics), and "fail" (to specify
> that
> > > > Connect should not allow the creation of topics whose names match the
> > > > rule's regular expression).
> > > >
> > > > Let me know what you think. I'd like to start voting soon, but
> because
> > I
> > > > made the above change I'll wait a few days.
> > > >
> > > > Best regards,
> > > >
> > > > Randall
> > > >
> > > > On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 9:41 PM Randall Hauch <rha...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Thanks, Magesh.
> > > > >
> > > > > All, I've made a few very minor changes to some JavaDocs and the
> > > > > signatures of the name-value pair methods in TopicSettings
> > interface. I
> > > > > also described as a fifth rejected alternative why this KIP does
> not
> > > > modify
> > > > > any topic settings for existing topics. All of these are pretty
> > minor,
> > > > but
> > > > > I'm happy to hear about issues or suggestions.
> > > > >
> > > > > Since the above changes were very minor, I'll kick off a vote to
> > accept
> > > > > this KIP unless I hear something in the next day or two. Note that
> > this
> > > > KIP
> > > > > has been around in virtually the exact form for over a year.
> > > > >
> > > > > Best regards,
> > > > >
> > > > > Randall
> > > > >
> > > > > On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 9:17 PM Magesh Nandakumar <
> > > mage...@confluent.io>
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >> Randall,
> > > > >>
> > > > >> I originally thought that this proposal was a config only topic
> > > settings
> > > > >> and hence made the comment about configs being pass through. I
> just
> > > > >> realized that the connectors can also override and provide the
> > > > >> TopicSettings. With that in mind, I think the proposal looks
> great.
> > > > >> Looking forward to the feature.
> > > > >>
> > > > >> Thanks,
> > > > >> Magesh
> > > > >>
> > > > >> On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 8:53 PM Magesh Nandakumar <
> > > mage...@confluent.io
> > > > >
> > > > >> wrote:
> > > > >>
> > > > >> > I was wondering if it would be much simpler to just do a
> > > pass-through
> > > > so
> > > > >> > that we can support any topic setting added in Kafka without any
> > > code
> > > > >> > changes in connect. Since these are for topics that will have
> the
> > > > actual
> > > > >> > data stream, users might possibly need more flexibility in terms
> > of
> > > > how
> > > > >> the
> > > > >> > topics get created.
> > > > >> >
> > > > >> > Thanks
> > > > >> > Magesh
> > > > >> >
> > > > >> > On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 4:56 PM Randall Hauch <rha...@gmail.com
> >
> > > > wrote:
> > > > >> >
> > > > >> >> Do you think we should support name-value pairs, too?
> > > > >> >>
> > > > >> >> On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 6:41 PM Magesh Nandakumar <
> > > > >> mage...@confluent.io>
> > > > >> >> wrote:
> > > > >> >>
> > > > >> >> > Randall,
> > > > >> >> >
> > > > >> >> > Thanks a lot for the KIP. I think this would be a great
> > addition
> > > > for
> > > > >> >> many
> > > > >> >> > source connectors.
> > > > >> >> > One clarification I had was regarding the topic settings that
> > can
> > > > be
> > > > >> >> > configured. Is it limited to the setting exposed in the
> > > > TopicSettings
> > > > >> >> > interface?
> > > > >> >> >
> > > > >> >> > Thanks
> > > > >> >> > Magesh
> > > > >> >> >
> > > > >> >> > On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 7:59 PM Randall Hauch <
> > rha...@gmail.com>
> > > > >> wrote:
> > > > >> >> >
> > > > >> >> > > Okay, after much delay let's try this again for AK 2.1. Has
> > > > anyone
> > > > >> >> found
> > > > >> >> > > any concerns? Stephane suggested that we allow updating
> topic
> > > > >> >> > > configurations (everything but partition count). I'm
> > > unconvinced
> > > > >> that
> > > > >> >> > it's
> > > > >> >> > > worth the additional complexity in the implementation and
> the
> > > > >> >> > documentation
> > > > >> >> > > to explain the behavior. Changing several of the
> > topic-specific
> > > > >> >> > > configurations have significant impact on broker behavior /
> > > > >> >> > functionality,
> > > > >> >> > > so IMO we need to proceed more cautiously.
> > > > >> >> > >
> > > > >> >> > > Stephane, do you have a particular use case in mind for
> > > updating
> > > > >> topic
> > > > >> >> > > configurations on an existing topic?
> > > > >> >> > >
> > > > >> >> > > Randall
> > > > >> >> > >
> > > > >> >> > >
> > > > >> >> > > On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 4:20 PM Randall Hauch <
> > > rha...@gmail.com>
> > > > >> >> wrote:
> > > > >> >> > >
> > > > >> >> > > > The KIP deadline for 1.1 has already passed, but I'd like
> > to
> > > > >> restart
> > > > >> >> > this
> > > > >> >> > > > discussion so that we make the next release. I've not yet
> > > > >> addressed
> > > > >> >> the
> > > > >> >> > > > previous comment about *existing* topics, but I'll try to
> > do
> > > > that
> > > > >> >> over
> > > > >> >> > > the
> > > > >> >> > > > next few weeks. Any other comments/suggestions/questions?
> > > > >> >> > > >
> > > > >> >> > > > Best regards,
> > > > >> >> > > >
> > > > >> >> > > > Randall
> > > > >> >> > > >
> > > > >> >> > > > On Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 12:13 AM, Randall Hauch <
> > > > rha...@gmail.com
> > > > >> >
> > > > >> >> > wrote:
> > > > >> >> > > >
> > > > >> >> > > >> Oops. Yes, I meant “replication factor”.
> > > > >> >> > > >>
> > > > >> >> > > >> > On Oct 4, 2017, at 7:18 PM, Ted Yu <
> yuzhih...@gmail.com
> > >
> > > > >> wrote:
> > > > >> >> > > >> >
> > > > >> >> > > >> > Randall:
> > > > >> >> > > >> > bq. AdminClient currently allows changing the
> > replication
> > > > >> >> factory.
> > > > >> >> > > >> >
> > > > >> >> > > >> > By 'replication factory' did you mean 'replication
> > > factor' ?
> > > > >> >> > > >> >
> > > > >> >> > > >> > Cheers
> > > > >> >> > > >> >
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 9:58 AM, Randall Hauch <
> > > > >> rha...@gmail.com
> > > > >> >> >
> > > > >> >> > > >> wrote:
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> Currently the KIP's scope is only topics that don't
> yet
> > > > >> exist,
> > > > >> >> and
> > > > >> >> > we
> > > > >> >> > > >> have
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> to cognizant of race conditions between tasks with
> the
> > > same
> > > > >> >> > > connector.
> > > > >> >> > > >> I
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> think it is worthwhile to consider whether the KIP's
> > > scope
> > > > >> >> should
> > > > >> >> > > >> expand to
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> also address *existing* partitions, though it may not
> > be
> > > > >> >> > appropriate
> > > > >> >> > > to
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> have as much control when changing the topic settings
> > for
> > > > an
> > > > >> >> > existing
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> topic. For example, changing the number of partitions
> > > > (which
> > > > >> the
> > > > >> >> > KIP
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> considers a "topic-specific setting" even though
> > > > technically
> > > > >> it
> > > > >> >> is
> > > > >> >> > > not)
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> shouldn't be done blindly due to the partitioning
> > > impacts,
> > > > >> and
> > > > >> >> IIRC
> > > > >> >> > > you
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> can't reduce them (which we could verify before
> > > applying).
> > > > >> >> Also, I
> > > > >> >> > > >> don't
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> think the AdminClient currently allows changing the
> > > > >> replication
> > > > >> >> > > >> factory. I
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> think changing the topic configs is less problematic
> > both
> > > > >> from
> > > > >> >> what
> > > > >> >> > > >> makes
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> sense for connectors to verify/change and from what
> the
> > > > >> >> AdminClient
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> supports.
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> Even if we decide that it's not appropriate to change
> > the
> > > > >> >> settings
> > > > >> >> > on
> > > > >> >> > > >> an
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> existing topic, I do think it's advantageous to at
> > least
> > > > >> notify
> > > > >> >> the
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> connector (or task) prior to the first record sent
> to a
> > > > given
> > > > >> >> topic
> > > > >> >> > > so
> > > > >> >> > > >> that
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> the connector can fail or issue a warning if it
> doesn't
> > > > meet
> > > > >> its
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> requirements.
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> Best regards,
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> Randall
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 12:52 AM, Stephane Maarek <
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> steph...@simplemachines.com.au> wrote:
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> Hi Randall,
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> Thanks for the KIP. I like it
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> What happens when the target topic is already
> created
> > > but
> > > > >> the
> > > > >> >> > > configs
> > > > >> >> > > >> do
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> not match?
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> i.e. wrong RF, num partitions, or missing /
> additional
> > > > >> configs?
> > > > >> >> > Will
> > > > >> >> > > >> you
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> attempt to apply the necessary changes or throw an
> > > error?
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> Thanks!
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> Stephane
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> On 24/5/17, 5:59 am, "Mathieu Fenniak" <
> > > > >> >> > > mathieu.fenn...@replicon.com
> > > > >> >> > > >> >
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> wrote:
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>    Ah, yes, I see you a highlighted part that
> > should've
> > > > made
> > > > >> >> this
> > > > >> >> > > >> clear
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>    to me the first read. :-)  Much clearer now!
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>    By the way, enjoyed your Debezium talk in NYC.
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>    Looking forward to this Kafka Connect change; it
> > will
> > > > >> allow
> > > > >> >> me
> > > > >> >> > to
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>    remove a post-deployment tool that I hacked
> > together
> > > > for
> > > > >> the
> > > > >> >> > > >> purpose
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>    of ensuring auto-created topics have the right
> > > config.
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>    Mathieu
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>    On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 11:38 AM, Randall Hauch <
> > > > >> >> > > rha...@gmail.com>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> wrote:
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>> Thanks for the quick feedback, Mathieu. Yes, the
> > first
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> configuration
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> rule
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>> whose regex matches will be applied, and no other
> > rules
> > > > >> will
> > > > >> >> be
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> used. I've
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>> updated the KIP to try to make this more clear, but
> > let
> > > > me
> > > > >> >> know
> > > > >> >> > if
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> it's
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>> still not clear.
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>> Best regards,
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>> Randall
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>> On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 10:07 AM, Mathieu Fenniak <
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>> mathieu.fenn...@replicon.com> wrote:
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>> Hi Randall,
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>> Awesome, very much looking forward to this.
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>> It isn't 100% clear from the KIP how multiple
> > > > config-based
> > > > >> >> rules
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> would
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>> be applied; it looks like the first configuration
> > rule
> > > > >> whose
> > > > >> >> > regex
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>> matches the topic name will be used, and no other
> > > rules
> > > > >> will
> > > > >> >> be
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>> applied.  Is that correct?  (I wasn't sure if it
> > might
> > > > >> >> cascade
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>> together multiple matching rules...)
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>> Looks great,
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>> Mathieu
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>> On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 1:43 PM, Randall Hauch <
> > > > >> >> > rha...@gmail.com>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> wrote:
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>> Hi, all.
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>> We recently added the ability for Kafka Connect
> to
> > > > create
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> *internal*
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>> topics
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>> using the new AdminClient, but it still would be
> > > great
> > > > if
> > > > >> >> Kafka
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> Connect
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>> could do this for new topics that result from
> > source
> > > > >> >> connector
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> records.
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>> I've outlined an approach to do this in "KIP-158
> > > Kafka
> > > > >> >> Connect
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>> should
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>> allow
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>> source connectors to set topic-specific settings
> > for
> > > > new
> > > > >> >> > > >> >> topics".
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>> *
> > > > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>> 158%3A+Kafka+Connect+should+
> > > allow+source+connectors+to+
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>> set+topic-specific+settings+for+new+topics
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>> <
> > > > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>> 158%3A+Kafka+Connect+should+
> > > allow+source+connectors+to+
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>> set+topic-specific+settings+for+new+topics>*
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>> Please take a look and provide feedback. Thanks!
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>> Best regards,
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>> Randall
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>>
> > > > >> >> > > >> >>
> > > > >> >> > > >>
> > > > >> >> > > >
> > > > >> >> > > >
> > > > >> >> > >
> > > > >> >> >
> > > > >> >>
> > > > >> >
> > > > >>
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > *Gwen Shapira*
> > Product Manager | Confluent
> > 650.450.2760 <(650)%20450-2760> | @gwenshap
> > Follow us: Twitter <https://twitter.com/ConfluentInc> | blog
> > <http://www.confluent.io/blog>
> >

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